
JOURNEY FORWARD®with Joree Rose will bring you interviews, personal anecdotes, science-backed tools and inspiration to help you consciously create the life you want to live. You’ll hear how Joree was able to turn her life around, push past the fears, anxieties and old, out-dated stories that she thought defined her, and find her true happiness, and how you can do the same!! Through the foundation of mindfulness, meditation, and mindset, sprinkled with just the right amount of spirituality, laughter, and pixie dust, Joree will guide you to get unstuck from what’s holding you back from living in alignment with your heart, mind and values.
Be sure to subscribe to Joree’s podcast so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes. And if the episode speaks to you, please leave a rating and review so we can be sure to spread the word so more people can Journey Forward® to living their best life.
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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

Episodes (click on title to view details):

229: How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser, with Dr. John Schinnerer

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Anyone who has ever been a people-pleaser can know how hard it is to be in relationships that don’t have reciprocity. It can feel like we give and give and give, and just because we are connected in the relationship, can think it’s enough, when in reality, we end up feeling depleted and resentful. In this joint episode, with my partner in life and love, Dr. John Schinnerer, we talk about 6 areas that people-pleasers can get stuck in or struggle with, along with some of the context that may lead you to becoming a people-pleaser. The 6 areas that we go in depth into are: difficulty drawing boundaries, feeling an overactive sense of guilt, being conflict avoidant, having a fear of loneliness, building resentment and not knowing what your needs are. If you are someone that feels an imbalance in your relationships, and wants greater insight into why you may be doing what you’re doing, and have the tools to shift into healthier relationship patterns, then this episode is for you. 

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

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In this conversation with one of my soul sisters, Shari Teigman, we talk about the journey of self-discovery, the courage to create change in the face of the unknown, how to stop believing the story you tightly hold on to, and how to forge your path using inner wisdom, trust and faith. As a former people pleaser, Shari got lost in a life that wasn’t her, and having always been an out of the box thinker, she used her intuitive skills to embody her own wild woman inside, and now guides others in doing the same. As a performance mentor and creative strategist, Shari’s passion is helping you live your optimal life. If you are someone who is ready to remove the self-imposed, real or perceived roadblocks in your life, then this episode is for you.


About Shari:

Shari is a performance coach and creative business strategist who teaches the Maverick Method to become the optimal you for your optimal life and business. 

She works with high level CEOs, entrepreneurs and startups to unleash their inner Maverick and to remove the bottlenecks that keep them stuck and small to catapult into the next level of well-being and success in all areas. 


Part loving mama part tough love, Shari walks with you to help you change why you don’t stick to what you commit to, teach you a new way to face your future and shift your mindset for your own unique blueprint to create what you want in the next level of your business and life. In business for 9 years, Shari works with private clients and now runs the coaching department for one of the biggest sales and marketing training companies in the UK.




228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

227: The Anxious-Avoidant Trap, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

One of the most common struggles many couples face is what’s known as the anxious-avoidant dance; it looks like this: one partner has an anxious attachment style and gets triggered by her partner needing a time out during an argument, or threatening to leave. The other partner has an avoidant attachment style and gets emotionally flooded during disagreements. During these challenging moments, the anxious partner seeks to turn towards their partner, needing to reconnect in order to calm their physiology. The avoidant person turns away from the relationship, seeking time and space to calm themselves. The anxious partner pursues the avoidant partner verbally and physically, resulting in neither person getting their needs met. And even though this is one of the most common relational dynamics we have seen in our private practice assisting couples, one of the best ways to get out of this dance is through awareness and insight into what is occurring; only then can couples get back on the path to rekindle their passion and connection. And unfortunately, we have struggled with this dynamic in our relationship as well! Listen in as we explain what this dynamic is and, more importantly, how to break out of it for a happier and more connected relationship. Here’s a hint: It takes a combination of individual work and relational work to evolve beyond it! If you are someone who is wanting to get out of dysfunctional patterns, then this episode is for you.


To find out more about our upcoming monthly Relationship Master Classes, please visit https://joreerose.com/loveisntenoughmasterclass/.


To find out more about our Fulfilling Relationships Retreat in Costa Rica September 28 – October 5, 2024 at Pura Vida Resort, please visit https://loveisntenough.net/costa-rica/


For information on our Ultimate Relationship Coaching Package, visit https://loveisntenough.net/the-ultimate-relationship-coaching-package/ 


228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

226: Psychedelics for Everyone with Matt Zemon

Audio Player

As trauma affects millions of people around the world, the search for how to heal is ongoing. We are now in the beginning of what’s considered to be the psychedelic renaissance as there has been a re-emergence of using psychedelics for healing; the research behind it is not only amazing and abundant, but it’s showing that psychedelics are more effective than any pharmaceutical tool in a psychiatrist’s toolbox. This is a thrilling evolution in the field of psychotherapy and many psychedelics are on the verge of being legalized or therapeutic use. The first time that Matt Zemon went on a guided psychedelic journey, he not only learned about himself in a way that he never had before; the way he looked at the world completely changed – for the better! It allowed him to gain insight into the spiritual interconnectivity of everything and understand how this could lead to impactful and lasting healing in a way that he had never before experienced. In this episode, Matt shares the power of psychedelics on how it can change our brain, heal our traumas and shift out of a scarcity and lack mindset into an abundant worldview. We talk about different psychedelics – ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin (or more commonly known as magic mushrooms), ayahuasca and LSD – and how they each differ and how to understand the psychological and healing abilities of plant medicine. If you are someone interested in healing, then this episode is for you.


About Matt:

Matt Zemon, MSc, is a dedicated explorer of the inner world, and a passionate advocate for the thoughtful and responsible use of psychedelics. With a Master of Science in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health with honors from King’s College London, Matt has studied the effects of psychedelics on the mind and the potential for these experiences to serve as a catalyst for positive transformations. His work in this field is motivated by a profound desire to help people navigate the sometimes challenging terrain of the psychedelic experience, and emerge from it with a deeper sense of purpose, connection, and understanding. To reclaim their true self.







228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

225: She Who Wins, with Renee Bauer

Audio Player

For many women, making decisions on the direction of their life isn’t easy. What divorce lawyer and author of the new book She Who Wins, Renee Bauer has discovered is that at the root of these challenges is often worthiness issues, the fear of being uncomfortable, especially in the unknown, and being in the habit of being a people pleaser. Renee has identified that many women are stuck in a “good girl complex” in which they were socialized to smile, be polite and not disappoint, which has not only prevented authenticity but leads to an inability to expand themselves and their lives. In this episode, Renee shares her framework to guide women to winning in all aspects of their lives. It comes down to this: how you nurture your soul impacts how you show up in the world. If you are ready to let go of the habits and mindsets that are holding you back, then this episode is for you.

About Renee: Renee has been a divorce attorney for over 20 years. She is founder and Managing attorney of Happily Even After Family Law located in Connecticut. She is an international speaker, author of 3 other books – Divorce in Connecticut, The

Ultimate Guide to Solo and Small Firm Success, and the children’s book Percy’s Imperfectly Perfect Family.

She hosts the annual She Who Wins Summit, a live event created to inspire, motivate and challenge women to move forward bravely in their personal and business lives. Her impact has been recognized by Success Magazine where she was nominated as a Woman of Influence and with awards such as Litigator of the Year, Women-Owned Business of the Year, and New Leaders in the Law. She has been featured in multiple media outlets such as the International Business Times, Comment Central, AP News, NBC, FOX, and iHeart Radio.


IG: https://www.instagram.com/msreneebauer/

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

224: Argue Effectively with Your Partner, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

To join our monthly relationship Master Class series: https://joreerose.com/loveisntenoughmasterclass/

Let’s face it: couples argue. Disagreements are inevitable. Arguing is not a problem; in fact, there’s a lot of authenticity & freedom in being able to express yourself fully, even when you’re angry. The problem is when arguing is ineffective & anger & insults damage the safety & security of your relationship. However, there are proven ways that you can argue better; ways that actually benefit your partnership. In this episode, you’ll learn the scientifically-proven rules to fight fair, argue well, repair quickly & ultimately resolve those long-standing disagreements. This is actually a recording based on a live workshop we did, and thought it was too good not to share. So, if you are someone who is finding yourself in repeating cycles of conflict with your partner, and you’re not sure how to get out of the cycle of disconnection and into a pattern of more aligned connection, despite any challenge you face, then this episode is for you.

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

223: Disentangling Enmeshed Family Dynamics, with Mary Beth Somich

Audio Player

As a therapist, Mary Beth is passionate about guiding millennials in modern mental health, which she defines as support that is accessible and relatable so that there is an increase in healing. A main focus of her practice is helping teens and young adults understand how to navigate boundaries and individuation if they are in an enmeshed family system. Enmeshment occurs when there is a lack of boundaries, often rooted in a parent (often the mother) getting her emotional needs met by her children, rather than from a partner or friends. This dynamic prevents young adults from easily voicing their own needs, wants or desires because the expectation puts the parent’s needs above theirs. Mary Beth shares strategies, tools and insights on how to shift out of these unhealthy patterns so that they can develop healthy relational dynamics in their future. If you are someone who has been affected by an enmeshed family system or would like to support someone who you know is, then this episode is for you!


About Mary Beth: Mary Beth Somich is a licensed therapist with a group private practice located in North Carolina called Your Journey Through. She completed her graduate training at Columbia University and specializes in family dynamic work with teens and adults. Mary Beth is passionate about promoting modern mental health and making therapy accessible and relatable. She offers courses and business coaching to therapists to help them expand their reach on social media, build thriving private practices, and generate passive income streams. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourjourneythrough/

Therapy Website: https://www.yourjourneythrough.com/

Website for Therapists: https://www.instagrowthfortherapists.com/home

Podcast: https://www.mytherapistthinks.com/

Enmeshment Quiz: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5f16de5959b56b0026662110?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fstan.store%2Fyourjourneythrough

Family Enmeshment Exploration Prompts: https://stan.store/yourjourneythrough/p/say-hello-to-healthy-family-boundaries 

Boundary-Setting Blueprint: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5ef271ba6f58290026109eeb?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fl.instagram.com%2F

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

222: Master Class on Romantic Relationships, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

To join our year long monthly Master Classes series please visit https://joreerose.com/theawaremethodmasterclass/

One of the most important pillars of a happy, thriving life is your relationship with your partner. Yet, so many of us struggle in this area.  What do you need to be more satisfied in your relationship? How do you get your needs met? How do you put an end to having the same frikkin’ arguments over and over? How do you get a handle on your anger so your partner feels safe and secure in the relationship? Listen in on the first Master Class on Relationships and find out!

This is the overview of all the skills and tools you need to create a loving, fulfilling, positive relationship. John and I were so excited about our first Master Class we wanted to share it with you as a gift.

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

221: Real Love Ready, with Robin Ducharme

Audio Player

Who doesn’t love love? But loving love and wanting to bring love into your life does not always mean that you’re ready for the love you want to experience. In this conversation with Real Love Ready founder Robin Ducharme, we talk about all things love, specifically on the ways we strive to be better in relationships. Building relationship skills, being more vulnerable and understanding our partners from an aware place helps us to navigate the changing seasons of our own lives while also trying to see our partners from an emotionally aware place. Sometimes this is easier said than done, which is why love is not enough. If you are someone who seeks to cultivate or maintain an authentic and loving partnership, this episode is for you.

About Robin: Robin Ducharme is the founder of Real Love Ready, a platform devoted to nurturing connections in both romantic and non-romantic relationships while supporting personal growth.

Real Love Ready provides a joyful space for individuals to acquire essential relationship skills. Robin brings together world-class psychologists, therapists, and relationship coaches to offer guidance for deepening relationships and self-discovery.

Drawing from her experience as a professional matchmaker and love coach, Robin understands the transformative potential of relationships. Under her leadership, Real Love Ready connects a diverse community with relationship experts through various channels, including their weekly podcast, Let’s Talk Love and weekly  Instagram Live Q&A sessions. Each year, RLR hosts In Bloom, a large in-person (and virtual) Love & Relationship Summit in Vancouver, BC. Robin is dedicated to enriching lives and relationships, offering a path to lasting personal and interpersonal growth.

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

220: Create an Extraordinary Relationship, with Linda & Charlie Bloom

Audio Player

Join John and I in our new monthly Master Class series: https://joreerose.com/theawaremethodmasterclass/


And join us in Costa Rica Sept 28-Oct. 5, 2024: https://joreerose.com/retreats/costa-rica/


In this joint episode with my partner Dr. John Schinnerer, we talk with esteemed therapists, Charlie and Linda Bloom, who were an integral part of our healing after our breakup. Married for over 54 years, they have been doing joint couples work for over 40 years, leading workshops and courses all over the world, and are the authors of 5 books; the most recent is An End To Arguing, which we talk about in this episode. Charlie and Linda share valuable, insightful and practical tools for how couples can work towards and maintain a strong relationship, despite hardships, of which they have survived many. Beginning with a shared value of being lifelong learners, they have always taken the time for personal growth which has served as the foundation for their relationship, as they’ve always been inspired to aim higher. In this episode we talk about the 3 words you should never say to your partner in an argument, how you can have a breakdown become a breakthrough instead of a breakup, and how relationships are spiritual practices. When you can self-reflect and take responsibility for your emotions and experience, reveal with vulnerability what you are feeling rather than conceal it, and continue to communicate until you are feeling complete after an argument, then you can truly reside in the safety of a secure relationship. If you are someone who is interested in building an extraordinary relationship, then this episode is for you.


About Linda & Charlie: Linda Bloom, LCSW and Charlie Bloom, MSW have been married since 1972. Trained as psychotherapists and relationship counselors, they have worked with individuals, couples, groups, and organizations since 1975 and have lectured and taught at learning institutes throughout the USA and internationally, including the Esalen Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and The Northern California Mindfulness Institute. They have authored five books, including the best seller, 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married: Simple Lessons to Make Love Last (over 100,000 sold), Secrets of Great Marriages, Happily Ever After… and 39 Other Myths about Love, That which Doesn’t Kill Us: How One Couple Became Stronger at the Broken Places, and An End to Arguing: 101 Valuable Lessons for All Relationships. They are founders and co-directors of Bloomwork, based in Santa Cruz, California. Their website is http://www.bloomwork.com


Here are the links for their Esalen and Kripalu Workshops. The Kripalu dates are Feb 9-11 and the Esalen dates are May 24-26.


Kripalu: https://kripalu.org/presenters-programs/secrets-great-relationships

Esalen: https://www.esalen.org/workshops/secrets-of-great-relationships-for-individuals-and-couples-052424


228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

219: Creating Deep Healing Connections in Your Relationship, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

Join John and I in our new monthly Master Class series: https://joreerose.com/theawaremethodmasterclass/


And join us in Costa Rica Sept 28-Oct. 5, 2024: https://joreerose.com/retreats/costa-rica/


In this joint episode with my partner Dr. John Schinnerer, we share more of our journey towards healing and (re)connection after our short breakup. This part of our story has very spiritual components from working with a spiritual healer after John had a massive eye emergency, psilocybin journeys that deepened our connection to nature, and saving a baby owl from my pool. All of these experiences continued to open our eyes and allow us to look through a new lens, help us see what we weren’t able to see clearly before, and showed us where our own blindspots appeared in our own self and our relationship. Not only were these fascinating experiences, but it propelled us deeper into vulnerability, strengthening our relationship in ways we’d never been able to access before. We also share how couples can begin to deepen their own relationships.


To learn more about John: http://www.theevolvedcaveman.com

228: Be the F**king Maverick that You Are, with Shari Teigman

218: How to Survive a Narcissistic Relationship, with Dr. Jaime Zuckerman

Audio Player

It sounds that bad because it is that bad! If you or anyone you know has had the unfortunate experience of being in a relationship with a narcissist, then you know that it is far beyond simply a toxic or unhealthy relationship. And in order to survive it, your best armor is awareness of the patterns so that you can not only depersonalize what is being done to you, but so that you can know how to best plan your exit strategy and maintain boundaries. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jaime Zuckerman who is an expert in guiding her clients through understanding narcissism – what it is and what it isn’t – as well as how to successfully get out of these relationship traps. She covers specifically what it looks like being in relationship with a narcissist as well as the stages of relationship with a narcissist from dating, marriage, divorce and post-divorce. We even cover what to do if you are a young adult or adult child of a narcissistic parent. If you or someone you know is in relationship with a narcissist or perhaps aren’t sure if you are in relationship with a narcissist, then this episode is for you!


About Jaime: Dr. Jaime Zuckerman is a national expert in narcissistic abuse and a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of adults with anxiety and mood disorders. She is a highly sought-after relationship coach for both men and women nationwide who are experiencing, or have experienced, narcissistic abuse in relationships of all types. She also is owner of The Z Group, a therapy practice specializing in the treatment of adults with mood disorders, anxiety, relationship difficulties and the impact of life’s everyday stress. 


Dr. Z is a frequent contributor to several media outlets including Vogue, Elle Magazine, Shape, Women’s Health, The Washington Post, The Harvard Business Review, CBS3 Philadelphia, NBC10 Philadelphia, PHL17, and FOX29 News. She has also made guest appearances on several podcasts. 


In April 2022, Dr. Z released her first book, Find Your Calm: A Workbook to Manage Anxiety. It is an interactive guide that offers various exercises to help reduce daily stress and anxiety. Dr. Zuckerman’s second book, Find Good Habits: A Workbook for Daily Growth, was released August 2022. Dr. Zuckerman is also the host of the It’s Me, Dr. Z podcast. 








217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

Audio Player

Join my new upcoming Master Class series on The AWARE Method, practices and tools to cultivate more aligned, authentic and connected relationships: https://joreerose.com/theawaremethodmasterclass/


As a psychiatrist with a passion for helping people alleviate their pain so that their lives and relationships can thrive, along with being an on-camera relationship expert, Dr. Ish Major shares an enormous amount of helpful information on how to live with greater internal peace, acceptance, and ultimately greater connection to ourselves and others. In this episode, Dr. Ish explains how pain is the connection between addiction and unhealthy relationships in that there can be a universal feeling of being unlovable or unworthy, which can lead someone to look for evidence that those beliefs are true. We talk about our origin stories, how we can be the superhero of our own story, as well as how to let our old stories go, allowing us to be more present and open to healing so that we can create authentic connection. If you are someone who wants to thrive in relationship, has a habit of getting in your own way, and are wanting to learn how to live more aligned and in healthy relationship to yourself and others, then this episode is for you.


About Ish: Dr. Ish Major has spent the last 20 years demystifying the male psyche and helping men and women navigate their way through the relationship jungle. Educated at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Dr. Ish is a board-certified psychiatrist who specializes in women, children, families, substance abuse and all things dating, mating and relating. Dr. Ish was named to the prestigious list of America’s Top Psychiatrists for the last 3 years and is recognized by the International Association of Healthcare Professionals as one of Leading Physicians of the World. 


As an on-camera expert, Dr. Ish is the co-host of WeTV’s hit series Marriage & Family Boot Camp Reality Stars and Amazon’s Counsel Culture presented by Nick Cannon. He is a frequent guest host on The Doctors and resident expert on The Nick Cannon Show, The Daily Blast Live, Access Hollywood Live, Steve, and The Today Show. He’s appeared with the likes of Kourtney Kardashian, Carrie Fisher, Brooke Shields, Howie Mandel, Ne-Yo, AnnaLynne McCord, August Alsina and Carmen Electra where he brought his expertise to WeTV’s Ex Isle as they helped couples break free from past relationships that were holding them back! He’s also been featured in People, In Touch, O Mag, Women’s Health, Cosmo, USA Today, Match.com and Shade 45 on Sirius XM.


IG: Dr_Ish_Major

Twitter: DrIshMajor

FB: Dr Ish Major

website: http://www.drishmajor.com


217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

216: It’s All About Connection, with Dr. John Schinnerer

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It has become evident to both John and I that at the root of all happy and fulfilled relationships are deep connections. Connection is something that we all say we want and yet not many of us know how to actually achieve it in a way that is truly fulfilling and sustainable. In this episode, we share some stories from our recent trip to Africa that highlight the importance and value of connection. We also share personal anecdotes from our own relationship, in our journey to develop deeper connection with one another, as well as some patterns and experiences that we see with clients, in which connection is not achieved, compromised, or simply not existent. The good news is that the tools to achieve deeply connected relationships are learnable. And John and I are excited to be offering new ways for which you can learn more about yourself, the barriers to your own ability to connect vulnerably and authentically with others, as well as relational tools to strengthen any partnership that has the desire to grow. If you are someone who wants a happier and more fulfilling relationship, then this episode is for you.


To follow John:

IG: @theevolvedcaveman

Website: http://www.theevolvedcaveman.com


217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

215: Small Hinges that Lead to Big Changes, with Lindsay O’Neill

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After having a traumatic accident while pregnant with her 3rd daughter, Lindsay O’neill had no choice but to find a path that led her to lasting health. Coming from a career in tech, to then becoming certified in culinary medicine, she was able to reverse her autoimmune conditions, and ultimately founded a company to help others embody health through mindfulness, meals, movement, and magic, which are the spiritual and supportive tools to shift your energy to heal. In this conversation we talk about the power of gratitude, why addressing the root of your pain is the key to releasing it, and how powerful 9 months can be to create a lasting transformation. If you are someone who has spent too much time looking in the rear view mirror, and is ready to face in the direction of healing and growth, then this episode is for you.


About Lindsay: Lindsay O’Neill is the founder of Small Hinges Health, Certified Culinary Medicine Chef, Wellness Coach, Board Member #HalfTheStory, Partner Ammortal, TedX Speaker and career Ai/Data Technologist. During her 20+ year career in tech, she was hailed by Forbes, CBS News and Crain’s NY as a top entrepreneur.


Lindsay has run teams that built platforms to automate marketing decisions using Big Data in milliseconds! So when she got sick with a chronic inflammatory disease, she turned to her expertise in data collection and utilization to help figure out the cause of her illness and address it effectively. Lindsay’s Trademarked Small Hinges Method utilizes efficacious data to identify the most important, yet simple, changes to make your diet and lifestyle for optimal health, happiness and longevity.


She believes that you DON’T have to change everything to change everything – small hinges swing the big door of positive change. Lindsay joined the Ammortal team in 2023 to pair her passion and expertise in “fuel” (culinary medicine) with “energy” for transformational healing of the masses.



IG: @smallhinges @lindzoneill


217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

214: Energy Follows Thoughts, with Danielle LaPorte

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In this beautiful conversation with Danielle LaPorte, we talk about how to tune into the intelligence of your heart so that you can live a more conscious, heart-centered, resilient, spiritual life led with presence and lovingkindness. We cover many of the tenets in her new book, How to Be Loving, which highlights the power of self-compassion so that we can do our shadow work, be open to higher guidance and ultimately see through a lens of love. Danielle shares her journey of being a seeker of Truth and the various routes she has taken to live within the truth of her life, especially when managing emotional pain, hardship, and curveballs. We talk about how to be intentional in what you digest – everything from social media, energy, other people and even music – because the subconscious self is not a mature self, and we need to be wise of what we receive and believe. Among many other beautiful tips and practices, Danielle shares how to lean into discomfort without the need to quickly dismiss it, but to rather allow yourself to be in the impermanence of the discomfort, and then focus in on a loving thought. If you are someone who wants to lean into more spirituality, love, presence and healing, then this episode is for you.


About Danielle: 

Danielle LaPorte is the creator of the Heart Centered Membership and the Heart Centered Leadership Program with 400+ leaders in 30 countries hosting conversation circles, retreats, and workshops in all kinds of communities and businesses.She’s a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 and the former director of a future studies think tank in Washington, DC, where she managed a team creating global scenario plans. She now speaks about the intelligence of the heart. 

This most recent book, How To Be Loving…when your heart is breaking open and the world is waking up, is also an Audiobook + ebook, with a companion Journal. Danielle is also the author of The Fire Starter Sessions, White Hot Truth, and The Desire Map, and producer of dozens of meditation kits and online programs for spiritual support.


Her podcast, With Love, Danielle, often ranks in iTunes’ top 10 for wellness. Most of her offerings—from the Heart Centered Membership to classes—are on a pay what you choose basis. Named one of the Top 100 Websites for Women by Forbes, millions of people a month visit DanielleLaPorte.com. Her charities of choice are Ally Global, helping survivors of human trafficking to rebuild their lives (@allyglobal), Trees Sisters’ reforestation projects (@treesisters_official), and VDay, a movement to end violence against women and girls (@vdayorg). 




217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

213: Chakra Empowerment to Heal with Lisa Erickson

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The energy body is what flows between our physical, psychic and spiritual, and whatever we experience impacts our energy. Whether we are simply going through different life phases or transitions, have experienced illness or trauma, our energy is not only affected but can get stuck in an energy center, also known as our chakras. In this episode, I talk with Lisa Erickson, who is an energy worker specializing in trauma healing and guiding her clients in how to self-guide in clearing their chakras, so that they can ultimately be the source of their own healing. Lisa clearly explains what each energy center means, including what it looks like when the energy is stuck, along with valuable visualizations and affirmations for clearing. If you are someone who would like to rewire the vibrational pattern in their body, release old reactive patterns based on old traumas or emotional challenges, or simply want more insight into how to heighten your awareness of your mind/body connection, then this episode is for you. 


About Lisa: Lisa Erickson is an energy worker specializing in women’s energetics, sexual trauma healing, chakra manifestation, and kundalini awakening. She is the author of Chakra Empowerment for Women and The Art and Science of Meditation both published by Llewellyn Worldwide. Lisa is certified in mindfulness meditation instruction and trauma sensitivity, and has trained in a variety of energy healing and somatic modalities. She is a member of The Breathe Network, a non-profit dedicated to supporting holistic healing and healers for sexual trauma survivors. 







217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

212: Shift Your Life with Meditation, Breathwork and Vibrational Healing with Holly Copeland

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After going through a series of existential and health challenges, Holly Copeland turned to meditation to heal what she had gone through. Recovering from mold poisoning, feeling unfulfilled and disenchanted with a career she had been passionate about, and a marriage that wouldn’t last, she learned how to quiet her mind, and found the alignment and peace she’d been seeking. Turning this newfound personal growth into her new profession, Holly became a coach who helps her clients learn meditation through a nondual awareness approach so that they can know themselves as a fundamentally whole being, dissolving old patterns of the ego and coming into a “true-knowing” nature, which allows them to feel more open and free, with a lens of peace, acceptance and happiness to move through their lives. Holly also guides in breathwork to open chi and release energies, helping others delve into a state of transformation, allowing for reprogramming of old belief systems, along with Biofield Tuning, which clears the traumas and memories we hold in our vibrational field. If you are someone who wants to be inspired on how to be the source of their own healing and happiness through a variety of modalities, then this episode is for you.


About Holly: Holly’s passion lies in helping people discover what it means to step into the flow with life and live in joy and wellbeing while healing their mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Her background weaves certified training in the healing modalities of Breath of Love and Biofield Tuning with Human Potential Coaching, Reiki and Subtle Energy meditation.


With a deep connection to nature from her 25+ year career as a conservation scientist, she founded HeartMind Alchemy to unite ancient wisdom and modern science with three mind-body tools of meditative inquiry, breathwork and vibrational healing to empower clients on their path to human flourishing and upgrading from “ordinary mind” to awake awareness. She guides people out of the muddy waters of the thinking mind to live in flow joyfully and effortlessly from their own inner compass and stable ground of being. She offers vibrational sound healing sessions and coaching to facilitate physical and emotional healing for greater vitality and wellbeing.


217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

211. Processing John’s Grief Over Losing His Son 2 Weeks Ago

Audio Player

Slightly over two weeks ago, John and I came home from an epic Africa trip. The following day, the police came to John’s door to tell him his 23-year-old son, Brett, was dead. 


As always, we try to use experiences in our lives to authentically and honestly teach others – how to feel, how to cope, how to make meaning, and how to rejuvenate and re-open the heart after loss. 


Trigger warning: This one is raw, emotional, and contains discussion about death and grieving. We talk about…


What emotions show up in the emotional turmoil that is grief?

How does grief show up in the body?

How do you make sense of a tragic death afterwards?

What are some of the best things you can say to someone in grief?

What are some best practices to re-engage with life and routine after a death?


Thank you for your support during this difficult time. Thank you for listening. Thank you for the love. Thank you for being you. You matter to us. You are important to us. You are why I do what I do. 


Please share with others if you feel they might benefit from this episode on loss, death and grief.


217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

210: The Power of Being, Not Doing, with Chris Cirak

Audio Player

How often do you feel like you are missing out on your life? Like you’re doing wonderful things but you aren’t really taking it all in because you’re just not fully present? The key to living a fulfilling and satisfying life is to try to be in the here and now (which is easier said than done) and to recognize when your mind has wandered off to the future or the past, or get stuck in judgment  or reactivity. In this episode I talk with Chris Cirak who is an author, speaker and mindfulness and meditation teacher who guides others in building the muscle of awareness, stillness, acceptance and presence, and why connecting to our breath is foundational for experiencing our lives fully. If you are someone who is interested in deepening your journey of increased self-realization, acceptance of yourself and others, as well as shifting out of old outdated belief systems and patterns of conditioning, then this episode is for you.


About Chris: Author, speaker, and meditator Chris Cirak is passionate about turning sophisticated topics into accessible, meaningful, and inspiring experiences. With an extensive background in design, psychology, and tech, he breaks down traditional teachings to make ancient wisdom accessible and discoverable by modern audiences. His BE YOU mindfulness program helps you gain transformative insights by following a simple, step-by-step approach to reacting less and thriving more. In private, Chris enjoys spending time in nature, playing tennis, and writing music. 


FB: https://www.facebook.com/chriscirak/ 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisCirak 

IG: https://www.instagram.com/chriscirak 

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chriscirak 

Official Page: http://www.cirak.com/ 

Freebie: https://cirak.com/promo/ebook 


Book: https://www.cirak.com/be-you-book/ 


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

Join John and I in Costa Rica Sept. 2024 for a relationship retreat; early bird pricing ends Dec. 31, 2023: https://joreerose.com/retreats/costa-rica/


After coming back together after a short, but painful breakup, John and I consciously adopted daily and weekly habits and tools to strengthen our relationship. While we had always put time and attention into our relationship, it didn’t always result in the connection or alignment that we both needed to feel seen, heard, validated or fulfilled. In this episode, we go into detail, sharing what we did differently than before to consciously step towards one another in an effort to demonstrate our love, commitment, and dedication to the relationship. Once again, we share very vulnerable and honest examples and insights into how we healed in the hopes that we can inspire you to create shifts in your relationship. We know that strong relationships are foundational to your happiness and health so we invite you to adopt some of what we have embodied so that you can thrive in your partnership. If you want a stronger relationship then this episode is for you!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

208: How to Create Equity in Your Relationship, with Zach Watson

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Anyone who is in a relationship knows how difficult it can be to divide up the household and child responsibilities. Too often, inequity in partnership can lead to great frustration, build resentment and affect the quality of connection. In this episode, I talk with Zach Watson who is a content creator on the topic of fair play, which is equitable mental and emotional load, along with the benefit of sharing domestic responsibilities. He shares the factors that laid the foundation for an ease of sharing the responsibilities with his wife, including being raised by a mom who taught him to respect women, along with having an inherent interest and desire for personal growth and effective communication. Zach shares in detail the shifts he made when his wife was pregnant, including giving up drinking and wearing a weighted belt so that he could fully embrace and emulate her pregnancy experience, making it their joint pregnancy experience. This is an example of how a small inconvenience can lead to an increase in equity. If you are in a partnership that feels more like one partner is the project manager and the other is the employee, versus you both being like co-founders, and you’d like 


inspiration and tools to create a redistribution of workload and mental load, then this episode is for you.


About Zach:

Zach Watson is an Educational and personal Content creator on mental load and sharing domestic responsibilities

Tiktok: @zachthinkshare

IG: @realzachthinkshare


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

207: Becoming Relational with Terry Real

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Relationships are not easy and love is not enough. And especially when we come from a challenging childhood homelife, we quickly learn what doesn’t feel good and know the patterns we don’t want to continue in our future relationships, but we don’t always know the “how” to do that. In this episode, well-known best-selling author and renowned relational therapist Terry Real shares insights and tools on how to build a foundation of relational awareness so that we can develop healthy and thriving partnerships. He shares how the gift of a dysfunctional family is heightened emotional awareness as it forces you to tune into the micro cues of others’ behaviors, moods, and tone, as well as how to develop a stance of self-protection, as the key is survival. Terry has taken his personal experiences of growing up in a difficult home environment as the foundation for developing a transformative relational style of couple’s therapy that highlights how to overcome your trauma so that you can connect with those you love in a deeper, more connected, intimate and authentic way. In this episode we talk about how to be loving while also confrontational, how to effectively express your needs and how to develop the relationship you desire. If you are someone who struggles with intimacy and connection in your relationships, then this episode is for you.


About Terry: 

Terry has been a practicing family therapist for more than thirty years, and his

work has been featured on NBC Nightly News, Today, Good Morning America,

the CBS Early Show and Oprah, as well as in The New York Times, Psychology

Today, Esquire, and numerous academic publications.


His most recent book Us: Getting Past You & Me to Build a More Loving

Relationship is a New York Times Bestseller. In 2007 his first book I Don’t Want

to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression quickly

became a National Bestseller.


Terry founded the Relational Life Institute (RLI), which is dedicated to teaching

the general public how to live relational lives and to teaching mental health

professionals the practice of Relational Life Therapy. RLI uses Terry’s work to

advance the concept of “Relational Living” to help people address relational and

psychological health in three critical relationship areas: parenting, coupling, and

workforce effectiveness. The institute offers workshops for couples and

professional trainings around the country as well as support services, books, CD’s

and other products.



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

206: From Breakup to Better than Ever, with Dr. John Schinnerer

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Here’s the true story of two therapists who fell in love, struggled in their relationship with some repetitive, seemingly unbreakable patterns that lead to a painful breakup and how they eventually healed to be better than ever. In this Season 5 opener, me and my now-again fiancé, Dr. John Schinnerer, share our very vulnerable journey over the past year of what led to our breakup and how we were able to come back together. We always knew love isn’t enough, and our love for one another was never in question. However, an accumulation of small hurts, combined with wounds and traumas from our past and childhood got in the way of us being able to be fully authentic, vulnerable and ultimately able to hear one another. Despite our education, training and careers, we found ourselves in the painful (and common!) anxious-avoidant dance that many couples get into. And after a couple of months apart, realizing that we were the only ones for each other, we committed to doing the deep work of healing, which has led us to being better than ever, along with the ability to have created new patterns that reflect our love and devotion to growth and a healthy partnership. It is our hope that our honesty inspires other couples to courageously embark on the journey of healing so that you can have the fulfilling and connected relationship you desire.


If this conversation inspires you, then join John and I in Costa Rica for a relationship retreat in which you’ll gain the insights and tools to heal what is standing in the way of the fulfilling relationship you desire. Click here to secure your spot; space is limited. Early bird discounts until the end of 2023.

217: Alleviating Pain So That Relationships Can Thrive, with Dr. Ish Major

205: Raising Daughters with Worth, Esteem and Confidence, with Nellie Harden

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Growing up with worth, esteem and confidence is something we all want for our children, especially our daughters, and yet it is something that is not always easy to accomplish. In absence of these attributes many parents are sending their girls off into the world potentially unprepared to thrive. In this episode, I talk with Nellie Harden, a family life coach and founder of the 6570 Family Project which guides girls in learning to trust themselves, be aligned in their values and embody confidence so she can become the leader of her life! Nellie is passionate about guiding parents in how to decode their daughters so that they can mindfully use the 6570 days before their kids turn 18 to provide a solid foundation for their future. We cover in depth what it looks like to raise girls with worth, esteem and confidence, and ways in which to model these values. Nellie shares her experience in raising 4 daughters, now all teenagers, to be in service to others, be anchored in moments of joy throughout the day, and learn to trust themselves. If you are someone who wants to raise strong girls, this episode is for you.


About Nellie: Nellie is a Family Life & Leadership Coach who focuses on helping parents love & lead their teen/tweens in a way that teaches them to love & lead themselves while building a strong foundation of worth, esteem & confidence all before they leave home! 


It’s so easy to slip into survival mode, feel lost & just try to check the boxes of parenthood & childhood instead of leaning in & finding your unique path to thrive through this 6570 day training ground of your child’s life. 


In The 6570 Family Project, Nellie helps you lead her to a place where she trusts herself, stays aligned in her values and trades chasing worth for standing in her confidence every day in order to face joys and obstacles and become the leader of her own life! 


A wife, mom to 4 teen daughters, author, speaker, podcaster, retired homeschooling parent and adventure chaser. Nellie gets it and delivers her passion and strategy weekly! “The best way to change the world is through one living room at a time”.


Website- https://www.nellieharden.com

5 Things Your Daughter Needs- https://www.nellieharden.com/5needs

Daughter Decoder- https://www.nellieharden.com/daughterdecoder

Podcast- https://www.nellieharden.com/podcast

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyM0VCZ7PmOi0JVQCnTEFcQ

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

204: Better Sex Through Mindfulness, with Dr. Lori Brotto

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Hey ladies! Have you ever experienced a decrease in desire for sex? Or, have you experienced pain associated with sex, preventing you from enjoying it? Or have you ever had a wandering mind (like thinking about what you’re going to make for dinner tomorrow, or setting up a playdate for your kids) that has left you completely not present during sex? If any of this is familiar to you, you’re not alone! In this week’s episode, I talk with Dr. Lori Brotto, a clinical psychologist and sex researcher who has helped women understand their normative and adoptive changes in their sex response so that more pleasurable and enjoyable sex is available to them. She shares her research in which women’s body are positively responding to sexual stimuli with a higher arousal than what is self-reported. This mind/body disconnect can be the result from a myriad of causes such as negative self-talk, chronic stress or fatigue, depression or anxiety, illness, trauma or unhealthy relationships. The solution to creating more synchronicity between the mind and body is mindfulness practice. If you are someone who has ever struggled with sex, then this episode is for you!


About Lori: Dr. Lori Brotto is a Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health. In this role, she is focused on developing safe, effective, and accessible treatments to address highly prevalent sexual concerns in women. She is especially interested in equity issues and as such has increasingly focused on digital health technologies to ensure that more women have access to treatments.


Dr. Brotto is also the Executive Director for the Women’s Health Research Institute—one of only three institutes in Canada devoted to advancing research in women’s health. In this role she supports nearly 500 members across the province to collectively advance our knowledge in all domains of women’s health.


Given the known barriers that women experience in getting accurate health information, Dr. Brotto is also frequently featured in the media, radio, and features in a recent Netflix series, The Principles of Pleasure. She also has two books focused on mindfulness and sexual health (2018 & 2022).


Dr. Brotto believes in the importance of personal story and lived experience in shaping science. As such, she maintains an active practice as a Registered Psychologist where she sees a variety of individuals who want to improve their sex lives.


She is a strong advocate for empowering women to take on leadership roles, and will jump at the chance to speak with young women about pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, and medicine. 





209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

203: Success Doesn’t Come from Misalignment, with Melissa Wright

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Have you ever felt like you’re doing all the “right” things but still aren’t getting to where you want to be in your life? Or like you are following a formula for success, and you are seeing others achieve their goals but you’re not quite reaching yours? If you have experienced this, you are not alone…and probably are looking in all the wrong areas for the solution. In this week’s episode, I interview Melissa Wright, who as an expert in Human Design, explains what Human Design is and how you can use it to understand yourself and how to live in full alignment with your purpose. Your Human Design is your mental, emotional and sacral life force energy that is impacted by cosmos from the moment of your birth and it activates traits specific to you. When you get a reading done, it’ll show you how you can harness your strengths and personality to reach your full potential in the way in which you are uniquely designed. When you are not in alignment with who you actually are, you likely will keep spinning your wheels and never quite achieve that which you seek. In this episode, Melissa explains the basics of Human Design, as well as how to get out of your head and allow your logic and reason to take a back seat so you can tune into your deeper Knowing. If you are someone who feels out of alignment and doesn’t feel like they have achieved their life’s purpose, then this episode is for you.


About Melissa: I was Divinely guided to Human Design and I will be forever grateful. I learned that I had spent my whole life trying to accomplish my goals using strategies that would never work for my Human Design type. I discovered how to release the pressure to do things the way other people were doing them and to finally honor my own unique Design and natural gifts and talents. 


Even though I spent more than 20 years seeking answers, learning every online business strategy available and pursuing many Certifications like my Law of Attraction Coaching Certification and Reiki Master Teacher Certification, it always felt like the answers I was seeking were always just out of reach…Until I discovered Human Design.


Human Design has changed my life so dramatically that I feel I have no choice but to do my best to share this life changing information with as many people as possible. I was able to leave my 6 figure soul-sucking job, start doing my purpose driven work full-time, finally create deeper, genuine relationships in my life, and (probably most importantly) quiet the inner mean girl inside of my head.


My business partner Alison and I have focused on introducing other women who feel like there is something missing in their life to Human Design through our company Guided Life By Design through Individual readings, live events, courses and retreats. We believe that before any great Success Story there is first a Surrender Story, and the greatest surrender you can do is to your Human Design.


Free Human Design resources:

https://chart.guidedlifebydesign.com/ Free custom Human Design Alignment map based on your Human Design chart




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

202: How to Love Yourself to Love Others, with Keishorne Scott

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I don’t think there is anyone who has never experienced the pain of a break-up. It can be one of the most debilitating and devastating things we go through, and can sometimes even prevent us from opening up our hearts to others. Or, breakups can lead to breakthroughs, if we have the awareness and ability to look at ourselves and gain insight and understanding into how not only we can heal, but how we can learn how to grow and be a more evolved, mature self in our next relationship. In this episode, I talk with heartbreak coach Keishorne Scott, who after a difficult breakup over a decade ago learned how to heal, love himself and grow into becoming the partner that he wanted to be. We talk about what healing actually means and how to begin the steps to healing after heartbreak, and how to recognize when you’ve done the healing work enough to begin to move on. Keishorne also vulnerably shares his journey of becoming a stronger man, how to reach out for support to other men, how to take self-inventory so that he can be a better partner, and the value of going to therapy. He also gives tips on how to stay thriving in relationship including the value of weekly check-ins and some helpful questions you can ask your partner during those check-ins. If you are someone who values doing the work to be the best version of yourself in relationship, then this episode is for you.


About Keishorne: Keishorne Scott is a bestselling author, social media creator, relationship and heartbreak expert, speaker, and serial entrepreneur, hailing from Brooklyn, New York. He is a passionate, committed individual who is devoted to providing optimal care and communication to his clients. Having gained a massive following on social media, Keishorne’s thought-provoking posts, videos, and coaching has been the catalyst for many to build stronger relationships, explore their authenticity in relationships, and gain awareness and healing from heartbreaks.


Keishorne’s success in writing, speaking, and coaching has gained him widespread recognition and praise, with him being featured on multiple media outlets such as Forbes, Good Morning America, BBC Radio, News 12, Rolling Out Magazine, ABC News, ABC World News Now, FOX News, Fox 2 Now, MSN.com, Tamron Hall, and Marriage.com. He has a variety of interpersonal/personal relationship strategies that he offers to assist with improving relationships and has been credited with driving many millennials to stable relationships. 


Keishorne is a highly esteemed and influential figure in the relationship and heartbreak field, and continues to grow his brand as his collective social media following continues to expand. He is devoted to providing the best care and communication to his clients and continues to strive for excellence in his work.







209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

201: You’re Not Too F***ing Old with Jen Marples

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You are not too f***king old to do what you f***king what! This is the motto that Jen Marples lives by as she is a champion for mid-life women to live a life of purpose, passion and ease. After having gone through a sh*t-storm of a few years, running a successful PR firm and raising 3 young kids, she had the breakdown that led to the breakthrough resulting in the question of “who am I outside of my roles?” It is all too common and easy for women to just keep going despite the negative impact it has on their health, mental health or relationships. Jen got herself to a place of stability, through therapy, yoga, stillness as well as stepping out of her comfort zone to do things alone so that she could allow serendipity to step in, and now she coaches women on how to do the same. Jen supports women in how to pivot and in this episode walks through the steps you can take to come from a place of joy and ease, how to trust and surrender to the Universe, and how to thrive in mid-life in preparation for the 2nd half being the best half of our lives. If you are someone who has felt burnt out and seeks to live a life filled with more flow and less force, then this episode is for you.


About Jen: Jen is a champion of the midlife woman and a cheerleader for ALL women. She’s an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, podcaster, coach, and leader in the midlife women’s empowerment movement. She puts midlife women first and preaches: You’re Not Too F***ing Old! to do whatever the F you want! Jen hosts The Jen Marples Show podcast, recently featured in Marin Magazine, Tiburon Belvedere Magazine, and Malibu Magazine. The show is dedicated to helping and inspiring midlife women embrace and rock the second and best half of life. With over 100 episodes published to date, Jen has interviewed celebrities, experts, and authors and shared valuable business and life advice. Jen is an accomplished 25+ years marketing executive who ran her successful SF-based firm, Koa Communications, for 12 years. She’s been helping women for decades achieve life and career success and currently offers 1×1 private coaching, masterminds, workshops, and events and is a frequent speaker nationwide. She lives in Marin County with her husband and three teens and can be found chilling out most days in a hot yoga class. 


Find Jen Here:








209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

200: Yoga, Sex & Death with Susan Marrufo

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It can be so difficult to feel as though you have to live your life being a role that has either been placed on you by others, or that you feel obligated out of expectation to be. For some people they can tolerate living in this dissonance and for others, there is no choice but to be a disrupter to the status quo and choose a more aligned path. In this week’s episode, I talk with Susan Maruffo, who in her late 20’s realized that her marriage and her successful career in advertising were leaving her feeling empty, unfulfilled and turning to alcohol to cope. She uprooted herself and delved into the unknown as began a journey to find her voice and healing through yoga, which came with the ego death of everything she had thought about what her life was supposed to be. Ultimately Susan opened Samasara Center, a community for seekers, in which she facilitates yoga, self-inquiry and her signature course and corresponding retreats, Yoga, Sex & Death which is seeing the world through a yogaic lens of everything being a balance of intimacy and letting go. If you are someone who seeks greater intimacy with yourself, and your life, and are more curious about the questions than you are focused on the answers then this episode is for you.


About Susan: Susan Marrufo, MA, E-RYT 500,left the United States and a job in advertising in 2008 to travel internationally and experience life beyond the confines of her cultural conditioning. She received her first 500-hr yoga certification in Thailand in 2009, where she began her studies of the classical yogic scriptures and delved deeply into esoteric tantric philosophy.

After 2 years of teaching month-long tantric based courses on the banks of the Ganges in India and the Pacific coastal towns of Mexico, Susan returned to the US to begin a residential internship with the Kripalu School of Yoga, where she taught in and project managed several Kripalu yoga teacher trainings as well as received her 2nd 500-hr teacher training certification from the Kripalu School of Yoga.

She has since split her time between India, Thailand, and the US, facilitating trauma-informed group courses in the inquiry of yoga, meditation, intimacy, and shadow work.

She is the founder of Samarasa Center.


IG: @samarasacenter


Next Yoga, Sex + Death retreat is June 3rd – 10th in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

199: Developing Your Intuition, with Janet Rae Orth

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Have you ever had the experience in which you just felt something in your body, and wanted to believe it as truth, even if you had no logical reasoning for why you were feeling what you were feeling? You probably have, and this is your body giving you messages, that you likely have been conditioned to ignore. We live in a culture and society in which we value logic, reason, and rationality, and often dismiss what we feel. However, when you can harness this awareness of your gut feelings, you likely will never be steered the wrong way. In this week’s podcast, I talk with clairvoyant Janet Rae Orth, who has been developing her sense of “clear seeing” since she was young. She began doing readings for others, which validated their experiences, often giving them confirmation of what they felt, but were unsure of what to do with what they felt. Janet provides tools and practices to strengthen your own intuitive abilities and how somatic experiences can deepen your connection to your body, emotions and feelings. If you are someone who often gets stuck in your head, and would like to live a more embodied, and intuitive life, trusting the messages your body is telling you, then this episode is for you.


About Janet: Janet is a Clairvoyant and Intuitive with 25 years of experience and specializes in the use of guided meditative imagery to help individuals validate their own intuitive information, release fear, and create change. Janet currently provides Clairvoyant Readings at Miraval Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, gives private readings, healing, and more, and hosts life changing workshops throughout the year in various cities.  






209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

198: Spiritual and Emotional Rehab with Wendy Sterling

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How would you face your challenges differently if you believed that life was happening for you and not to you? What would shift for you if you learned how to stop being a people pleaser and developed the ability for internal, rather than external validation? In this podcast episode, I talk with Wendy Sterling, who is an author and coach, guiding women to uncover their joy, self-worth and freedom. We discuss the challenges of feeling stuck, how to shift from blaming others and feeling like a victim to your life circumstances to being able to take accountability and responsibility for your actions and choices, and more importantly to find the humility to see your role in what unfolds. Wendy is the author of the new book, Divorce Sucks, Now What? And she shares her framework of how to live free from pain, fear and anger and more in abundance and self-love. If you are someone who is tired of feeling stuck in the same cycle of patterns and is ready to finally move into a healthier and more aligned way of living, then this episode is for you!


About Wendy: Wendy Sterling is an international best selling author, leading Divorce Empowerment Coach, and the founder of The Divorce Rehab™. She helps women who are having trouble moving forward and are tired of feeling stuck, in pain, fear, resentment, anger, and guilt to find joy, self-worth, and freedom. Wendy is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), a Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS), and an Advanced ThetaHealer® and Sound Healer. She is the host of her own podcast, The Divorced Woman’s Guide. She has also been featured on NBC, The List, and Daily Blast Live. 






209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

197: How to Get What You Want; Takeaways from my Recent Abraham-Hicks Cruise

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Do you ever have a desire, want something to manifest in your life or set an intention for how you’d like your life to unfold? I know your answer is most certainly a YES! And, of all the desires or intentions you set, how many of them would you say actually come to fruition? My guess is that you’d most likely say only a few have actually worked out the way that you hoped, am I right? What if I told you that it was possible to get more of what you want, more of the time, would you believe me? What if I shared the ways for you to actually achieve your desires, would you engage in those practices? In this episode, I share the wisdom I gained during my recent journey of being on a 9-day Abraham-Hicks cruise; I explain who Abraham-Hicks is, what the Law of Attraction is, why it matters, and how you can practice it. I’ll cover my top take-aways such as how to tune into your emotions as an indicator of whether you are in alignment with your desires, how to stop controlling the outcomes and emotional experiences of others, why patience is so important to getting what you want, and how to align your thoughts, beliefs, narratives and deliberate action with that which you are seeking. If you are someone who wants to create your own reality, then this episode is for you.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

196: Astrology as an Ultimate Blueprint for Your Life with KJ Atlas

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Life unfolds when we are in authenticity, and so often we don’t know how to stay in alignment to allow our authenticity to flow. In this week’s episode, I talk with KJ Atlas, who is a professional astrologer that guides how to return to the blueprint that was set the moment we were born. When we can learn to rid ourselves of the excess noise of our lives, and follow this practical tool, we can optimize our life and our path. Astrology provides a code that is not only a mirror to nature, but helps us tap into our inner wiring to assist in our journey of self discovery. In this conversation, KJ shares how much valuable information we can learn from our birth chart (the snapshot of planetary alignment from the moment you are born, and even how to use this information to your benefit in your career, in relationships and in making big decisions, including optimal places for you to live. She also explains the different aspects of astrology to pay attention to aside from your sun sign, which is the horoscope most of us would follow based on your birthday and the corresponding zodiac sign, including your moon and rising sun sign, as well as the impact of Mercury and Venus. KJ finishes up by sharing the power of the Spring Equinox and practices that you can practice during this season to get the most out of this current astrological alignment. If you are someone who is interested in more ways to understand yourself and your life path, then this episode is for you.


About KJ: KJ Atlas is a poetic whisperer of energy and the ether. Astrology is the language of nature and KJ has made it her mission to decode its complexities into something useful, meaningful, and practical. She approaches astrology strategically with a background in science, psychology, and health, and has an insatiable curiosity for the human mind. A seasoned nomad and travel enthusiast, she’s an expert in locational astrology and will help you find the best places for you to live and visit based on your unique energy and timing. She also specializes in business birth chart readings and astrological CEO coaching. She is a graduate of the Portland School of Astrology and has written for the Jan Spiller Legacy for several years. 


Work with KJ: www.kjatlas.com

Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kj.atlas

Follow on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kj.atlas


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

195: Healing with the Wellness Engineer, with Jane Hogan

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Have you ever experienced chronic pain that resulted after a year of stress or trauma? My guest this week is Jane Hogan, who after hitting an emotional rock bottom, developed rheumatoid arthritis with a bleak prognosis. Despite the fear of a lifetime of enduring hardship, she listened to her inner knowing that not only was she going to get through this but that she was going to help others get through it as well. She went from being a civil engineer to becoming certified as a health coach, determined to uncover the root causes of people’s chronic pain. In this beautiful and impactful interview, Jane shares the ways in which we can heal our mind and body and the impact of the power of our mind. We truly can create our futures through our thoughts, vibrations and energy; and if you think this is woo-woo, it’s actually physics, so this belief is rooted in science. Jane ends the conversation guiding a radical self-love meditation, which is at the root of all healing.


About Jane: Jane Hogan, “The Wellness Engineer,” blends leading-edge science and ancient spiritual practices to help people release chronic pain using the mind, body and breath so they can become empowered creators of their own health.  Her personal experience of reversing crippling rheumatoid arthritis using natural solutions inspired her to leave a 30-year engineering career and become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher and wellness educator. 


Combining ancient wisdom with leading edge science, Jane’s Wellness by Design Blueprint has helped thousands of people release chronic pain naturally. She is the host of the Wellness by Design podcast and her empowering message has been featured on numerous podcasts and summits. She has been published in Thrive Global and Elephant Journal magazines and is a contributing author on three best-selling books. In 2022, Jane hosted the Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain online summit attended by 36,000 participants.


Free download: Relief with Peace Audio Bundle:







209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

194: Soul Path Guidance, with Pamela Johnson

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To have soul path guidance is to discover the inner treasures that are being revealed in our lives but that we often ignore. We all have those little nudges inside of us that are trying to awaken us to growth and change, but we are so good at not paying attention to them. We have selective listening and don’t often do the work to notice what is trying to get our attention, since then we may have to make a different choice, and change can be hard. And yet, when we decide to listen to those internal nudges, and are open to the question of “how am I being called forth in this moment for me to know what is next?” then we can take aligned action that supports our soul’s purpose. In this episode, I talked with Pamela Johnson, who guides her clients into attunement of the 12 archetypes that are guiding us towards specific experiences, so that we can trust how our path is unfolding and become more active participants in our journey. If you are someone who wants to learn how to harness the messages you are receiving and how to align deeper with your soul’s purpose, then this episode is for you.


More about Pamela: Pamela is the founder of SoulPATH Guidance. She is a Transformational Life Coach, CMED (Caroline Myss Educational Institute) Mentor, Enneagram Teacher, Soul Archetypal Consultant and Spiritual Coach. Her calling is to help you discover your inner treasure, become an agent for positive change in your life, and empower the authority of your soul. 

Decades of experience with practical, creative, and spiritual studies establishes Pamela’s unique approach to her work as a spiritual director, guide, teacher, and facilitator. In addition to mentoring at CMED, she holds a faculty position and master level certification from The Deep Coaching Institute and is a teacher/senior mentor for other Enneagram Coaches. She also contributes to the emerging work with The Deep Living Lab (Enneagram + Spiritual nonprofit) as a facilitator and coach. 

Through deep listening, Pamela supports your ability to explore the depths of your soul, deepen courage, discover inner wisdom, and embark on the adventure of the inner work needed to bring your soul gifts to earth. Sharing embodied teachings that were foundational in supporting Pamela’s journey to wholeness after 9/11, she is incredibly grateful for this powerful work in her own life and honored to witness in clients.


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

193: Grow, Expand and Heal with Michelle Dench

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There are so many modalities we use to heal our traumas, process our lives and make sense of the current season we are moving through. In this week’s podcast episode, I talk with Michelle Dench, who is an intuitive astrologer, and uses her gifts and passion of reading the astrological birth chart along with her insights for healing in relationship and family patterns to guide her clients in healing. She so beautifully explains how our lives our impacted by the seasons – the changes of light and dark – and how when we can come to know ourselves and our relationships more deeply through a deeper understanding of the alignment of the energies from the stars and planets, we can be more attuned with the process of the soul. Michelle shares the impact of the once in a lifetime shifts occurring this month – March 2023 – with the ending of a 248-year cycle of Pluto and the end of a 30-year cycle of Saturn, namely that we are on the precipice of irrevocable change. She even pulls up my chart and gives me a short personal reading, so the listener can begin to see her magic at work. If you are someone who is curious about the ways in which astrological insight can help guide us in growing, healing and expanding in ways we’ve never done before, then this episode is for you.


About Michelle: Michelle Dench is an Intuitive Astrologer, she sees Astrology as a tool for Evolution, Healing and Insight. Her expertise is in looking at Relationships and Family patterns in the Birth Chart, for the purpose of healing and love. She is a Mother of three, and a student of A Course in Miracles. She is an artist, practices meditation, while devoting her life to raising children, practicing partnership and building community. Michelle serves as the Treasurer & Vice president of NCGR San Francisco, and the Administrator of the Jeffrey Wolfe Green Association of Evolutionary Astrologers. 


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

192: 10 Ways to Shift Your Lens

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To join my next cohort of The Journey Forward Method, starting Feb. 28, click here. 


I recently did a 10-day challenge in which I shared simple, yet potent and powerful shifts that you can make to create change in your life. The challenge was so good that I wanted to share the 10 shifts here so that more people can begin to journey forward into living aligned, fulfilling and abundant lives. When we think about creating change, it’s easy to believe that we need to make big changes producing big results. The problem with that belief system is that we aren’t able to implement big change because our expectations are often too high for too much to change at once. Rather, the best way to create the lasting change you seek is to do small, attainable steps that are facing in the direction of what you desire. In this episode, I walk you through 10 different ways that you can look at yourself and your challenges so that you can respond in a new way, allowing you to put yourself on a new trajectory. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

191: You Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, with Kristin Urbanus

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To join my next cohort of The Journey Forward Method, starting Feb. 28, click here. 


I love episodes like this where we jump into the deep end of a fantastic conversation. In this episode, I talk with Kristin Urbanus who is a practitioner of spiritual psychology and somatic touch, a life coach along with being a yoga and meditation teacher. We take a deep dive into the nuances of how to regulate our nervous system when we are stuck in patterns that go beyond our cognitive or emotional consciousness. When we can become more aware of the multi-dimensional aspects of our human experience, we can then recognize that there are multiple ways we can rewire our patterns, heal traumas, get through challenges, and feel more whole and complete in our lives. We discuss the value of Internal Family Systems theory in understanding how to integrate the different “parts” of ourselves, how to move into being an observer of our own experience, how to decrease judgment and increase self-compassion, and how to put our present-moment experiences into a greater context to understand why we are reacting the way in which we are. Fundamentally, when we can accept that we didn’t do anything wrong, and that nothing is wrong with us, and that we are living a human experience, we can take small steps forward towards our healing and health. 


To learn more about Kristin, check out: www.kristinurbanus.com

IG:  @lifecoachyoga

FB: https://www.facebook.com/kris.tin.rain.bo

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

190: Live in Alignment; How to Feel Good More of the Time

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To join the next cohort of The Journey Forward Method, starting Feb. 28, click here


Our body does not lie. When something feels off, it likely is, and yet we often dismiss these cues because we don’t want to have to face or deal with, or make a different choice. We get stuck in our heads and how we want things to be and get in habits of ignoring the cues that are available to us. Our ego, or thoughts of what we wanted things to be, prevent us from taking action when we are not in alignment because we tend to believe our thoughts as truth. In this episode, I talk through the ways in which the body does not lie, and how we were wired for their to be physiological cues as indicators when we are in an unsafe (emotionally or physically) situation. This can go back to attachment styles from early childhood, unhealthy yet perpetual relationship dynamics in which we choose connection over safety, and yet over time, we can learn to gain greater agency over our choices and relationships to feel good more of the time. It is your birthright to feel good, and it’s only when we are in that good feeling state that we can be creative, feel secure and manifest our desires. If you are someone who gets stuck in the cognitive dissonance of feeling one thing but thinking another, and you’ve given more power to your thoughts and dismissed the cues in your body, then this episode is for you.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

189: Forward Progression; From Sexual Trauma and Addiction to Recovery and Thriving with Kristin Fuller

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This powerful episode is for anyone who wants to be inspired on how to not be defined by their trauma or addictions and learn that cultivating a healthy – emotionally, mentally and physically – life is possible. I talk with one of my dearest friends, Kristen Fuller, a recovery coach who is passionate about helping people heal their trauma and addictions. Kristin very vulnerably shares her journey of surviving 3 different episodes of sexual abuse and how alcohol became her way to numb and cope with her pain. In December of 2020, her family intervened and confronted her alcoholism, which led her on the path to sobriety and more importantly healing the trauma she’s been carrying since she was 6 years old. If you have ever experienced a trauma, or suffer with addiction, or know someone who could benefit from Kristin’s story, then don’t miss this episode.


About Kristin: Kristin Fuller is the Founder of Forward Progression Coaching, and the Producer of the “Last Call With Kristin” podcast. She is a certified Recovery Coach, speaker, and facilitator. Her passion is devoted to helping others to process the grief and trauma that is causing them to turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. By teaching people how to identify their values, learn healthy coping skills, and give them permission to put themselves first, she leads her clients to transformative and lasting change in their behaviors and habits. 


Kristin has a Bachelor’s in Psychology, and her coaching practice is trauma-informed. She is also in recovery from alcohol dependence, which has contributed to her mission to help women to heal without guilt or shame. She is a mother to two teenagers, an avid hiker, and practices yoga daily. 



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

188: Live for Yourself with Dr. Benjamin Ritter

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Have you ever felt like everything is going well in your life and yet you are feeling off? When we can learn to ride the waves of emotions through the hills and valleys of our life, we can find greater peace and happiness. And when we find riding those waves challenging, it’s helpful to cultivate the skills and tools to become a self-leader, giving you more agency over your own life. In this episode, I talk with Ben Ritter, an organizational leader and coach who guides his clients on how to live for themselves. We talk through the power of gaining greater clarity on what you want in your life, including uncovering your core values and envisioning an aligned future, how to build more confidence through developing a positive mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs, and how to gain greater control over your environment by showing up consistently in your day to day life. If you are someone who wants to be accountable and empowered in all that you do so that you live for yourself, then be sure to check out this episode.

About Ben: Dr. Benjamin Ritter, founder of Live for Yourself Consulting, is a leadership and career coach, Talent Development Executive, values geek, international speaker, and podcaster, who’s passionate about guiding leaders to be the leader of their own career and create a career they love. 

With over 10 years of experience working with clients from companies such as Amazon, Coursera, Doordash, Google, Fiserv, Northwestern, Pinterest, and Yelp, Ben understands how to navigate any career path you decide you want to travel. 

From empowering professionals to get unstuck, to guiding senior leadership on how to stand out from the competition, develop executive presence, and feel confident in being a leader, Ben is an expert in his field and will guide you toward truly living for yourself at work and in life.

Ben received his Doctorate in Organizational Leadership with a focus on value congruence and job satisfaction and earned an MBA in entrepreneurial management, and an MPH in health policy administration.




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

187: Transitioning Through Grief, with Heather Quisel

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In this week’s episode I talk with Heather, for the second time, because I have witnessed her in such a beautiful journey and wanted to share her story again. Heather‘s story has shifted as life has had different plans for her and her kids when she went from being a high-powered coach to now being a widow coach after the death of her husband in 2018. She shares very vulnerably what grief feels like, the isolation, dreams for her future, how to speak her truth even when it’s hard or she doesn’t know what to hold onto, the difference between grief and sadness and suffering, but most importantly how to transform yourself through your grief and how you can carry on the life and memory of your loved ones. Heather is an inspiration and a guide to other widows who are seeking to find a light in the dark during the hardest experience a family can go through. If you or someone you know is experiencing grief and loss I need a resource and inspiration and please check out this episode.


About Heather: After teaching women in business for over a decade, I sold my million dollar sales organization, closed my business coaching practice, and let my life change my career path.


“Life” was the sudden loss of my husband, Larry, in 2018.


I’ve taken my unique approach and awareness of grief and poured it into widows and grieving hearts online. As the founder of Real Widowhood, I help widows move forward from the darkness, make peace with his death, and intentionally create a life that’s beautiful again.


Follow her on IG: @heatherquisel 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

186: Do You Want to Be Satisfied and Fulfilled?

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To register for upcoming Masterclasses, click here.


As a marriage and family therapist and life coach, I tend to see common themes for why people come to work with me: disconnection and dissatisfaction in their relationships, feeling drained and depleted, and the same patterns showing up time and time again. As a result of these challenges it leaves people feeling frustrated, resigned, unhappy, unfulfilled, and ultimately stuck feeling that they aren’t able to be happy and live a satisfying life. Getting stuck in a negative mindset will only lead to continued negative outcomes, and it doesn’t have to be that way. Many people get stuck however on the “how?” In this episode, I dive deep into what these dynamics can look like along with the solutions for how to gain more agency so that you can have more satisfying and fulfilling relationships, starting with the relationship with yourself. If you are someone who knows that being happier is a possibility and that you want more peace, joy and resilience in your life, then this episode is for you. And here’s a teaser – there’s one simple practice you can do starting right now to create a shift in your life. I guarantee it!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

185: Growing Through My Most Difficult Season

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In this episode, Joree vulnerably shares a reflection on the challenges and hardships that she faced at the end of 2022, and how she ultimately learned the biggest and some of the hardest, yet most profound lessons. Learning how to reframe her struggles into questions such as, “how would I respond differently if I knew this was in service of my highest self?” and instead of asking “why is this happening?” ask instead, “what am I here to learn?” was one of the tools that grounded her most when everything was shifting, changing and she felt a loss of control. Having gotten through this difficult season allowed Joree to choose a clear intention for 2023, which is alignment. Often we get stuck in our own way (by holding on to old narratives, patterns or mindsets) and don’t realize that we are facing in the opposite direction of our desires, which takes us out of alignment, and therefore into more suffering. If you are someone who has struggled during a challenging time and want inspiration and tools to grow through it, and how to ultimately align with yourself and your intentions, then this episode is for you.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

184: How to Make Sense of What Seems Senseless

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I was inspired to do this episode because of the recent death of Stephen “tWitch” Boss, and the subsequent widespread devastation and shock. Rippling through everyone’s minds was. “How could someone who spreads such light be in a place to take their own life?” Suicide is a very difficult topic to talk about, because it’s so difficult to make sense of. And it’s so hard to make sense of because we all are not in the shoes of the person who is living in such pain that death feels like the only viable option. Suicide brings so much emotion: confusion, anxiety, fears, concerns, anger, grief, sadness, and more! How do we make sense of something that is senseless? In this episode, I talk about my very personal journey and connection to suicide. My father died by suicide when I was 10 years old, and I share how this shaped my relationship to suicide, mental health, as well as giving tips and tools for how to get through a period of confusion, leaning into the unknown, as well as how to talk about suicide to kids. If you or someone you know is suicidal, please check out the resources below.




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

183: Cultivating Compassionate Relationships with Charlie White

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To join this month’s Masterclass – Let Your Presence Be Your Present, click here. 

To register for Joree’s signature course, The Journey Forward Method, starting in January, click here 

In this week’s episode I talk with my dear friend, Charlie White, whom I met years ago at a wisdom conference. I befriended him after witnessing him ask a question on how to be a mindful parent, I knew he was someone I needed to know. In this conversation we delve into what it means to be a mindful leader not only in the business world but most importantly with your family what it means to be a mindful partner and a mindful parent. Char Charlie shares his journey of navigating the ups and downs of relationships and how to stay grounded and rooted in a practice at which compassion, attention , intention and action are at the center. If you are someone who is seeking to be more present and connected in all aspects of your life and especially with your relationships in this episode is for you.


To learn more about Charlie: https://www.movemountains.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

182: 3 Things that Rob Us of Joy During the Holiday Season

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To join this month’s Masterclass – Let Your Presence Be Your Present, click here. 


The holidays are here, and with it comes a mix of emotions, as this time of year is supposed to be so joyful and yet there are many things that prevent us from feeling that joy. By no means a complete list, in this episode, I delve into 3 areas that I most see that robs us of joy during the holiday season: expectations, comparisons and distractions. I go into depth of each of these areas to highlight how we can get so easily get stuck here, and more importantly, what you can do to increase your awareness of when you are being robbed of joy, and what you can do about it.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

181: Storytelling as a Practice for Authenticity and Connection with Sarah Elkins

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Would you consider yourself a storyteller? We actually tell stories all the time; tell our loved ones about our day, something that happened to you as a kid, or even about something you’re excited for in the future. What you may not realize, is that storytelling connects you to others. And there is also power to define your own authenticity through your stories. In this episode, I exchange stories with Sarah Elkins and she shares beautiful ways to realign our identities, continue to explore authenticity, and significant ways we can harness connections with others. 


More about Sarah:

Sarah is your guide to uncovering the right personal stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and effectively demonstrate their character, values, and vision.


Sarah Elkins is a storyteller, keynote speaker, author, and Gallup certified StrengthsFinder workplace communication coach. Her workshops and coaching packages with in-person and remote teams and their leaders are known to address and reduce miscommunication – the most common cause of tension and stress in the workplace. Using the team’s results from the StrengthsFinder assessment, she guides conversations to ensure work relationships are based on knowing & valuing each other’s strengths, and connecting with each other on the most basic level through story sharing and effective listening.


You can learn more about her education and background in public sector, hospitality, and other industries on her website at elkinsconsulting.com.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

180: Nothing is in the Way with Deborah Fryer

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Where do I begin to share the power of this episode? I don’t think I’ve ever had a more spiritually aligned conversation as I have had with Deborah Fryer, and that speaks to the magic that she brings to the world. In this episode, we cover everything from morning practices to ground into your day, ways to shift your mindset to create your reality, the Divine Timing of everything that is unfolding in your life, the power of following the rhythm of nature as a way to run your life and business, and how to raise your vibration and energy to be in alignment with the life you want to be living. To say this episode is magic is an understatement. 


Deborah’s bio: Dr. Deborah Fryer is a spiritual business coach, money mindset mentor and founder of the Anatomy of Money holistic brain training system that incorporates ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience. Her proven system helps entrepreneurs reset, rewire and recalibrate their nervous systems so they can expand their reach, elevate their mission and scale to 7-figures with ease, speed and confidence. Deborah is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker and the author of Best Brain Hacks, Turn on Your Tap, and the forthcoming Anatomy of Money: Your Inside Guide to True Wealth.


Get a free e-book: https://deborahfryer.mykajabi.com/turn-on-your-tap


Facebook Group: Anatomy of Money https://www.facebook.com/groups/anatomyofmoneyacademy

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

179: How Gratitude Differs From Toxic Positivity

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To join this month’s Masterclass – Living with Thankfulness Everyday, click here. 


Purchase a copy of my book, A Year of Gratitude


It’s so easy, especially as we enter into the holiday season, to feel compelled to spread holiday cheer, to be thankful around the holiday table, and say to others “don’t worry, be happy” if they are feeling down or struggling. While these messages, mindsets or habits may have good intentions, they are actually forms of toxic positivity which can often do more harm than good for ourselves and others in our lives. In this episode, Joree delves into the brain science behind our negativity bias, which is simply how our brain has been wired to focus on the negative, and how we can rewire our brains to cultivate new neural pathways towards being happier and healthier people. She goes into multiple ways to practice gratitude, and deepens the understanding between the difference of gratitude and toxic positivity. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

Anxiety is Never the Problem with Shannon Jackson

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If you’ve ever had a panic attack, you know that it’s scary and can feel like your world is crumbling around you. In this week’s podcast episode, I talk with Shannon Jackson, who, an anxiety recovery coach, shares her journey of living with anxiety for over a decade before finally learning how to manage it. Shannon struggled through panic attacks, agoraphobia, toilet anxiety (yes, it’s a thing!) and a myriad of anxiety-induced health challenges. She never thought she’d be able to live without anxiety, and though she tried to push it away, and  managed to live a functional life, it wasn’t a healthy one. Shannon developed tolerance for her discomfort and now guides others in doing the same. This is a powerful episode and offers helpful tools if you are experiencing anxiety.


Shannon’s bio: Shannon Jackson is an anxiety recovery coach and the host of the A Healthy Push podcast. Shannon struggled with anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia for 15 years, and now she helps people to overcome the things that she used to struggle with. She truly believes that with a little healthy push, recovery doesn’t have to take years, or be so hard. Shannon teaches people to see just how capable they are, and how to start living a life that is full of lots of peace, joy, freedom, and adventure!


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

177: What Masks Are You Hiding Behind?

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To join this month’s Masterclass – Living with Thankfulness Everyday, click here. 


We all hide behind masks. For what reasons, and which masks, may be different for all of us however it is very difficult to show up in full authenticity 100% of the time. In this week’s episode, and in the spirit of Halloween, I delve into the questions of where are we hiding in our relationships, for what reasons, and where is it that we are wanting to be seen, while also equally fearing being seen? I talk about authenticity, expectations in relationships, insecurities, the ways in which we are socialized, and how we choose to consciously show up for ourselves and other people in our lives. If you were someone who values authenticity and yet struggles revealing your true self, or you are someone who is consciously making choices to not reveal your true self, and this is an episode for you to check out.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

176: From Grief to Soul-Searching to Abundant Living, with Jaime Morgan

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To join this month’s Masterclass – Living with Thankfulness Everyday, click here. 


Jaime Morgan is a relationship and personal growth coach who has grown from her own life experiences of going through a divorce and coming through the other side, to help women and couples do the same. Gottman-trained, Jaime uses the scientifically-backed tools to help her clients thrive in relationships, and in this conversation, we delve into some of her favorite and most effective tools. We have so much in common and are aligned in our mission; this conversation, full of mindfulness, self-awareness, insight and growth, is for anyone who is wanting to live fully in their relationships. 


Learn more about Jaime

Jaime Morgan is a certified life coach and a Gottman Method trained relationship coach. Combining her academic & past personal experiences of her own struggles of failed marriage Jaime has a huge passion for helping couples & divorced women to thrive again in their lives & relationships through action-oriented coaching! Jaime believes that nobody has to settle when it comes to happiness and fulfillment! 


Join Jaime’s FREE FB Group VIP Abundant Life: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6199398cb4f6fb9d86fe6fbc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejaimemorgan/

Website: https://jaimemorgan.com/


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

175: Moving Through Transgenerational Trauma with Rachel Steinman

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With 4 family suicides, Rachel Steinman had wondered, “why would someone who was seemingly healthy die by suicide?” In an effort to understand her family – and therefore understand herself – she delved into her family history with the intention of being able to break family patterns of trauma and mental health. After writing an essay about suicide that went viral, she is continuing to uncover the story that spans 5 generations of trauma and is writing a memoir, piecing together the family secrets left behind from a manuscript of her grandfather’s. Rachel now has become a mental health advocate, speaking to teens on how to model and reframe language around mental health, to get rid of stigma and shame, and to normalize mental health struggles and help to create more open conversations. In this conversation, Rachel and I share many of our commonalities, including experiencing suicide in our families, and talk through the importance of understanding trauma and mental health, as we know it gets passed on in our DNA. If you are someone who has dealt with suicide or any mental health challenges in your families, you won’t want to miss this powerful conversation. 


Learn more about Rachel: Rachel Steinman is a Los Angeles native who studied developmental psychology at UCSB and got her teaching credentials and Masters in Education from UCLA. She’s a creative kindergarten teacher at heart who has taught every elementary school grade including being the librarian. 


After discovering her beloved grandfather’s incomplete manuscript 24 years after he jumped from his Beverly Hills high rise, Rachel set out to cut the intergenerational trauma she was desperate to not pass on. Shame from dark family secrets from her family’s substance abuse, homelessness, and marital affairs was replaced with love and understanding. Her family’s five generations of mental illness from bipolar, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD that led to four suicides no one ever discussed were replaced with compassion and advocacy.


After writing an article that spoke to her trauma related to her family’s suicides and the various forms of mental illness, and what she wished she could have said before tragedy struck, she realized that there were many people that wanted and needed to share their stories. Her Dear Family, Podcast was the medium that best suited this narrative. Rachel’s curiosity, willingness to be frank, and intimate storytelling abilities not only saved her and her relationships, but they also inspire others to open up, ask for help, forgive, learn, and find peace and mental wellness. 


Follow Rachel: 

Dear Family, https://writenowrachel.com/podcast/

My website http://writenowrachel.com

Write Now Rachel blog on Medium https://medium.com/@writenowrachel

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/writenowrachel/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/writenowrachel/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

174: I’m No Longer Available for That

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If you are interested in the Journey Forward Immersion, please schedule an exploratory call with Joree


Do you ever find yourself in repeating patterns – perhaps in your relationships, career or family- in which you get stuck asking yourself, “Why does ______ keep happening to me?” This is a common reaction to patterns we don’t like. In fact, this question of “WHY?” is resistance to accepting what is actually happening. When we get stuck in patterns of resistance, another opportunity is available to us: rather than asking “WHY?” we can choose to ask, “What am I here to learn from this?” This wisdom-based question gets us out of a pattern of reactivity, and into mindful, conscious, curiosity to see not only our role in the repetition of patterns, but the source of those root patterns. Join Joree on a journey of self-discovery in which she shares how her recent challenges – including getting COVID for a 3rd time – has offered her the opportunity to get still and really dig deep through patterns of transgenerational trauma and family-of-origin worldviews to understand the repetition of patterns that have been keeping her stuck. With this awareness, Joree has been able to gain insight into the patterns and beliefs that she is no longer available to continue, and then learn the powerful step of reframing what she isn’t available for to clearly stating what she is available for. This is deep, a bit esoteric, yet powerful work that will free you from the tethers that are holding you back so that you can be free to live fully, with authenticity, abundance and fulfillment. 


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

173: Manifesting the Love You Crave with Jaime Bronstein

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If you have been searching for love, and have not yet found it, then this episode is for you! I talk with Jaime Bronstein, who is a LCSW and relationship expert, on the ways to manifest the love you are seeking. We cover so many aspects that get in the way of you finding fulfilling and authentic love, and offer some tools and solutions to break the patterns that are keeping you stuck. Jaime highlights different dating personas that often prevent real love from coming to light, such as the “repeater” or “fault finder,” and ways to break these patterns. We also share how to go through the steps of manifesting the right partner. Anyone who is seeking to cultivate the love they crave is sure to get a lot out of this conversation.


Here’s a link for my free gift, “7 Days of Manifesting Love: Affirmations and Exercises:”



To register for the free summit that Jamie and I are both in You Deserve More, click here.


Learn more about Jaime: Jaime Bronstein, LCSW, who was named the “#1 Relationship Coach Transforming Lives” by YahooFinance, is also the host of “Love Talk Live” on LA Talk Radio.  Jaime shares her relationship advice on various media outlets such as KTLA, ABC, NBC, CBS News, Forbes, The New York Times, USA Today, People Magazine, and Thrive Global. To schedule a virtual or in-person session with Jaime, head to her website. Her work empowers her clients to become aware that they were born to have love in their lives – not just any love –the right love for them. Jaime has a BA in psychology from Boston University, a master’s degree from New York University, and a certificate in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. Jaime’s education and over twenty years of experience enable her to help her clients heal, seeing each challenge in life as an opportunity to evolve as an individual to manifest love and live life to its fullest extent. Jaime continues to fulfill her mission of creating a positive impact while changing lives worldwide.




Radio Show

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

172: Life is a Mindf*ck

Audio Player

Life is hard; it’s just part of being human. As we ride the waves of emotions, transitions, and hardships, there are ways to go through with our challenges with more compassion, grace and acceptance, and yet we don’t always know how to access the tools for how to do that. And, the more we fight what is arising, the harder our experience of it is, especially since the most constant thing is change. Resisting change only keeps you stuck in resistance. In this episode, I share my journey over the past few weeks of what has probably been the hardest few weeks of my life. As I felt untethered, and everything was collapsing, I was able to tune into my deepest self knowing that although my ego didn’t like how it was looking, I knew at my core that I was meant to go through all this. I share some of the tools that I drew upon to ease my struggles as well as powerful rituals that helped me move through a bit quicker, and a lot more aligned.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

171: Don’t Forget to Breathe with Shonda Moralis

Audio Player

If you are a parent, then you know how hard it is to find a moment in your day to yourself. We are often running around, taking care of the immediate task at hand, which can often lead us to feel rushed, stressed, impatient, and then snappy at our kids. However, when we can remember to pause, slow down, and breathe, then not only do we feel better, but we can shift the culture in our home to be more mindful, peaceful and calm; and who doesn’t want that? In this episode, I talk with Shonda Moralis, who along with being a therapist, a life balance coach, and a podcast host, is an author who is passionate about giving mom mindful tools to create more spaciousness in their stress so they can breathe, become more assertive and confident as well as balanced. We talk about her two books and she gives some very specific tools that you can start right now to recalibrate the daily moments in your life.


To join September’s Masterclass, What Now? sign up here 


About Shonda: Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW is on a mission to help women play big without burning out. She is a Life Balance Coach, Therapreneur, Author, and Podcast Host. Shonda serves on the board of Shanthi Project, an education nonprofit providing evidence-based mindfulness services to children and adults. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two kids, loves to play outside,endeavors to practice what she preaches, and is perennially fascinated by what makes people tick. She is the author of Breathe, Mama, Breathe and Don’t Forget to Breathe.


Get Shonda’s book here. 

Follow Shonda on social media: 



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

170: Motherhood is a mindf*ck

Audio Player

If you’re a mother, then you know what I mean when I say that motherhood is a mindf*ck. What a crazy and wild journey it is to give everything of yourself to raise another human, with the intention to launch them into the world, and then feel a significant transition once they’ve left the home. In this episode Joree shares her very vulnerable transition she’s in right now as she just recently launched both of her daughters; her 16-year-old is on a semester abroad in Israel and her older one just started college. Joree muses on the various and competing emotions: it’s a “soup of and”… feeling pride and grief, excitement and sadness, even jealousy and a bit of loneliness, and more! More importantly Joree guides the listener to see this point in life as an opportunity, and openness, a gift to re-discover who you are outside of your role of being a mom. Questions such as: what do I want? What do I like? What do I need? 


Want to join “What Now?” September Masterclass? Sign up here 


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

169: How to Stay Happy When You Are Depleted with Rob Mack

Audio Player

To stay connected offline during my podcast hiatus, click here.


If you want to join me on any of my upcoming retreats, get all the information here.


Back by popular demand, I am back for a second conversation with Rob Mack, who is a happiness coach. We pick up right where we left off from our last conversation and delve into the practices for day-to-day life, and how to make conscious choices and shifts in how to stay aligned with your intentions and how to practice self-care to help prevent you from feeling depleted. We cover topics ranging from dealing with busy schedules, how to reframe old thought patterns that are keeping you stuck, and how to not take on the energy of those around you. We talk about the difference between operating from essence rather than energy, which means to let energy move through you, rather than from you. This mindset shift is huge when we keep finding ourselves in repeating patterns. If you are an empath or find yourself often trying to pour from an empty cup, then this is episode is for you.


To learn more about Rob:



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

168: On Being a Single Mom, with Julia Hasche

Audio Player

To stay connected offline, click here.


If you want to join John and I on a relationship retreat in Costa Rica, in April 2023, here is all the info: https://joreerose.com/retreats/costa-rica/


Being a mom is hard. Being a single mom is even harder. In this interview with Julia Hasche, we delve into the world of single motherhood, from the challenge of ending the relationship with your child’s father, to co-parenting, shared custody (or not having shared custody!), to dating again and ultimately in moving forward and blending with a new partner. Julia shares her courageous story of becoming a single mom when her daughter was only 2 months old, and how from feeling alone, she decided to build a local community and network of single moms, which now almost 9 years later. is a global community! She is now a certified divorce coach and helps hundreds of women go through their journey with greater grace, connections and support. This conversation will be sure to inspire anyone who is on this journey and will help you to feel supported on your path.


Learn more about Julia here:

Julia Hasche is a blogger, podcast host, author and mentor for single parents. She is also a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and CDC Certified Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach®. She became a single mother in 2013 when her daughter was just a few months old and created Single Mother Survival Guide in 2016 to assist newly single mothers in all things they may need to know about. It aims to inform single mothers on relevant issues, support single mothers on their journey, inspire them, and motivate them to create the happy single mother life that they want. She does this by providing a community for single mothers, providing honest and inspirational content through her website, blog, podcast, and social media, her one-on-one mentoring and coaching, and her membership for single mothers – Thrive Tribe.


Julia also contributes to other online publications such as Kidspot, Mamamia and Huffington Post, has been interviewed on many podcasts (including Kidspot’s The Juggling Act), and has been live at the desk on Channel 7’s The Daily Edition talking single motherhood, and on SBS’s, The Swiping Game, talking single parenting, sex, and dating.


She has recently moved from Sydney to a rural town in outback Australia. She lives with her daughter and partner.


– Website – https://www.singlemothersurvivalguide.com

– Thrive Tribe membership waitlist – https://www.subscribepage.com/thrivetribe_waitlist

– Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/single-mother-survival-guide/id1147075160 or https://open.spotify.com/show/3CGiLcmCTFuxGff8MNN1q5

– Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/singlemothersurvivalguide

– Free Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/176828072725515

– Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/singlemothersurvivalguide/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

167: How to Be Better in Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

If you want to join John and I on a relationship retreat in Costa Rica, in April 2023, here is all the info: https://joreerose.com/retreats/costa-rica/


John and I are back for another joint episode on how to be better in relationships. Oftentimes, we consider what this means by looking at our interpersonal skills, communication patterns, love languages, triggers, previous traumas, tools for connection and so on. And while all of that is important and necessary, the foundation of being in better relationship with others – whether it’s your partner, children, parents, friends, coworkers – is to be in a healthy relationship with yourself. In this episode, John vulnerably shares a story of his own healing, both physically (which is honestly, nothing short of a miracle!) and emotionally. I also share the work that I’ve done and still do, to be a whole and complete person, because it’s only then that we are able to show up fully for another. In absence of doing our own work, it’s easy to externalize too many of our needs on others, which can compromise the balance and integrity of the relationship. We also share exciting news of a retreat that we are hosting in Costa Rica April 22-29, 2023 – click on the link to learn more.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

166: On Being a Mom

Audio Player

Being a mom is so hard and also one of the most fulfilling roles a woman can have. It’s full of so many ups and downs, twists and turns, and each stage brings about different gifts, challenges, lessons, hardships and joys. In this episode, I share some of my top parenting tips that I not only share with my clients but have been the core of my own parenting journey as well. I cover topics ranging from how to raise a secure adult, managing our kids (and our own) anxiety, what it means to be a mindful parent, and how to authentically show up as a human through role modeling what you’re feeling in the moment. From early childhood to adulthood, our role as mom is constantly shifting and it’s a practice to tune into our own self-awareness to know not only what we are feeling and needing, but how it’s separate from what our kids are feeling and needing. If you are a mom who is wanting to learn some tools to parent from a more peaceful, authentic and boundaried place, this episode is for you.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

165: Turning to the Bright Side with Melissa Bright

Audio Player

After losing her mom at age 25, Melissa spent over ten years struggling with her pain and grief, which ended up resulting in overwhelming anxiety. Once Covid hit, all the emotions that she had tried to not face came to the surface and she finally stepped towards processing her emotions of trauma and loss. Therapy helped her from feeling alone in her struggles and being unsure of her purpose to living being the “real Melissa” – a woman who wasn’t afraid of being vulnerable, facing her shame and guilt, and learning to tune into compassion. She now knows that it’s through stillness, calmness and presence that we can allow ourselves to heal and feel, and is now inspired to have more conversations with others to help them do the same.


Melissa’s bio: After losing her Mom at the age of 25, she would spend the next ten years not processing the trauma, losing her self confidence along the way, and feeling alone in her struggles. This all came to a head in 2020 when the whole world was hurting, Melissa decided to turn her pain into her purpose and start healing. Simultaneously while starting therapy, she started thinking about her true purpose in life. She looked out into the world and saw other people hurting as well, and wanted to help. Now she puts joy back into people’s hearts through her podcast, The Bright Side of Life, where she talks to people that have successfully navigated their way back to joy and happiness despite their struggles, pain and grief.


Learn more here: https://www.thebrightsideoflifepodcast.com/



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

164: The Impact of the Quality of Your Thoughts

Audio Player

We all have goals or dreams that we are working on that we’d like to achieve. And we often take action to step ourselves closer to those goals. And yet, we don’t always stop and consider whether the quality of our thoughts is in alignment with our desired outcomes. In this episode, I delve into the power of your thoughts, and the implications of staying stuck in old narratives and negative thought habits. I highlight some funny and yet valuable examples to help you realize that every time you are stuck on thoughts that are out of alignment with your desired outcome that you are making an unconscious agreement to not meet your higher goals.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

163: Attract the Right People, Repel the Wrong Ones, with Kama Hurley

Audio Player

Marriage and family therapist turned relationship coach, Kama Hurley, and I are on the same page when it comes to manifesting the relationship you’re wanting. This episode covers so many valuable tools for anyone struggling to find the right person, or maintaining a strong relationship with the one you do have. After a series of unhealthy relationships and health issues, Kama realized she had to step back and slow down to not only manage her stress, but to awaken to what was not working in her life. She now guides women to work through their own stuff and let go of attachment to predetermined expectations so they can become more authentic and aligned. We talk about how from that place of clarity, you can choose a life in which you feel whole, complete and content and ultimately be able to attract the right person into their life, while repelling the wrong ones. If you want to get out of the same old patterns of relationship and find the right person who adds to your life, then this episode is for you.   Kama’s bio:

Kama Hurley has been working in the psychology field for the last 20 years. As a licensed counselor she runs a thriving private practice in Boise, Idaho and provides coaching to women who are ready to find healthy, committed relationships and break old unhealthy patterns. Kama uses several modalities in her psychotherapy and coaching practices including tools from neurosciences, EMDR, CBT and mindfulness. Using this eclectic tool box, paired with individualized treatment, she is able to get her clients get transformative results quickly. 


Learn more about Kama:




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

162: The Importance of Creating an Intentional Life, with Alena Turley

Audio Player

This is a beautiful conversation with Alena Turley in which we talk about how easy it is to lose ourselves in our roles of wife, mom, caretaker or even employee. And unless we consciously create the space for our own compassionate self-care, we can feel lost, overwhelmed, depleted or could become resentful or reactive to those we love most. Alena shares insightful wisdom about how to honor our children’s inner truth, how to cultivate rejuvenative self-care and how to deepen our relationships. 


Alena’s bio: 

Alena Turley is an award-winning Australian educator, podcaster and martial artist. Founder of pioneering blog, the Soul Mama Hub, her new membership – the Soul Mama Academy –  a monthly coaching membership and community – helping mothers create holistic, intentional and satisfying lifestyles so they can feel lighter and make more time for the fun stuff.


Podcast: https://www.soulmamaacadamy.com/blog

Website: https://www.soulmamahub.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

161: Reclaiming My Power

Audio Player

Have you ever set an intention, and then the Universe gave you multiple signs that you were on the right path? This has happened to Joree many times, and the past 2 weeks has been a powerful example of just how powerful aligned energy can be. In this solocast, Joree shares a personal recent story of how she has been working on aligning her energy, reclaiming her power and breaking old narratives that were holding her back, and then all of the synchronicities that occurred. There are never any accidents. If you want to get inspired by the magic that occurs when the quality of your thoughts aligns with your desires, then be sure to take a listen. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

160: Diet, Lifestyle and Menopause, with Ruth Jamieson

Audio Player

As women, there is so much that we experience in our bodies throughout the course of our lives that feels out of our control. And how we are socialized can impact our narrative of how we view natural occurring processes such as menstruation and menopause. When we are raised with a narrative of “this sucks” or fearing “the big change” it will impact how we relate to these biological and necessary shifts in our bodies. In this conversation with Ruth Jamieson, who is a nutritional therapist and functional medicine practitioner, we talk about the experience that she went through in perimenopause that lead her to seeking more information not only about her own body, but how to guide women in increasing great awareness and understanding of their own bodies, as well as ways they could soften their shifts into perimenopause and menopause. This helpful and insightful conversation will help any woman to feel more empowered about how to take more control over their overall health. Hint: diet and lifestyle are almost always the answer!



After failing to get answers for some unusual symptoms in her early 40s, Ruth discovered they were related to Perimenopause. Her own journey and research into this very important and natural phase of a woman’s life, opened her eyes to a whole world of unnecessary suffering and lack of support for women going through perimenopause.

Knowing from her own experience that it needn’t be this way, she felt compelled to help women change the perimenopause narrative, and navigate through perimenopause naturally with cutting edge hormone testing, diet, lifestyle, and natural supplements.  


She is a women’s health and hormones expert, the founder of Empowered Wellness her online clinic supporting women 1-2-1, and her Menopause Matters and Magic group coaching membership, helping women in their 40s and 50s sail smoothly through perimenopause so they can feel better than ever, and live a life they love. 


To learn more about Ruth: www.empoweredwellness.co.uk

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

159: The Impact of Male Depression on Relationships with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

In this joint episode, with my fiancee Dr. John Schinnerer, we talk through common pattern dynamics that we see in couples. It looks something like this: the man is feeling insecure and needs reassurance, for which he continuously reaches out to his partner, though the way he seeks reassurance and connection is through blame, shame or judgment. This in turn, pushes his partner further away, creating greater disconnection, the very opposite thing that he is seeking. John and I dissect these relational patterns with curiosity of what is the underlying problem. If you are in a relationship with these dynamics, you’ll want to take a listen.


Want to work with John and I? www.theultimaterelationship.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

158: Intentional and Conscious Living

Audio Player

This week marks the 2 year anniversary of Covid impacting our lives – two years ago, virtual school became a thing, shelter in place was all about staying up late and making sourdough and we learned that we could work from home, wearing sweats or leggings. This “great pause” as I like to call it helped highlight what was working and what wasn’t working in our day-to-day grind of modern life. Upon this anniversary of Covid, I invite you to reflect on what you learned about yourself and the way in which you want to be living your life. For me, it’s been about creating better balance, finding ways to be more intentional about my time and energy, and how to not just jump back on the hamster wheel. In this episode I talk about how to make those conscious choices, along with how, at the end of the day, we can choose our own happiness and that it’s in how we relate to our experiences – rather than the experiences themselves – that bring us peace and joy.

If you’d like to join my Spring cohort of The Journey Forward Method, click here.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

157: How to Be Happy, From the Inside Out, with Rob Mack

Audio Player

To join the Spring cohort of The Journey Forward Method, starting March 24: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/

Special discount code: SWEET16


Happiness, while it is a birthright, does not come easy for everyone. You can “have it all” – the job, relationship, house, car, achievements or accolades, and yet, still experience depression. In this deeply powerful conversation, I talk with Rob Mack, who despite having a great life, was deeply depressed and suicidal for over 2 decades. In the split second of after beginning to act upon his suicidal ideation, he felt a moment of peace and decided to hold off on killing himself for a few more minutes to see if he could harness that sensation of peace a few moments longer. Those few moments not only saved his life, but turned it completely around as he developed a deep curiosity and passion for learning how to cultivate happiness, from the inside out and now is a happiness coach and author guiding others in how to live a blissful life. This conversation is full of wisdom, depth, honesty, vulnerability, spirituality, positive psychology, and a ton of tools for people who want to live a happier, more joyful, connected and peaceful life. This is one of my favorite conversations, and is one not to be missed!


To learn more about Rob:



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

156: It’s Your Turn to Be an Adult, with Julie Lythcott-Haims

Audio Player

To join the Spring cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/

Any parent who has ever protected their child from feeling an uncomfortable emotion, wanted to prevent them from being in an uncomfortable situation or didn’t adequately prepare their child to gain the skills to get through challenges needs to listen to this episode. I speak with the amazing Julie Lythcott-Haims, who is a lawyer, turned Stanford University dean, turned author, who is writing to help parents back off from over parenting their children and actually learn how to repattern the unskillful patterns that are preventing young adults from living a thriving life. So many parents have good intentions and yet poor execution, and while many parents are wanting to reduce their kids’ anxiety, the results of overparenting are actually increasing anxiety for both parents and kids. This candid conversation shares not only personal stories but really helpful and practical tools that any parent, with kids of any age, will benefit from. Julie also shares about her new book, recently released, Your Turn, which she considers to be a follow up from her first book, How to Raise an Adult.


Julie’s bio:

Julie Lythcott-Haims believes in humans and is deeply interested in what gets in our way. Her work encompasses writing, speaking, teaching, mentoring, and activism. 

She is the New York Times bestselling author of How to Raise an Adult which gave rise to a popular TED Talk. Her second book is the critically-acclaimed and award-winning prose poetry memoir Real American, which illustrates her experience as a Black and biracial person in white spaces. Her third book, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult, has been called a “groundbreakingly frank” guide to adulthood. 

Julie holds degrees from Stanford, Harvard Law, and California College of the Arts. She currently serves on the boards of Common Sense Media, Black Women’s Health Imperative, Narrative Magazine, and on the Board of Trustees at California College of the Arts. She serves on the advisory boards of LeanIn.Org, Parents magazine and Baldwin For the Arts. 

She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her partner of over thirty years, their itinerant young adults, and her mother. 

Follow her on IG: @jlythcotthaims

Here’s the articles we mention in the conversation:

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

155: Finally Understand Your Hormones with Dr. Brandi Moore

Audio Player

If you have ever felt “off” and wasn’t sure what to blame it on, there’s a good chance that your hormones were out of balance, wreaking all sorts of havoc in areas of your body that you may not think were related. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Brandi Moore, who is a naturopathic doctor passionate about teaching others to understand their hormones, and it was one of my favorite interviews EVER! We cover the impact on low testosterone for men, and what it means to have estrogen dominance for women. And I think most importantly, why managing your stress, and therefore your cortisol levels, are so important for maintaining optimal health. If you are someone who is interested in how to truly be healthy from the inside out, then don’t miss this conversation!


Brandi’s bio:

Dr. Brandi is a Naturopathic Doctor and hormone expert whose health changed significantly when she was able to balance her own hormones. She now guides other women along the same path. Educating them on their hormones , so they can have regular periods, be balanced emotionally, lose weight, and prepare their bodies for pregnancy (or recover from it). Making it easier for them to find the same balance and healthful peace.


To learn more about Brandi:




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

154: The Honest Tale of Two Therapists in Love, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

I’ve said it a million times – love isn’t enough. Strong relationships require work, and ongoing maintenance to stay strong and connected. And yet, much to the chagrin of my fiance and I, Dr. John Schinnerer, even though we have been together for 6 years, and engaged for 2, we still get stuck. We hate this human aspect of ourselves, that despite being trained in psychology and emotional awareness, guiding others in how to manage the roadblocks in their relationships, and teaching the skills of effective communication, that we still experience impasses in our relationship that feel sticky and hard. In this episode, John and I vulnerably share some of our difficult struggles that we’ve gone through as well as how we got through them, and continue to get through them. We have learned to revisit old challenges so we can learn more about our patterns and our needs when we feel stuck as well as how to be patient, curious and compassionate to ourselves and each other when we fail to meet the mark of our intentions. If you’re in a relationship, you won’t want to miss this episode! 


John and I also do joint work with couples, so if you’re interested in working with us, check out www.theultimaterelationship.com


To learn more about John:



IG: @theevolvedcaveman

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

153: Why Mindfulness Matters, with Samara Zelniker

Audio Player

Are you ‘vanilla coasting’ in your life? This week’s guest, Samara Zelniker, defines vanilla coasting as being mediocre or too comfortable in your life, which can lead people to often stay stuck in their “shoulds.” Creating change is generally not easy; it can make us uncomfortable and requires the skills of listening to the whispers of our intuition and leaping into the unknown. Samara, a yoga and mindfulness teacher, guides others to look at their lives through the lens of possibility, rather than feeling stuck and misaligned. In this fun and insightful conversation, Samara and I talk about how to find the courage, trust your intuition, and honor the space between your thoughts, emotions and challenging situations, since that’s where the opening for forging a new, more mindful path resides. If you are someone who is seeking to shift your mindset towards alignment, purpose and possibility, then this episode is for you.


Samara’s Bio:

Featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Parsley Health, and Focus TV, Samara Zelniker is a mindfulness coach dedicated to creating resources for leaders to reach their infinite potential.

With over a decade of experience teaching yoga, meditation and mindfulness, Samara’s coaching philosophy melds western wisdom with ancient eastern techniques and combines neuroscience and emotional intelligence tools into practical applications. Her coaching programs, retreats, and online SHIFTAcademy helps businesses and leaders discover their innate talents and strip away the non-essential behaviors that get in the way of their greatness and wellbeing.

Samara is a native of Montreal, Canada living in Los Angeles with her husband and their dog, Frankie.


Link to learn more: 



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

152: Spark Your E.P.I.C Life with Julie Neale

Audio Player

After a career in youth development and community building, as well as a struggle in losing herself in her motherhood journey, Julie Neale combined her expertise and life’s path into creating a community called Mother’s Quest. She is passionate about offering mothers space to claim as their own to support connections, growth, unconditional love, resilience and resources, to help moms not feel so lost in their own mothering journey. On this 5th anniversary of Mother’s Quest, Julie not only reflects on her own path that led to this milestone, but shares the wisdom in her recent book that helps women cultivate a life of what matters the most. As a coach, she guides women in how to spark their E.P.I.C. life: how to be engaged mindfully with their kids, be passionate and purposeful, invest in self, and be connected to community. If you are a mom who has ever felt lost on any part of your mothering journey, this is the episode for you!


Julie’s Bio: 

Julie Neale is a life and leadership coach, community builder, writer, and mom to two high energy boys who challenge her to grow into her best self. Alongside a 20 year career in youth development, it was motherhood that transformed her and set her on a course to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.


Now, as the founder of Mother’s Quest and the Mother’s Quest Podcast, Julie provides inspiration, coaching and community-building so that mothers, and those who care for young people, can connect to support and resources, fulfill their unique purpose, and live their E.P.I.C. lives. 


In 2021, Julie published her first book The Mother’s Quest Inspiration Guide Volume 1: Engage through participation in the Tiny Book Course. A cohort of five other Mother’s Quest members also came along for the journey and published their own books as well. 

Let me know if you need anything else! Feel free to text me if you need to reach me right away. 


To learn more about Julie: 

www.mothersquest.com – Website 

www.instagram.com/mothersquestpod – IG handle 

www.facebook.com/mothersquest – MQ Biz page 

www.facebook.com/community – MQ FB group 

https://mothersquest.com/inspirationguide/ – Link to the Inspiration Guide

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

151: Dating Post-Divorce with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

So not only is Dr. John an amazing executive coach who teaches men the skills of emotional awareness, communication, and the skills to become happier, he’s also my fiance. We were lucky enough to find one another 6 years ago, when we were dating, post-divorce, and share a passion for teaching others the skills to live their best life. In this podcast episode, that is co-branded with John’s podcast, The Evolved Caveman, we not only talk our experience dating post-divorce prior to meeting each other, but we give some very practical tips, tools and advice that we give to our clients about how to navigate dating apps, first dates, how to not get too attached too quickly, how soon to date after separating, how to figure out what it is that you are really wanting in a new partner, and so much more. We share parts of our story of when we met along with some of our memorial dating experiences. The key when dating is to stay authentic, curious and have an open, abundant mindset, along with knowing your list of top values of what you are looking for, as well as deal-breakers. This is the first of an ongoing series in which John and I will do joint podcasts.


To learn more about John:



IG: @theevolvedcaveman

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

150: Are You a Shameless Mom? With Sara Dean

Audio Player

So many moms struggle with their identity after having kids, and not many know what to do with that shift. It comes with a shift in values, purpose, and time, and many moms get stuck in a spiral of not knowing who they are and how to align with the various roles they have in their life. In this episode, I talk with Sara Dean, who is host of the well known podcast Shameless Mom Academy, about her journey into finding her balance, personally and professionally. What started as a career in the fitness industry, Sara pivoted to podcasting and coaching, in which she went from guiding women how to get smaller, to supporting them in living fully, unapologetically taking up space and learning to create the life they want to be living. We cover everything from identity struggle, parenting during Covid, overcoming the shame narrative, and the harsh reality of time flying. If you’re mom, this episode is for you.


About Sara: Sara Dean is mindset, business and leadership coach. She is also the creator and host of the Shameless Mom Academy Podcast, a top rated podcast with over 3.5 million downloads. Sara’s biggest passion is helping women own their space. After enduring her own identity crisis following the birth of her son, Sara took her background in psychology/health/ wellness and rebuilt her identity, one step at a time. Sara motivates and inspires women to stop shrinking and start shining. She is on a mission to inspire women and moms, in particular, to live bigger, bolder, braver #everydamnday. Sara serves women through her podcast, her thriving Momentum Mamas membership community, her Tenacious Mamas business & leadership mastermind and her annual event, Shameless Mom Con (coming this spring!) When she’s not supporting Shameless Moms, you’ll find Sara with her husband and 9 year old son – building Legos and pretending to understand Minecraft.


Connect with Sara: www.shamelessmom.com

Shameless Mom Academy Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-shameless-mom-academy/id1092674204

Free Facebook Group: www.shamelessmom.com/facebook

Instagram: www.instagram.com/shamelessmomacademy

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

149: What I Learned From Having Covid

Audio Player

Join the January cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


Download the guide for 12 mindfulness practices to increase your well-being here: 



My holidays were spent in quarantine with my two daughters, while all 3 of us recovered from having Covid. It was a fascinating experience to both be sick, and yet be observing the process I was going through from an emotional, physical and spiritual perspective. I’m always curious about the lesson I’m supposed to learn as I go through different experiences in my life, and having Covid taught me a lot. Not only was I practicing my mindfulness practice in real time, putting all my tools to use, I was also tapping into the bigger picture in acknowledging something that I’ve been told for years, have set intentions for for years, but clearly have not been able to integrate into my life fully and put into practice. Listen to this episode to hear what the message the Universe had for me, and what I learned from having Covid.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

148: My Birthday Reflections – Expectations, Being Seen and Ways to Improve our Well-Being!

Audio Player

Join the January cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


Download the guide for 12 mindfulness practices to increase your well-being here: 



Today is my 44th birthday and in this episode I share some personal reflections on what I continue to work on and the messages the Universe keeps sending me highlighting where I still get stuck. Two main areas I focus on are expectations, and my value of being seen, heard and validated. I often say that expectations are the quickest path to suffering and yet it can be so hard to release expectations you have on others, yourwelf, or even how life unfolds. Additionally, one of the things I’m working on this year is seeing, hearing and validating others from a lens of compassion and acceptance, knowing that when I can do this for others, a relational reciprocity is likely (or hopefully able) to occur. Lastly, I share 12 mindfulness practices that I continue to practice every damn day that help keep me grounded, centered and feeling good from the inside out, because as life continues to unfold in a way that is out of our control, we need all the tools we can to feel at our best.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

147: Let Your Sh*t Go in the New Year

Audio Player

Take the Get Unstuck Assessment here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckassessment/


Join the January cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


Every year I guide a “let your shit go” workshop, and this episode is a virtual workshop, in which I guide you through the steps to let go of what is no longer serving you, and how to set intentions (not resolutions) for the upcoming new year. I start with a short guided mindful meditation moment, then have you consider all the things you’re carrying (all the slights, pains, resentments, hurts, expectations, and more!) that are weighing you down and preventing you from moving forward. Once you have identified the things that are no longer serving you, I guide you through the steps on how to let it go so that you can create the space of what you want to bring in for 2022. I am never a fan of setting goals, which can be arbitrary and often lofty, but rather I prefer to set intentions, which are moment-to-moment actions and awareness that are in alignment with your values and with the quality of presence you want to be living your life. Cheers to a peaceful, healthy and aligned new year!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

146: Just Tell the Truth with Zev Aaron

Audio Player

Take the Get Unstuck Assessment here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckassessment/

Join the January cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/

This episode with Zev Aaron covers everything from talking about what it means to be human, what it means to be in relationship to the range of experiencing human emotions. Zev shares his beautiful journey of self-healing through the ability to listen to his inner wisdom, while simultaneously drawing upon ancient medicine and the power of community. He believes that life becomes less complicated when we are living our truth and is passionately and authentically guiding others in how to live their truth. This conversation so beautifully weaves through the journey of the heart and soul, how to emerge on the other side as a whole self.

Zev Aaron helps people live from a place of truth and honesty regardless of how uncomfortable that may be. He works with couples, families and startup founders to improve relational dynamics. He is a transformational coach, a trained Yale emotional intelligence trainer, a medicine man and a devoted father of two amazing daughters. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

145: Overcoming Emotional Exhaustion and Expectation During the Holidays

Audio Player

Take the Get Unstuck Assessment here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckassessment/


Join the January cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


The holiday season isn’t necessarily joyful, festive, pleasant or sometimes even enjoyable for many people. Whether it is being stuck in obligations or expectations, experiencing a retriggering of old traumas, feeling uncomfortable family dynamics, or simply the overwhelm of being in excess (spending too much money or indulging in too much food and/or drink) the holidays bring with it a myriad of emotions. In this episode, I guide you through tools of emotional self-regulation, how to manage expectations, set boundaries and practice self-compassion. I also give you permission to disappoint someone, because you are never going to be able to please everyone, and in attempting to do so, you abandon your own self, resulting in unhealthy patterns of codependency. The key to making the holidays more peaceful and enjoyable is to practice awareness of your needs, your emotions and your values, so you can show up authentically and intentionally, even if it’s a departure from previous ways of celebrating the holidays. And remember: self-care is never selfish, and during the busyness of the season, it’s more important than ever.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

144: Returning to Wholeness and Healing Childhood Trauma with Peggy Oliveria

Audio Player

Take the Get Unstuck Assessment here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckassessment/


Join the January cohort of The Journey Forward Method: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


We all have core wounds from our childhood, and often they can be “normal” instances that still leave a lasting imprint on our lives. In this conversation with Peggy Oliveria, we talk about these core wounds and how to go through the process of healing ourselves. Trauma can be a result of experiences ranging from abuse to living in a chaotic environment, and can shift how we show up in relationships. In absence of honoring these wounds, we tend to continue patterns that no longer serve us. 


Peggy’s Bio: Peggy’s soulful way of getting us to connect to our truth… pain, fears, dreams, & desires inspires us, with arms and hearts wide open, to look under the surface and honor the whispers of our soul.


Known as the Survivor Whisperer®, she weaves her story of impact & healing from childhood sexual abuse with her 20+ years of experience as a trauma therapist and advocate to inspire us to release what holds us back and courageously step into the life we deserve.


Peggy is the Founder of Courageous Journeys, a practice of guiding people on their Journey to Freedom through 1:1 sessions, online programs, and her transformational Journey to Freedom Retreat.


Follow Peggy:




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

143: Building the Confident Woman with Rachel Brooks

Audio Player

Fitness and lifestyle expert, Rachel Brooks, has a passion for living a life of purpose and alignment, and is creating a community – The Confident Woman Collective – for women to do the same. It’s her intention to equip and empower women to become their best, most confident self, by supporting them in what lights them up while learning to shed what’s holding them back. Author of the book, Chasing Perfection, Rachel vulnerably shares her own journey of what chasing perfection looked like for her and how she overcame that debilitating habit. She believes that self-awareness is the key to creating long-term change and that you must question everything – your thoughts, behaviors, actions and beliefs – to start living a more intentional, conscious and confident life. This conversation will be sure to inspire you to look within and to find the ways to push past the pain you may be holding onto and uncover your best self who is waiting to shine.


More about Rachel:

Rachel is a Fitness and Lifestyle Enthusiast, Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author of Chasing Perfection, Host of The Confident Woman Podcast, and Founder + Creator of The Confident Woman Collective and I am Athletics. As a former bodybuilding bikini competitor and champion, Rachel has taken years of fears, failures, setbacks, and extreme loss and created simple, yet powerful, lessons that help women transform their lives to become their best and most confident selves. As part of her mission, she empowers women to get Fit From Within by challenging and inspiring them to let go of their limiting beliefs, redefine who they are, and step into who they’re created to be—The Confident Woman. 

For more, visit www.iamrachelbrooks.com

Chasing Perfection: A Journey to Healing, Fitness, and Self-Love (Book):


The Confident Woman Podcast:


The Confident Woman Collective:


I am Athletics:


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

142: Compassion It with Sara Schairer

Audio Player

To have compassion means to “suffer with” or to be present in the midst of someone else’s suffering. When being compassionate, you work on reducing your judgment while practicing acceptance, mindfulness and kindness, all of which is easier said than done. This beautiful conversation with Sara Schairer delves deep into the practice of compassion; she shares how she not only practiced compassion to heal herself during challenging times in her life, but has built a non-profit so she can spread the value and teachings of compassion to others. Compassion It became an overnight global movement in 2012 and is built on the foundation that compassion is the most important lesson we can teach others and it. Sara has brought these tools and training with big tech, inmates and educators. Our conversation covers all areas from the impact compassion has in our day-to-day lives and as well as how to begin to practice. 


About Sara: Sara Schairer is the founder and executive director of Compassion It®, a nonprofit organization and global social movement whose mission is to inspire daily compassionate actions and attitudes. A facilitator of the Compassion Cultivation Training® (CCT) course developed at Stanford University, Sara leads trainings for audiences of all walks of life, from big tech leaders to inmates. She led compassion trainings in Africa sponsored by the Botswana Ministries of Health and Education and spent a week at a Rwandan refugee camp working on unleashing compassion within its healthcare system.


Sara gives talks and leads experiential workshops on everyday compassion, self-compassion, burnout prevention, and mindfulness. She also created the one-of-a-kind reversible Compassion It wristband that prompts compassionate actions on six continents, 50+ countries and all 50 states. Sara is a contributing author to the book The Neuroscience of Learning and Development: Enhancing Creativity, Compassion, Critical Thinking and Peace in Education, and writes for Deepak Chopra’s Center for Wellbeing website.


Follow Sara: 



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

141: A Conversation with Lauren Blanchard Zalewski – Living with Gratitude

Audio Player

After living with chronic pain for almost 20 years, Lauren has learned not only how to live with her pain, but more importantly, how to live in gratitude, and is a self-proclaimed “gratitude junkie.” For the past 8 years, she has built a community of support and tools to provide others a “no complaining zone” for them to feel uplifted, through inspiration, daily intentions and practices to look for and dwell in the good of their lives, despite their diagnoses and pain. In this conversation we talk about the various ways in which gratitude can completely shift not only your mindset, but your health and outlook on life, and finishes up with some really fun and creative ways to be more grateful. 


Find out more: visit gratitudeaddict.com.

Facebook group “Attitude of Gratitude with Chronic Pain”:


FB: https://www.facebook.com/gratitudeaddict 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gratitude_addict/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

140: Julie Boyer: Wake Up with Gratitude

Audio Player

In this episode, intuitive business and health coach Julie Boyer, shares her passion for the practice of gratitude. Being inspired to do a 21-day practice of writing down 3 specific things she was grateful for, without repeating anything, and being specific to that day, helped her manifest many of her goals. This deep mindset work also raised her vibration and helped to shift the course of her life, as she used gratitude as a response and way of being, after suffering a miscarriage, which was the hardest day of her life. Julie now inspires others in the practice of gratitude and literally wakes up to gratitude every day. We talk about the various ways of practicing gratitude, how to embody it and how to even look for it during the dark moments of your life. 


Julie Boyer is the host of the Wake Up With Gratitude™ podcast, an Intuitive Biz + Health Coach and three-time Amazon Best-Selling Author. To follow learn more:



She is also promoting my new photo calendar, which features her photos from her gratitude-filled mornings, and also has a book.



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

139: Andrea Rosario: It’s All Connected

Audio Player

I love this conversation with Andrea Rosario, who is a functional medicine doctor, and a functional neurologist, and is passionate about helping women get out of the constant cycle of flight/flight and help them cultivate more rest to reset their body to a place of calm. She takes a whole approach to health, and is more interested in the interconnectivity of the brain and body, rather than just the symptoms a client is presenting. Andrea’s unique approach to helping people heal is to connect them to nature as a role model for self-care. Each season presents a different way of being present from shedding what’s unnecessary, to retreat and resting, to growth and creativity, and finally to celebrate and play.


About Andrea:

Dr. Andrea Rosario, DC, DACNB, is a functional neurologist and functional medicine doctor. In her private practice, she helps people with chronic, complicated conditions to discover the root cause of their suffering and guides their recovery with natural solutions. Through her online outreach at Teach Them Well, she teaches specifically on the topic of helping burnt out women escape “fight or flight” and reset their body chemistry for calm.





209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

138: Bee Wise, Bee Aware

Audio Player

Have you ever gotten multiple signs from the Universe that are all in alignment with what you are already working on, or are at least trying to work on, but are just having a really hard time implementing the change that you know you need to make? Welcome to my life the past few weeks! In this episode, I share my recent run-in with bees, and how my multiple times getting stung has finally woken me to the messages the Universe keeps sending me: I need to slow down, and not force it. It’s so much easier said than done to create new habits and patterns, and sometimes it may take longer than you’d like, and yet it is possible. As a therapist and mindfulness teacher, I’m not immune from getting stuck, or needing to adhere to the lessons I teach, and I’m humbly practicing my own tools right now.


To join my January cohort of The Journey Forward Method, sign up here.


And here’s a copy of the poem that I read during this episode, Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters, by Portia Nelson

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

137: Overcoming Shame, Love Addiction and Unhealthy Relationships with Andrea Owen

Audio Player

When we get stuck in patterns in which we find ourselves in situations or relationships that no longer serve us, one way of managing is to externalize the blame and not take the responsibility for our part of it. And another approach is to self-reflect and consider how it is that we are showing up that is allowing the pattern to continue. When Andrea Owen found herself in a fetal position on the floor crying, wondering not only how she got to this point, but more importantly, what she was going to do next, she was able to finally create the change that got her to where she is now. And she has used that awareness and the tools she gained in becoming a coach, as well as being certified in Brene Brown’s work around shame, to coach others in getting out of their own way so they can live fully. In her new book, Make Some Noise, Andrea inspires women to live their kick-ass life through being curious about where they come from. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

136: The Journey Out of the Labyrinth

Audio Player

Have you ever truly slowed down to listen to the signs that the Universe keeps sending you? Or have you embodied the practices that you thought you were doing, only to realize that you were still far from where you thought, hoped or wanted to be? In this episode, Joree shares her recent experience of leading a women’s retreat at Miraval…she starts with the power and magic that can unfold in a retreat setting, and concludes with her transformation of what she received. Opportunities for growth and healing and mindfulness are truly at every corner – but if you aren’t open to walking the path, it can be easy to miss.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

135: Balancing it All with Stacy Tuschl

Audio Player

Can you imagine it being your wedding day, you’re in your wedding dress, the phone rings, you see it’s your business line, and you still pick it up because you don’t want to miss an important call? On your wedding day?! This actually happened to my guest this week, Stacy Tuschl, who is author of the book The Implementation Code, host of the podcast Foot Traffic Formula, and CEO of a multi-million dollar business. After her wedding day, she realized that something needed to shift…she started delegated work, figuring out her highest priority of the moment, and created the balance to do it all, but on her terms. And now, she is coaching others in how to do the same. So, if you’ve ever seen someone who is successful, with a thriving business, a healthy relationship, having quality time with their kids and isn’t seeming to be exhausted and overwhelmed all the time, and wondered not only, how do they do it all, but how can I, then this episode is for you!


To learn more about Stacy: Stacy Tuschl started her own business at the age of 18 in her parents’ backyard and turned that company into a multi-million dollar business she still runs today. Stacy is a bestselling author, and founder of the Foot Traffic Formula – helping small businesses around the world get more customers in the door. The Foot Traffic Podcast now has over 1 million downloads and is frequently on the top 30 of all marketing on iTunes where she’s interviewed guests like Suze Orman. Stacy was named the 2019 Wisconsin Small Business Person of the Year by the United States Small Business Administration.

Get a free copy of her book here: https://stacytuschl.clickfunnels.com/implementation-code-free-book4129830

Follow Stacy on social media: 







209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

134: Quick, Yet Effective, Self-Care Tips

Audio Player

September is self-care awareness month, and yet I teach self-care tools every single day. One of the most common frustrations I hear most from (mostly) women is that they don’t have time to practice self-care – and the fact that they have put self-care on their to-do list, only leaves them feeling judgmental and critical towards themselves and their inability to meet that goal. In this episode, I talk about viable self-care tips that will take no time out of your day – tools that begin with an internal awareness of your habits and patterns and how you can shift into more mindful responses to the areas of your life in which you feel most stuck. At its core, adopting a self-compassionate mindset is the thing that will most help you practice more self-care, and I list valuable other tools that you can start implementing right now. 


If you’d like some help to uncover your core values, download this PDF


To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

133: Go More Deeply Into Who You Are with Diana Rowan

Audio Player

From a young age, Diana Rowan suffered performance anxiety that she thought would derail her career as a professional pianist. Her path was anything but straight, but led her to uncover that the thing that held her back most was not in fact anxiety of performing in front of others, but rather, the fear of not knowing who she was and what she was here to say. When returning to music after taking a hiatus, she discovered herself, and that music was a medium to allow herself to truly feel, to know herself and express herself. Now, Diana shares this gift of inner awareness to spark creativity and inspiration in others so they are motivated to live a fulfilling life. This beautiful conversation will be sure to have you feeling seen, heard and validated that wherever you are in your journey is okay and that it is simply part of being human to feel insecure, fearful and uncertain. 


Learn more about Diana’s Infinite Inspiration retreat: https://www.dianarowan.com

Follow Diana on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/dianarowan/


Get her book, The Bright Way: https://www.amazon.com/Bright-Way-Freeing-Creative-Within/dp/1608686442

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

132: It’s Hard to Be Human

Audio Player

We are continuing to face so many challenges – raging variants of Covid, climate change – wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, civil unrest around the world…it’s not easy to be a human being in our current times; it’s likely been the hardest period we’ve endured during our recent lifetime. There is so much to stress and overwhelm us that it can be hard just to get through the day-to-day stuff. In this episode, I talk about the ways you can navigate these realities – and it all starts with having compassion for how hard it’s been. And as I always say, I think mindfulness is the answer to everything – the ability to accept what is here (if and especially when we don’t like what is here), how to not judge what we are feeling, as well as how to stay present. I also talk about toxic positivity and gratitude – you won’t want to miss this! These mindful tools will help you now and always as guideposts and route markers for navigating the unknown and uncertain times. 


To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

131: What’s Your Story?

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!


The story in which we define ourselves can often be limiting in who we allow ourselves to become. I used to operate out of an old story that no longer served me, and it kept me stuck, but I didn’t know who I was without my story. I feared the unknown and thought if I stayed in the “known”, then I’d be happy – until one day I shifted my mindset and was able to trust that the unknown held the possibility of happiness, peace, fulfillment and personal freedom. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

130: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!

Getting over fears and anxieties is much easier said than done, and it can take years to undo patterns and habits that perpetuate old stories. But, the good news is that it’s possible! And it all starts with awareness!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

129: My Light Will Not Go Out

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!


Have you ever had a serendipitous event that you believed to be the Universe giving you a sign? And if so, how did you interpret the message? What did you do with it? Hear Joree’s pivotal story of what turned out to be one of the most significant, spiritual experiences she’s ever had, and how she used it to help her Journey Forward.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

128: Money, Mindset & Magic with Emily King

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!


Tune into a fun and enlightening conversation with Emily King, a wealth and abundance coach, who shares the tools on how to use your power of mindset, and a bit of woo-woo, to bring into your life what you most want. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

127: Unf*ck Your Intimacy with Dr. Faith Harper

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!

I’m talking about sex again!! In this conversation with Faith Harper, we talk about sex, intimacy, trauma, relationships and everything in between! Faith is not only an expert in the field of sex and therapy, but she normalizes all human behavior and frames it in a way that is so fun to talk about (she says the F-word a lot!). If you want to be able to show up more authentically in your relationships, and more importantly, with yourself, you’ve got to work through your shit. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

126: #1 Relationship Advice: Talk About the Thing… with Shaun Galvanos

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!

In this episode I interview Shaun Galanos, a relationship and love coach who helps people develop emotional intimacy tools for themselves and their partners. We talk about love, sex, intimacy, communication, dating in quarantine, oh, and peanut butter! He has an honest, straightforward and fun energy in giving people advice on how to thrive in partnership, and shares his #1 tip that he gives to everyone he works with. It is: “talk about the thing.” As Fred Rogers says, “everything mentionable is manageable” and Shaun brings this wisdom to help uncover the root of where couples and their intimacy gets stuck. If you want to thrive in your relationship (current or future!) you won’t want to miss this episode.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

125: And, not But… with Silvy Khoukasian

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!

This conversation is with the amazing and insightful Silvy Khoucasian, who imparts beautiful wisdom and tools on how to create effective and healthy relationships. Bringing her personal experience of being raised within two different cultures along with being an introvert and sensitive person, she, along with her training, uses an intuitive approach to help couples connect, be vulnerable and thrive. A big focus of our conversation is on boundaries, and Silvy highlights invaluable tools that any couple can implement as soon as they’re done listening. And the title of this episode highlights one of my most favorite awarenesses that I learned while in my couple’s therapy, and this shift in language is the #1 thing that can impact your thinking and communication.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

124: Are You Ready to Take Sexy Back? with Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!

Alright ladies – this one’s for you! I could have talked to Alexandra Solomon for hours – no wait, make that days!! We cover so much juiciness in this episode about all things relationships, sex, and even how to talk to your kids about sex. I absolutely love when I come across brilliant people, putting forth amazing work, in a relatable and attainable way, and Alexandra is the real deal! Highlighting her new book, Taking Sexy Back, we focus a lot on how women can embrace themselves and their sexuality in a healthy, positive, and fun way. And teaser…you’ll want to listen all the way through to the end…there’s talk about the clitoris that I promise you, you won’t want to miss!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

123: Let Taking Action Be Your Goal with Irene Pace

Audio Player

To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!




I absolutely love a conversation in which I’m inspired to start taking action towards change! And better yet – I love it when it’s fresh, new info presented in an attainable, straightforward manner. Irene is full of such simplistic wisdom, including how to use mindfulness as a practice into healthy eating and ultimately creating a healthy life. And the best part of her frameworks from which she teaches?? Food is not the first thing to create awareness around!! Tune in to find out how to start creating lasting, healthy change right now! 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

122: The Path to Get Unstuck

Audio Player

Take the Get Unstuck Assessment here: https://joreerose.com/getunstuckquiz


To sign up for the Journey Forward Method September cohort, here’s the link: https://joreerose.com/journeyforwardmethod/


I know that I’m not the only one who gets overwhelmed by their thoughts and has difficulty in managing difficult emotions. I also know that I’m not the only one who was unfulfilled in their life and not only had to come to terms with that reality, but had to gain not only the courage but the tools to create lasting change. And I also know that to change is scary – it’s an unknown. But at some point to not create the change, to stay stuck, is harder than it is to get unstuck. That is why I am so passionate about teaching these tools to others, because I know it is possible. In this week’s episode, I take you on a deep dive into the pathways to get unstuck. I share with you my proprietary framework, The Cycle of Reactivity, as the way you can work your way out of the habits and patterns that are preventing you from moving forward in your life. This is the crux of all the work that I teach and the foundation for my exclusive Journey Forward Method live course. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

121: Are You Ready to Shock Your Potential? with Michael Sherlock

Audio Player

This conversation starts off with the powerful question of “who are you when you are alone, in your own head?” It’s one thing to put on your outside persona for others, and yet there isn’t always alignment from what we are showing to others and how we feel on the inside. It’s so easy to stay stuck and limited in how we show up in our lives, holding ourselves back from stepping into our true authenticity and our personal power. And when we continue to push down our emotions, fears and doubts, they’ll eventually show up somewhere and wreak havoc on our health, mindset and ability to live fully. In this interview with Michael Sherlock, we talk about her vulnerable journey through suicidal ideation, depression and the power of putting bright blue streaks in her hair, and how it has all guided her to become more vulnerable and fearless, not only in how she lives her life, but in how she shows up as a leader to train others. 


More about Michael: Don’t be fooled by the name, the hair color, or crazy shoes. Michael Sherlock is serious about business. She is dedicated to creating positive, productive, and profitable workplaces, and helping individuals, and businesses unlock their ultimate potential. 


Before launching her global training company, Shock Your Potential, Michael was Vice President of US Sales for two multi-national medical device companies, responsible for net revenue exceeding $75 million and as many as 500 employees at a time. In 2020 she released the Shock Your Potential App, an on-demand training tool for leadership and sales professionals and was chosen as #12 of the Top Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2021 by EnterpriseLeague.com


To learn more about Michael and everything to shock your potential, find her here: www.shockyourpotential.com




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

120: 4 Underlying Patterns of Conflict in Relationships

Audio Player

I’m fascinated by people and as a therapist I get curious about common patterns that I see come up time and again with clients. As a universal truth, I know that love isn’t enough, relationships are hard, and everyone wants to be seen, heard and validated. And though we all have those same basic needs, we often fail to meet our partner’s needs, we miss the mark of effective, compassionate communication and we find ourselves stuck and disconnected. In this week’s podcast episode, I share a working theory based on my observations that highlight 4 common patterns that are beneath the details within conflict between partners. Tune in to hear what these patterns are, and next time you are stuck in disconnection, see which one of these patterns is arising, so you can use this insight to help you move through the conflict with a bit more compassion, awareness and ease.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

119: A Conversation with a Sexologist with Megan Stubbs

Audio Player

You might be wondering, what even is a sexologist? Well, it’s someone who educates people on what to do with their bodies and talk about how they feel about it. In this episode, I talk with Megan Stubbs, who is on a mission to guide people in how to be in better relationship to themselves, their sexuality, their partners and their bodies. We talk about how to begin the journey of self-exploration (especially if you’ve never given yourself that permission), tools for creating deeper connection and conversation with your partner, how to cultivate greater arousal and vulnerability even if you’ve never had that, and how to take the steps of overcoming trauma. This open, insightful and important conversation highlights the value of talking about sex, your needs, and your body without shame or judgment. Megan is also author of the new book Playing Without a Partner, A Singles’ Guide to Sex, Dating, and Happiness.


To learn more about Megan: 

Official Website: sexologistmegan.com

Facebook: /DrMeganStubbs

Twitter: @sexologistmegan

Instagram: @sexologistmegan

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

118: “Right now…”

Audio Player

Emotions are hard. They are especially hard to navigate because we aren’t socialized to know what to do with them, nor do we often have role models that show us how to effectively and compassionately move through our emotions with greater ease and skill. The challenge increases when we believe that something is wrong with us for feeling what we feel, when we are in comparison-mind with the assumption that others are navigating through their emotions with greater ease, or when we believe that our emotions are permanent. In this episode, I share two little words that you can say to yourself to help you get through those moments when you just don’t think the pain and discomfort of what you are feeling is ever going to end. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

117: Well then… Just Be Her with Shari Alyse

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Coming from a childhood of trauma, Shari learned how the impact and power of keeping a smile on her face helped those around her, but also prevented her from fully feeling what was really going on inside of her. After many years of pushing down the pain of her trauma, she learned that she had to do for herself what she had mastered doing for others, which was to help create more joy. Shari now is known as the “joy magnet” and has turned this superpower into being a motivational speaker, international best-selling author, as well as being a joy and self-love coach. This inspirational conversation will definitely help you to recognize how tools such as compassion and acceptance, combined with adopting a mindset shift of “what if the Universe isn’t against you?” can help you create the vision of who you want to be and how you want to consciously create the life you are living. 


Shari’s bio: Known as the ‘Joy Magnet’, Shari Alyse is a Motivational Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and Joy and Self-Love Coach. Shari’s deep commitment to others is motivated by her own journey through childhood sexual abuse and other childhood traumas. Shari has spent her life learning how to love herself completely and now helps others find and reclaim their joy. 


In 2013, Shari co-founded one of the first online holistic wellness directories and communities. She has been featured on numerous media outlets including ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS radio, Huffington Post, just to name a few. Shari has gone on to produce and host multiple online TV and radio shows, most recently, the talk show, “Heart to Heart.”


Shari’s book, Love Yourself Happy, quickly became a #1 New Release and Amazon Best-Seller and she has created a signature coaching program to help you to discover, embrace and love your YOU.

Shari believes that in the radical acceptance of yourself, you can truly live a joy-filled life!


Love Yourself Happy – https://sharialyse.com/author/

Heart to Heart talk show – https://www.hearttoheartshow.com



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

116: So far…

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In this episode, I share one of my favorite stories that highlight my mindset shift from feeling stuck to feeling free. I used to be filled with anxiety and fear and was afraid to fully live, because I was always thinking “what-if” in my mind, and instantly would go to worst-case-scenario. And once I pushed past that limitation, I was ready to fully embrace my life, and had an epic 36-hours in Kauai with my two daughters in the summer of 2015. It was my then-9-year-old who gave me two words that had a profound impact on me: “so far…” She was referring to the fact that this moment in time did not represent finite experiences in my life, and it was one of the best days of my life, so far. Her wisdom is something I still carry with me today and I’m happy to share it with you.


I’m taking only a few new clients in the month of June. If you’d like to apply to work with me, click here


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

115: Rebuilding After a Life Crisis with Dr. Debi Silber

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In this episode, I talk with Dr. Debi Silber, who is the founder and CEO of the PBT Institute, which she founded to help people go through a post-betrayal transformation. She defines betrayal as a breaking of spoken or an unspoken rule in a relationship; the more you trust that person, the deeper the betrayal. After her own pain, Debi went on a personal journey to heal, and in that process, got her PhD, and studied people who had gone through a similar experience, and uncovered the steps necessary to not just get past, but to actually grow through the pain. When the person who gives you safety and security shatters it, the pain is tattooed on your heart, and the healing one goes through after a betrayal requires many different levels and layers. Betrayal impacts you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and you need a mutli-faceted approach to get to the truest healing. When trust is shattered, in addition to not trusting others, you don’t even know how to trust yourself, and getting back to self-trust is one of the paramount – and first – steps in creating a healing transformation. Tune in to hear Debi’s story and her deep wisdom, as she walks us through the 4 steps to rebuild your sense of self, your life and ability to be in healthy relationships once again.


Debi is the author of The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis and her newest book: Trust Again: Overcoming Betrayal and Regaining Health, Confidence and Happiness.


To learn more: https://thepbtinstitute.com/trustagain/

Do you have Post Betrayal Syndrome? 

Take the Quiz: https://thepbtinstitute.com/quiz/ 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

114: Regulate, then Resolve

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In this week’s episode, I talk about a theme that keeps coming up in my work with clients, which is how to manage through difficult moments when there is high emotion or conflict. Oftentimes we feel that when we are in conflict – a disagreement, fight, a transgression – we need to solve it, ideally right then and there. The problem is that in that moment, when the emotions have taken over, we can’t access the tools to be able to get to resolution or connection. We’ve got to regulate before resolving. This can be easier said than done, though with awareness, we have greater ability to see that when we are stuck in the spiral of emotions we literally can’t access the tools to get to a productive conversation. And regulation simply means to calm the brain and the body…and in this episode I teach you how to do all of this! It’s a game changer!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

113: The Power of Cauliflower with Amy Lacey

Audio Player

To join The Journey Forward Method, click here.

In this week’s episode, I talk with the inspirational Amy Lacey, who founded Cali’flour Foods and believes that eating healthy should taste as good as it makes you feel. Amy is one of the 23.5 million people suffering from an autoimmune disease, and after being diagnosed with lupus in 2010, she realized she needed to change her eating habits. With that in mind, she set out to recreate foods that no longer worked for her, and over recent years what started off as a necessary step in her own health has become her life’s work. In this conversation, Amy vulnerably shares her story, and how she believes her past pain and difficult emotions may have contributed to her physical health as an adult, and the work that she has done to create lasting change in her life, and in the lives of others! The amazing feedback she’s received from the people whose life and health was positively impacted by eating her products contributed to the immense success that her modest company has grown to become. Keeping her core values of passion, product, people, pay it forward and perseverence, at the forefront of life and business has kept her grounded, centered and focused on what is most important. Amy now helps guide others in launching their food products, as she continues to live a life that is healthy and balanced, both inside and out.


More about Amy: She is a national best-selling author of Cali’flour Kitchen and The Clean Switch. Her Cali’flour products have won numerous awards, have been featured on the Dr. Oz show, in Food & Beverage Magazine, GQ, and OK! magazine and as one of “Whoopi’s Favorite Things” on The View. Cali’flour Foods is a two-time Clean Eating magazine award winner.



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

112: I Am Unique, But My Problems Are Not

Audio Player

To join me in The Journey Forward Method, which starts Thursday April 29th, sign up here.


I vulnerably share with you my journey…not only so you can get to know me a bit more (if you are newer to the podcast…) but so that you can see why I am so passionate about teaching what I teach. I so deeply believe that growth and change is possible, and that we have the ability to push past what holds us back, so we can live a fulfilling life. I have literally broken through my barriers that I believed were stuck in stone, and as it turns out, once I broke through, there was no stopping me. In addition to serendipitous events that were signs from the Universe reminding me that I was on the right path, I learned new habits and new patterns in how I viewed the world, and more importantly, how I viewed myself. In addition to a massive mindset shift and pushing past self-doubt, the practices of mindfulness and meditation gave me the tools and framework to know what to do next in each moment. And this is my journey forward…are you ready to journey forward in your life? Join me! 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

111: Engaging in a Post-Covid World

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A year ago we were in a huge unknown when Covid hit, and now we are in another huge unknown in how to engage in a “post-Covid” world. While we are still in the midst of the pandemic, with many people getting their vaccine, it brings the question of “how do I live my life now that I’m vaccinated?” For many people they are wanting to jump right back into “normal” life – but the reality is, there is no normal life to go back to, and we are in the midst of creating our new normal. In this episode I talk about the ways in which we can consciously and intentionally decide how to move forward, with greater discernment, getting off autopilot and into a more values-driven, aligned way of living our lives. While many may not consider how to live any differently, many people are concerned with new social norms, how to engage around other people, not knowing what is safe or not, and simply how to determine the pace in which they want to be living. At the core of these decisions is knowing your values, drawing boundaries and practicing self-compassion. No one on this planet is immune from these questions, as we are all affected by this process, but not everyone is going to be intentional in how they engage in a post-Covid world…are you?


Join me an exclusive opportunity for The Journey Forward Method – starting April 29th


Download this worksheet to help you uncover your core values.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

110: The Keys to Cultivate a Thriving Relationship with Elizabeth Earnshaw

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You know that love isn’t enough, right? It’s a hard and inconvenient truth that love in and of itself is not enough to carry a relationship through the ups and downs and vicissitudes of everyday life. And yet, there is no rule book handed to couples on the onset of a new relationship that will clearly guide them in how to manage micro transgressions, poor or ineffective communication, how to reduce the resentment over time, how to reconnect when feeling disconnected, what to do when old traumas resurface, or how to integrate the changes that naturally occur as we age and grow. Relationships are hard. Period. In fact, I’m surprised that they even work at all since we are a bevy of emotions, conditions and environments that impact our ability to show up for ourselves, let alone for our partners. And yet, there are tools that we can learn. In this week’s episode, I talk with Liz Earnshaw, a marriage and family therapist, who is training in Gottman therapy to guide couples in the research-based tools that will create the possibility to thrive in your relationship. It’s a fun, insightful and necessary conversation that I think anyone in a relationship needs to listen to.


To learn more about Liz: Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT, CGT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Gottman Therapist. She is also a mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister and colleague – navigating her own relationships just like everyone else.


In addition to writing about relationships on instagram @lizlistens and contributing to online publications like mindbodygreen, Elizabeth is currently writing a book about interdependent relationships that will be published next year.


Elizabeth maintains a private psychotherapist practice for individuals and couples in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (A Better Life Therapy), teaches and trains therapy graduate students and postgraduate students, and runs monthly courses “Love Lessons 365” available online. She frequently speaks to classes, podcasts, and other audiences about building healthy relationships.





209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

109: Episode 109 – Core Beliefs, Primal World Beliefs and Mindset with Dr. John Schinnerer

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In this episode, I talk with my fiance, Dr. John Schinnerer, host of the podcast The Evolved Caveman, about new research in the field of primal world beliefs, which asks the question “Is the world good or bad?” We delve into deep conversation about core beliefs (which are your beliefs you have about yourself, others, and the world) and these primal world beliefs, and some of the categories that fall under the primal world belief, such as, “do you believe the world to be safe or dangerous?”, “full of abundance or scarcity?”, and “do you believe the world to be ever-changing or static?” We take these big concepts and make them digestible in applying them in everyday situations and examples both from our own lives, our relationship and what we see with clients. Through this complex and insightful conversation John and I share how awareness is always the first step to change your mindsets or core beliefs that no longer serve you, and why being curious about your beliefs matter. 


To learn more about John: www.theevolvedcaveman.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

108: Never Say Never

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I’m assuming that anyone listening, one time or another, swore that they would never do something, that they one day ended up doing. Well, I have too. Twice in fact. And in this week’s podcast episode I’m going to share my story of what I swore I would never do, twice, and how it came to be that that old narrative no longer applied. It’s an interesting moment in our lives when we have the opportunity to question our narratives, and get curious about whose voice it is that we are actually hearing (it’s likely someone from when you were younger; in my case, my mom’s). And when we can let go of that voice and outdated narrative, then we have the opportunity to truly live intentionally, based on who we are in the here and now, rather than who we thought we were supposed to be. And you know what that equals?? Freedom and authenticity!!!


If you’d like to Journey Forward with me to Miraval in Tucson, AZ in September 2021, get yourself on the waitlist, since my first retreat sold out!! Click here!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

107: Happily Even After Divorce with Renee Bauer

Audio Player

In this week’s podcast episode, I interview Renee Bauer, a divorce lawyer whose practice guides people in how to be happy even after their divorce. This is an informative and yet important conversation on not only the dissolution of a marriage, but in the various ways couples can go about the process. Renee’s straight-forward approach is in part due to her personal experience of being twice divorced, and her wealth of knowledge brings insight, a plan and a strategy to help people forge into the next chapter of their lives. She has created an amazing divorce course that walks you through the steps anyone would need to know to give them confidence and clarity, which is so important during an emotional time. If you’ve been through any stage of divorce, or know someone who has or is currently going through it, you won’t want to miss this episode. 


Renee’s bio: Ms. Renée Bauer is an award-winning divorce attorney, published author, and founder of the family law firm, Bauer Law Group.Renée’s insights are sought after by local, national and international media outlets, podcasts, and conferences where she speaks on co-parenting, blended family dynamics, relationships, and the art of reinvention. As an accomplished litigator, she boldly educates and inspires women to reclaim their right to happiness through her online course, the d∙course and podcast, Happy Even After.

Despite being a self-proclaimed introvert, Renée believes doing uncomfortable and hard things is something we all have the capacity to breathe though. Her need to share her message is greater than her fear of speaking in crowds. Stay tuned because being on stage as a Tedx speaker is on her short “to do” list even if she is going to have to take lots of deep breaths for that one. Once private and reserved, Renée has stripped away the photo filters to talk candidly about the shame and guilt most women feel in their lives so they can find their own version of Happy Even After.


Connect with Renee on social media:

IG: @msreneebauer

FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/happyevenafter


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

106: We Aren’t Going Back to “Normal” – And That’s Okay

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To get more information on the Miraval Women’s Retreat: https://joreerose.com/upcoming-retreats/


It’s now been officially one year since Covid impacted all our lives; a year ago today was the first official day of remote learning and working from home. On that Monday morning, we all thought it was going to be a break for 2-3 weeks – I don’t think we could have comprehended that an entire year would go by in which we were limited in how we lived our lives. On this anniversary, I first want to honor, send compassion and big hugs to those who suffered illness and/or loss in the past year. And I also want to acknowledge that this year has been a great big pause, in which I believe, the Universe called upon to be more mindful and intentional in how we live our lives. While it’s really easy to dwell in the pain and discomforts of the past year, in this episode, I invite you to look back and consider what gifts you received? What did you learn about yourself, your strengths, values, needs, ways in which you live your life that perhaps you’ve been too busy or on autopilot to notice and pay attention to? Additionally, as vaccines roll out and schools are heading back, I also share some tools for re-entry and how to move forward in your life more consciously and intentionally.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

105: Parenting From the Male Perspective with Eli Weinstein

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In this week’s episode, I talk with Eli Weinstein, who is a therapist in New York, and also host of the podcast The Dude Therapist. Eli vulnerably shares how his struggles with bullying and ADHD as a child helped to deepen his own emotional and self-awareness. This “superpower” is the foundation of humanness that he brings to all aspects of his life, especially into his work with clients to create authentic connection, but especially into his parenting of his young daughter. Eli also shares how the family values of compassion and helping others instilled in him growing up, influences the lens through which he moves through the world. The bulk of our conversation centers around parenting from the male perspective on how showing up, being present, and  being consistent (though not perfect) can lead to developing greater value and worth in your children.


Eli’s bio:

Eli is a LCSW who has worked in a psych hospital, intense outpatient clinic and currently works in a community clinic in Queens. He created ELIvation to fill a need to help those in struggling times and add some extra inspiration and motivation into everyday life.

Eli has been featured on Kelly Clarkson show, IVF Warrior, Fruitful, Breaking Taboo and on multiple podcasts ranging from parenting, relationships, mental health, and infertility. His main goal is to help people on their journey to add support, care, empathy, expertise, and insight.

He runs events, seminars, and individual coaching on topics from mental health awareness, public speaking coaching, relationship coaching, and confidence-boosting.


To learn more about Eli, check out: 

Website: https://www.elivation.org/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eliweinstein_lcsw

Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedudetherapist

The letter I wrote to my daughter during Covid: https://joreerose.medium.com/a-letter-to-my-daughter-during-covid-28daacea1e6c

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

104: The Real Meaning of Mindful Communication

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To join my community and get any upcoming announcements, click here


Language holds a lot of power, and especially as a therapist, I’m nitpicky on the words that we speak – both aloud to others, as well as the language we speak in our own minds. I know that while it’s not always easy, effective communication is possible, and in this episode I’m going to guide you through the tools you can cultivate so you can feel seen, heard and validated, as well as do the same for others. I share both well-known, as well as my own, tangible frameworks that you can practice to make your communication more effective, productive and kind. To me, the crux of mindful communication is to truly speak your truth, unapologetically, and say what’s on your heart; often we go into communication to try and get the other person to change or do something, which can often leave us feeling unfulfilled in the exchange. When we are being mindful of our words, our intentions, our body language and our needs, our communication becomes much more clear, clean and concise. It’s a practice to learn how to stay present, be curious about the stories we are telling ourselves, as well as how to regulate our emotions and thoughts during conversations, and it’s possible. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

103: Dethrone Your Inner Critic with Joanna Kleinman

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In this episode, I interview Joanna Kleinman, who is a therapist that helps people understand how to manage their minds so they can design a life that they love. So many of us get stuck in the belief system that if I change my external circumstances, then I’ll feel differently internally, only to realize that that’s not the answer. You have to be able to take responsibility, accountability and ownership of your life, otherwise you’ll get stuck in a cycle of blame and externalization, and ultimately will stay stuck. Joanna helps us to understand how to get out of this cycle through what she calls the 4 steps to dethroning your inner critic, which is also the title of her new book. This is a fantastic conversation and I hope you enjoy!


If you want to learn more about me and how I can work with you, check out www.joreerose.com. And thank you to all of you that have been part of me Journey Forward community. As a thank you, please download this free gratitude meditation, that goes along with my new book, A Year of Gratitude, which you can purchase here on Amazon.. And if this podcast has inspired you in any way, I’d be so grateful for you to give it a rating and/or review!! Thank you so much!


Joanna’s bio: With over 20 years of experience in therapy and life coaching, Joanna Kleinman (LCSW) is a nationally recognized expert in personal transformation. She guides her clients away from the comfort zones that keep them safe and small and into their Authentic Selves, the place where purpose, innovation, and fulfillment live.


Through her signature Dethroning Your Inner Critic online and in-person programs and her unique M.I.N.D. Method, Joanna’s moment-to-moment interactions boldly model this shift first hand. With equal parts heart-based presence and laser-sharp focus, she interrupts “business-as-usual” to help people to uncover deeply rooted blind spots, question what is held as “the truth”, and relentlessly step into their brilliance.


To learn more: https://www.facebook.com/DethroningYourInnerCritic/


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

102: The Importance of Holding Two Truths at Once

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The ability to hold the paradox of two truths at the same time is a valuable skill and tool, and something that I work with a lot of my clients in being able to do. Research shows how being able to believe two things at the same time not only makes for a great leader, but also in how you are able to be empathetic and compassionate towards others. In this episode, I delve deeper into not only what it means to hold two truths, but how to be able to practice this. I cover the roadblocks you may encounter that keep you stuck on the negatives in your life that may prevent you from seeing another point of view, how to be able to shift your mindset and how to differentiate between different emotions so you are able to feel multiple things at once. Of course, mindfulness and acceptance are at the root of this and hopefully this episode will inspire you to see yourself and your patterns more clearly so you can be open and intentional in how you respond to what is arising. 


If you want to learn more about me and how I can work with you, check out www.joreerose.com. And thank you to all of you that have been part of me Journey Forward community. As a thank you, please download this free gratitude meditation, that goes along with my new book, A Year of Gratitude, which you can purchase here on Amazon.. And if this podcast has inspired you in any way, I’d be so grateful for you to give it a rating and/or review!! Thank you so much!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

101: Acupuncture For Your Home with Patricia Lohan

Audio Player

As a gift to you, please download this free gratitude meditation, that goes along with my new book, A Year of Gratitude, which you can purchase here on Amazon. I hope you enjoy both!


In this week’s episode, I talk with Patricia Lohan, who as a Feng Shui master helps women create their homes to be a place of abundance and flow; she explains how the energy in your home impacts everything from your health, wellbeing, relationships, career, and finance. Being a woman who learned to surrender to what was being presented to her along her journey, she followed the breadcrumbs in her path, ultimately leading to her own alignment. As a Reiki master, sound healer and yoga teacher, she uses influences from all these modalities to help her clients create complete alignment. Patricia says if there is an area of your home in which something isn’t working, or is continuously stuck or cluttered, it could impact other areas of your life. I hope you enjoy this insightful and fun conversation!


Patricia’s bio: Patricia Lohan is the creator of Powerhouse and Author of The Happy Home: A Guide To Creating A Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life. Patricia Lohan helps women make their home magnetic to money, luck, and blessings. She shows you what they don’t teach in school, what lies between the lines, your top secret tool for success. She is a feng shui expert, a healer, and a passionate female entrepreneur who has shaped her dream life living in Bali with her husband. Patricia has a gift at making feng shui simple and easy to understand and implement. She has helped thousands of people across the globe embrace feng shui and create lasting changes in their homes, lives, and businesses. Patricia has seen firsthand the power of the mind, surroundings, and inner healing, clearing and aligning everything so it works holistically. To learn more: https://patricialohan.com/ and https://www.powerhousefengshui.com/powerhouse-sales-page


Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/powerhousefengshui

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/PatriciaLohan.RestoringYouBack.ToHarmony/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lohanpatricia/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

100: What I Learned the Day I Found My Lost Diamond Earring

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This is my 100th episode!!!! Thank you to all of you that have been part of this Journey Forward with me!!! As a thank you, please download this free gratitude meditation, that goes along with my new book, A Year of Gratitude, which you can purchase here on Amazon.. And if this podcast has inspired you in any way, I’d be so grateful for you to give it a rating and/or review!! Thank you so much!


You’re gonna love this episode; I share one of my most favorite stories of when I realized just how determined I am, and how that helped me to shift out of old stories and limiting beliefs that I wasn’t capable of, smart enough or strong enough to accomplish what I put my mind to. Once that mindset shifted, there really was no stopping me. And the outcome of me making this shift? I am living an authentic life, in which I feel strong, confident and capable of managing anything that comes my way, whether it’s not believing my ruminating thoughts, not getting stuck in overwhelming emotions or moving more mindfully through difficult situations. And if I can do it, so can you.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

99: Uncover the Core Beliefs Holding You Back with Lilia Nivarrete

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In this week’s episode, I talk with Lilia Navarrete, who is a transformational business coach helping female entrepreneurs achieve their highest level of success. Lilia shares her journey from being miserable and out of alignment to embarking on a self-development discovery that helped her not only make money, but from a place of being healed from the old stories that used to hold her back. She now guides women how to gain a deeper understanding of the root of the message and your core beliefs, and see how that impacts what isn’t working in their lives. When you can heal the old pain, the abundance begins to flow in all areas of your life.


Free breakthrough session booking link: https://go.oncehub.com/LiliaNavarrete

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lilia.navarrete.at.ryise

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingmoneymindset/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/navarreteliliacoach/


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

98: Creative Ways to Integrate Gratitude

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Life is hard, and the lens through which you view the world and your experiences matter. While you can’t always control what arises, you have 100% control over how you respond and what you do with how life unfolds. It’s not just about mindset, it’s about making it a conscious practice. In this week’s episode, I share some of my favorite ways to bring gratitude into your life, that are taken from my new book A Year of Gratitude. There are some traditional ways you may think about practicing gratitude, such as reflecting on what you were grateful for from your day, but I’m delving further into 12 different ways that you may not have considered as helpful tools for bringing gratitude into your daily routine. I love that there are so many creative, thoughtful, and even healing ways to bring more awareness, gratitude and appreciation into our lives. I hope this episode inspires you in new and thoughtful ways!


The book is officially on sale Tuesday Jan. 19, so you can order your copy here or the Kindle version.


If you want to read an article I wrote about this same topic as well, you can check it out on Medium


And if you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

97: How to Find Your Path in the Dark

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There have been plenty of experiences in my life in which I learned to trust my intuition and gut for guiding me on my path. Sometimes in fact, when I could rely on logic and reason, my inner light was still the north star that led me in the right direction. In this episode, I share one of my favorite stories in which this was highlighted in the most beautiful of ways, and I share the metaphors, lessons and the ways I learned to navigate forward even when I wasn’t sure what was right in front of me. And now, almost more than ever, this is an important reminder as we continue to forge ahead into 2021 with almost as many unknowns as 2020 ended with. 


And I am excited that you can pre-order my new book – A Year of Gratitude – on pre-order here. 


Order Kindle version of my book here


And if you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

96: Why Being Values-Driven Matters

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The new year is a time when many people often set new goals for themselves, and then just a few weeks later, fail at meeting those new resolutions. So this year, I invite you to set intentions, rather than be attached to goals, and allow the path to shift and move in a way that is in alignment with you. One of the ways to do this is to be values-driven, and allow your values to be what guides your decisions, your choices and your actions. In this episode, I walk you through some different ways to uncover your core values and how to create a clear vision of the future you’d like to create.


To download the list of core values, click here 


And I am excited that you can pre-order my new book – A Year of Gratitude – on pre-order here: https://amzn.to/2Jpwu7f


And if you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

95: Recognize, Release and Renew

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In this week’s episode I finish up our mini masterclasses in mindfulness, in which I talk about the power of letting go of what is no longer serving you so you can create the lasting positive change that you are seeking in your life. The foundation to this is awareness – when you begin to recognize your habits and patterns that have kept you on autopilot, you can begin to choose to live more consciously, and in alignment with who you want to be. In addition, when you practice shifting the lens through which you see the world through gratitude, and honest self-reflection, you can have greater ability to make the baby steps to let go of the shit that is holding you back so you can journey forward to living your best, authentic life. 


Buy my new book – A Year of Gratitude – on pre-order here: https://amzn.to/2Jpwu7f


I’m hosting my yearly end of the year workshop Let Your Sh*t Go (which this year of course will be a virtual zoom event) on Wednesday Dec. 30 at 10am PST. Click here to register


And if you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

94: Let Your Presence Be Your Present

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So often we focus on “stuff” rather than what’s really most important. During the holidays, it’s so easy to stress over how to find the perfect gift for the people we care most about, and what we often fail to recognize is that the most valuable present we can give others is our presence. Especially this year, now more than ever, our presence is a valued commodity that we truly can put no price on. In this episode, I share the value of presence as we continue to wrap up our mini masterclasses in mindfulness. 


I’m hosting my yearly end of the year workshop Let Your Sh*t Go (which this year of course will be a virtual zoom event) on Wednesday Dec. 30 at 10am PST. Register here:  https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17719296&appointmentType=18892514 


And if you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

93: The Deepest Wisdom You Can Practice

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One of the hardest and yet most powerful practices in mindfulness is the practice of equanimity. This is mental calmness despite what is arising around you. It is radical acceptance at the deepest level, and when you can come to accept what it is – even if you don’t like what is – things begin to shift; you are no longer stuck in cycles of judgment and reactivity. This provides you freedom because you are no longer dependent on external circumstances to determine your mood, your emotions or your present moment experience. Equanimity does not mean you don’t care; in fact, it’s the deepest wisdom to acknowledge that “it is what it is.” It is the ability to see things as they are, without instantly judging it as “good or bad” or “positive or negative.” Equanimity can also serve to regulate our nervous system, helping us to stay calm even in overwhelming situations. 


I’m hosting my yearly end of the year workshop Let Your Sh*t Go (which this year of course will be a virtual zoom event) on Wednesday Dec. 30 at 10am PST. Register here:  https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17719296&appointmentType=18892514 


And if you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

92: The 3 Practices You Need to Practice Right Now

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Suffering exists; it’s the first Noble Truth as defined by the Buddha and mindfulness offers the pathways out of that suffering. In this week’s episode, I share how and why compassion, self-compassion and lovingkindness are practices that you need to be practicing right now. While these tools don’t negate the pain or challenge in your life, they simply offer a different lens through which to see the world, helping you shift your focus of attention from rumination into a softening of mind, heart and spirit. Especially as we are closing out the end of 2020, probably one of the most difficult years we’ve collectively experienced in our recent memory, it’s more important now than ever to maintain your emotional and mental health as a foundation of your physical health. No matter where you are, or what your situation, compassion, self-compassion and lovingkindness are always available to you; the key is to remember to practice, which I will guide you through during this episode.


If you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group,

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

91: What Does Ghosthunting Have to do with Mindfulness?!

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In a continuation of mini master classes in mindfulness, this week’s episode I talk about how to be more mindful of your thoughts. I see people most getting stuck in one of two areas (or both!): their emotions and their thoughts. When we get stuck in our thoughts, we ruminate, the thoughts never seem to slow down, we get caught in a cycle of reactivity, we believe our thoughts as truth, we focus on the negative, we don’t know what to believe when we think one thing and feel another…and so much more! But when we are able to simply observe the thoughts, and see them for simply what they are, the less power they have over us. I take you on a journey through a time I went ghost hunting in New Orleans to demonstrate the power of mindfulness when related to our thoughts. 


If you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group,


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

90: It’s So Much More Than Just an Attitude

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You often hear the phrase, have an attitude of gratitude…and while your attitude and mindset are important factors of how you bring gratitude into your life, what’s more important is your action. In this week’s episode, another mini masterclass in a mindfulness practice, I talk about the power of gratitude, the research that backs it up, and some of my favorite ways to practice being more grateful, not just this week for Thanksgiving, but for all year long.


If you like what you hear, and want to be part of my Journey Forward community, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group,

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

89: Get Unstuck; How to Move Through Your Emotions

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In a continuation of each episode through the end of December, I’m offering a mini masterclass in the application of mindful tools to help you get unstuck and journey forward to living your best life. In this episode, I talk about how to get through the tunnel of emotions from which you are stuck. It is said that emotions have a cycle, and emotional exhaustion, burnout and feeling overwhelmed doesn’t come from the emotion itself, but from our inability to let the natural cycle of the emotion complete. There is a beginning, middle and end, and we tend to not know how to move ourselves through. Mindfulness – the ability to be present, increase awareness with compassion, acceptance, equanimity, observe what’s arising, respond and not react – are all great ways to begin being with whatever emotion is present. But if that’s not helping, and you’re still feeling stuck, then what? Tune in to hear me go through 7 tangible tools to help you move through your emotions, as outlined in the new book Burnout, by Emily and Amelia Nagoski.


To learn more about mindfulness and how to apply it to your life, visit www.joreerose.com or join my Journey Forward Facebook group,

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

88: Let it Be Okay, to Not Be Okay

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It’s an easy pattern to get stuck in our thoughts and in our emotions…mindfulness can help free us from that old pattern. We are not often taught to manage our emotions…we cling to positive emotions, and resist difficult emotions. So a big question is, How do I manage emotions when they take over? How can I sit in the discomfort without denying, resisting or ignoring what’s arising? Equanimity is a tool to help: it’s radical acceptance. 

We often don’t know what to do with our emotions – and yet, the only way out is through. The key is to acknowledge the emotion and then pause to decide what to do with it. But allow yourself to feel what you feel; you don’t have to act on it immediately. 


Want more guidance in how to do this? Join my FB group where you’ll get daily tips and tools in bringing more mindfulness into your everyday life. Click here to join the FB group: join my Journey Forward Facebook group,

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

87: Get Out of Your Head, and Into Your Body

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This week’s podcast episode is a continuation of these mini “masterclasses” in mindfulness I’m doing from October through the end of December. Mindfulness is a practice to help get you out of your head (where we tend to overthink, over-rationalize, over-analyze almost everything!) and get into your body where you can not only get into the here and now, but where you can learn to embody your experience and trust your intuition. Our Western culture socializes us to believe logic and reason, and while that’s helpful, it often serves to dismiss the message the body is telling us, often taking us out of alignment and into cognitive dissonance (where you think one thing, but feel another). This episode covers four different areas of body awareness as it relates to mindfulness – mindful movement, sensations, intuition and the mind/body connection.


If you’d like to be in greater community and conversation on how to integrate all aspects of mindfulness into your life, please join my FB group: join my Journey Forward Facebook group.


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

86: Awareness Sucks

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Awareness sucks. Why? Because with awareness comes responsibility. Awareness is hard – it’s like holding the mirror up to our own selves, and our contributions to the areas of our life that we are struggling with. Without awareness, it’s easy and possible to stay stuck in whatever spiral of reactivity you are currently in. It’s easy to externalize, blame, judge, and not take action towards creating the change that you most need and want in your life. 


But yet with awareness, we give ourselves the opportunity for change. With awareness you gain greater clarity and with that insight, you are on the path towards greater peace, happiness and joy. It’s not a direct path – it does take work. But it is the path out from being stuck and ultimately towards the life you want to be living. So…if you don’t want to do any of the work, and you would rather stay in frustration and reaction, then don’t be aware. But if you want to have the freedom from judgments, from anger or depression, from sadness or anxiety, from fear or expectation, then start with awareness – and this episode will show you how.


And to join my 5-day meditation challenge in my FB group, this week Oct. 26-30, click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group,

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

85: You Don’t “Do” Mindfulness…

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Mindfulness isn’t something you add to your “to-do” list – it’s something you have on your “to-be list.” But before I go more into that – oops! I forgot to share in last week’s episode one of the most common myths I hear about meditation that often stops people before they start. After I cover that final myth, in this week’s episode I delve into the differences between mindfulness and meditation. People often use these words and practices interchangeably, which is inaccurate. And knowing the difference matters; they are related, but are two different things. In a nutshell, think of meditation as going to the gym and mindfulness as being able to have the strength and endurance for whatever you want to do in your life. I go into great detail of what this means and how it looks in your everyday life.


And join me for a 5-day meditation challenge that I’m doing between Oct. 26-30. Join my FB group for all the details. Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group,

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

84: Breaking the 12 Myths of Meditation

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Meditation has so many myths that prevent people from cultivating and maintaining a practice. In this episode, I go through 12 different reasons that stop people before they are starting to meditate. I see meditation as the root of all wellness; it’s the ability to be observant without judgement. When we are able to strengthen that muscle, we are more resilient with all of life’s challenges. I hope that hearing me debunk these myths will allow you to find ways to bring meditation into your life. Join me at the end of October, for a 5-day meditation challenge.

To join me in my Facebook group where I’ll be leading the challenge: Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

83: How to Attain Emotional Wellness

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Emotional wellness is not the absence of struggle or things going wrong; it’s having the ability to know what to do when things are out of balance and the resources draw upon when you need more tools. Wellness implies that things always have to be positive, whereas balance can allow for both positive and negative experiences to be present, and knowing how to get to equilibrium. Cultivating and maintaining a mindfulness practice is the root of how to create wellness. I am here to help guide you in mindfulness being attainable, relatable and integratable. In this episode, I talk about how you can maintain presence, focus, attention, ability to make discerning decisions…Know that mindfulness is all about reducing your suffering regardless of what is arising…you’ll learn how to dodge the curveballs life throws you with greater wisdom, not with denial or judgment. At the root, observe without judgment, but judgments are tricky because they inform our values. The intention is to stay in the observer mind; stay in awareness, and practice equanimity, which is an evenness of mind, or in other terms, radical acceptance. Mindfulness is not something to add to your to-do list it is something you add to your to-be list; you integrate into your life, increase your quality of presence, and show up moment to moment in your life. It’s not rumination or what ifs…Join me at the end of October, for 5-day meditation challenge.

To join me in my Facebook group where I’ll be leading the challenge: Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

82: Connect with Your Angels, Spirit Guides and Intuition with Julie Jancius

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This is a fascinating conversation with Julie Jancius, who is an Angel Medium, and works with her clients in finding connection with those who have passed. Julie had an awakening moment in which she had an experience with her dad, who had passed, in which she felt the nudge she no longer could ignore. Tuning into the intuition that she had otherwise dismissed, she learned her gift for connecting with angels and spirit guides, and now teaches people not only to develop the skills to be more open, but she also helps connect people to the messages that their spirit guides want them to hear. This conversation becomes personal to me as she receives messages that my own dad, and great-grandmother, want me to know.


To learn more about Julie, or to make an appointment with her: https://theangelmedium.com/


Follow her on IG: https://www.instagram.com/angelpodcast/

And FB: https://www.facebook.com/angelpodcast/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

81: Creating an Intimate, Connected and Passionate Relationship with Alexandra Stockwell

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The good news is – to have the relationship you want, and crave, is possible! All the skills to have ongoing passion, connection, intimacy and vulnerability are learnable! Today’s episode is with Alexandra Stockwell, a relationship and intimacy expert who guides couples in how to up their relationship game, no matter how long they’ve been together. She also covers the six steps have uncompromising intimacy so any couple who has the desire to create a conscious partnership can. Anyone who has struggled in creating or maintaining the relationship they want needs to listen to this episode.


To learn more about Alexandra, visit: www.alexandrastockwell.com

Download a chapter from her book, Uncompromising Intimacy: https://chapter.alexandrastockwell.com/


Follow her on FB: https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.stockwell.7

and IG:


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

80: You Don’t Find Yourself, You Create Yourself with Heather Quisel

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I am excited to finally release this episode with Heather Quisel Brown (which we recorded pre-Covid!), in which we talk about all things from grief, loss, resiliency, entrepreneurship, motherhood and love. Heather is not only an inspiration, but a motivation, in how to live life fully and embracing all it has to offer, in both business and love. If you have ever felt stuck because life threw you curve balls that you never saw coming, or were unsure how to build the life you want to live, then this episode is for you. Get ready to get inspired and start building the life you were meant to live!


Heather’s Bio: 

Hi. My name is Heather Quisel.

In 2010, I was a virtual nobody with no sales or marketing background, and no business starting an online business. I had zero social media presence (not even a MySpace account), but I had a strong desire to learn to make people come to ME to buy my products and programs.


In the past decade, I’ve created two powerful and profitable online businesses, one that’s created over $2.5 million in product sales.


Just this January, Russell Brunson invited me to speak at Funnel Hacking Live 2020 (with 5,000 people in the audience) to share my experience and wisdom in creating an online presence that sells, simply by sharing my unique story. When the #1 internet marketer invites you to speak on one of the largest stages in the marketing world, then goes on to call you his “favorite speaker” of the event, you know you’re doing something right.


To learn more about Heather: www.heatherquisel.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

79: The Implications of Not Practicing Self-Care

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Here is the free training video on how to cultivate more peace and calm in your home, due to Covid-related struggles: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschooltraining/


Doors close to the Journey Forward to a Peaceful and Productive School Year membership for parents is closing on Sept. 15 – join now before it’s too late! https://joreerose.com/peacefulschoolmembership/


And Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.


September is self-care awareness month, and in this episode I talk about the importance of bringing more self-care into your lives, especially now more than ever. We are in the midst of a long-term struggle with all that 2020 has brought with it – Covid, remote work/distanced learning, extreme weather, BLM, social/civil unrest, political divide – it is a lot! And for many of us, especially women and moms, it is hard to know how to take care of ourselves when we are in the midst of caring for so many people around us. But if we are not taking care of ourselves, we are not role modeling a boundary in which we value ourselves, and we end up being depleted, which is of no help to anyone. And yet for many – especially women and moms – we feel selfish or guilty when asking for/needing self-care, and so this episode talks about the ways in which we can release any old stories of “mom as martyr” or feeling like we need to put everyone ahead of ourselves. No is the time to create new, more mindful and compassionate patterns.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

78: Lessons Learned from a Mom of 18 with Jenn Taylor

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I’ve launched a monthly membership for parents to gain tools to mindfully manage the Covid-related stressors we are experiencing this upcoming school year. Here is a link to watch a free training for parents to gain tools to immediate implement to create a more calm and peaceful home environment as we get ready for remote/hybrid learning: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschooltraining/


But don’t miss out on joining the year-long parenting membership: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschoolmembership/

Doors close to the membership Sept. 15th! 


And Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.


For all you mamas out there, this interview with Jenn Taylor is going to give you inspiration for sure!!! Jenn is mom to 18 – yes, you read that right, 18. Her heart is huge, and her love and care for the kids that have come into her life knows no boundaries. And she also figured out the life hacks to make it work – while also showing up authentically, knowing her strengths, knowing her boundaries and how to ask god help. Jenn shares her beautiful and practical wisdom that not only allowed her to manage all her kids, but gave her the ability to manage her own life as well. I felt a deep kinship with Jenn as soon as we connected, and I hope this conversion inspires you to gain some insights as to how to get through all the parenting challenges, especially during Covid. 


To learn more about Jenn: Jenn Taylor is Mom Of 18, The Naked Podcaster, Coach, Speaker, and Author. Learning the story behind the person is a true passion. Jenn has 15+ years in the foster care sector as both a parent and a trainer, has written a blog for over 8 years, had her podcast for 3 years, and is a published author of a self-help memoir “Hello, My Name Is… Warrior Princess”. Jenn is also a partner to an amazing man in Reno, NV, a runner, minimalist, and healthy lifestyle enthusiast.


To follow Jenn: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/momofeighteen/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/momofeighteen/

Website: http://www.momof18.com

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-naked-podcaster

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

77: Self-Care for Parents; Mindfulness for Kids with Helen Maffini

Audio Player

I’ve launched a monthly membership for parents to gain tools to mindfully manage the Covid-related stressors we are experiencing this upcoming school year. Here is a link to watch a free training for parents to gain tools to immediate implement to create a more calm and peaceful home environment as we get ready for remote/hybrid learning: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschooltraining/


But don’t miss out on joining the year-long parenting membership: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschoolmembership/

Doors close to the membership Sept. 15th! 


In today’s episode I talk to Helen Maffini, who is the founder of MindBe Education, an organization dedicated to bringing mindfulness into families and education for young kids. This is a timely conversation as we are heading back to school, and due to so many Covid-related stressors, families are in more need of tools to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm more than ever.


To learn more about Helen and her upcoming Neuroscience Preschool Summit (in which I am a speaker on!), check out: https://mindbe-education.com/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

76: Stop Throwing Darts at Yourself

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Link to watch training for parents to gain tools to manage stressors of upcoming school year of remote/hybrid learning: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschooltraining/


Coupon Code: FREETRAINING2020


Link to join year-long parenting membership: https://joreerose.com/peacefulschoolmembership/

Becoming a founding member and get exclusive pricing through Aug. 21!


Today’s episode talks about the Buddhist notion of the 1st dart and the 2nd dart. The 1st dart is just what life throws at you, it’s the curveballs. The 2nd dart, and the subsequent ones thereafter, are the ones you throw at yourself, which actually increase your suffering. An example would be: the 1st dart = worldwide pandemic. The 2nd dart = you getting angry, frustrated, not accepting it, waiting for life to “go back to ‘normal’”, getting impatient or yelling at your kids, shutting down emotionally…you get the idea.


In an effort to decrease our suffering, and therefore become more resilient, we need to increase awareness of when we are throwing 2nd darts at ourselves. We can’t change anything without being aware first.


Our ability to be aware of our 2nd darts, not only helps us manage the curveball easier, but also helps to role model to others to acknowledge and honor what they are feeling, rather than assuming that you always need to put on a brave face.


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

75: The #1 Way to Have a Peaceful & Productive School Year

Audio Player

When the school year ended last year, for many of us – kids and parents – it felt like a state of chaos and confusion; there was no working model to know how to deal with the challenges due to Covid. For some, it felt like a staycation, and for others, deep depression and anxiety set in. And I feel like no one thought we’d be starting off this new school year facing big hurdles with remote or hybrid learning, a loss of many sports and extracurriculars, and a whole family working from home.


When stress, anxiety and overwhelm are present, patience, calm and presence are compromised, increasing the overall tension in the home, and ultimately creating the exact opposite conditions necessary to be able to maintain focus, attention and learning.


If you are a parent, and are feeling this anxiety and stress about the pending school year, then this episode is for you. I talk about the ways that you can begin to shift the entire culture in your home to ensure an environment in which tension is lowered and patience and calm is increased. And most importantly, if it’s not for the culture in your home, and the deepened connections for your family members, then it’s for your kids to have their brains primed for learning in a remote setting.


And if you are interested in participating in my iin-depth training on how to Journey Forward to a Peaceful & Productive School Year, it will be available starting Tuesday August 11th.


Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

75: The #1 Way to Have a Peaceful & Productive School Year

Audio Player

When the school year ended last year, for many of us – kids and parents – it felt like a state of chaos and confusion; there was no working model to know how to deal with the challenges due to Covid. For some, it felt like a staycation, and for others, deep depression and anxiety set in. And I feel like no one thought we’d be starting off this new school year facing big hurdles with remote or hybrid learning, a loss of many sports and extracurriculars, and a whole family working from home.


When stress, anxiety and overwhelm are present, patience, calm and presence are compromised, increasing the overall tension in the home, and ultimately creating the exact opposite conditions necessary to be able to maintain focus, attention and learning.


If you are a parent, and are feeling this anxiety and stress about the pending school year, then this episode is for you. I talk about the ways that you can begin to shift the entire culture in your home to ensure an environment in which tension is lowered and patience and calm is increased. And most importantly, if it’s not for the culture in your home, and the deepened connections for your family members, then it’s for your kids to have their brains primed for learning in a remote setting.


And if you are interested in participating in my iin-depth training on how to Journey Forward to a Peaceful & Productive School Year, click here


Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

74: The Importance of Gut Health with Tina Anderson

Audio Player

If you’re wanting to be healthy from the inside out, then this episode is for you. In this episode I interview Tina Anderson, who not only has developed her own line of probiotics, but explains the gut/brain relationship. There’s so much important information on how to create a lifestyle change that is good for your overall health. 


Tina Anderson’s journey into the world of health had a unique start and some unusual turns. She began her career as a trial lawyer who specialized in settling cases by bringing both sides together, a personal passion of hers. Once her second child arrived, Tina left that high-stress job behind so she could focus on her family. Luckily, she was still able to use her considerable legal skills to point her career in a new direction as the in-house counsel for a family pharmaceutical company. But what Tina saw there made her change direction again. Frustrated by the many abuses in the pharmaceutical industry, Tina turned toward the field of natural health, and found her life’s work. She channeled her energy into learning all she could about disease prevention and good health maintenance. That led her to discover the importance of gut health and how connected and crucial it is for overall health and wellness. To share her discovery with the world, Tina along with her husband created a unique supplement that contains the superior probiotic strains of renowned researcher Dr. Simon Cutting. By promoting gut health and probiotics, Tina shares her passion for wellness, helping others live their best physical and emotional lives. 


Follow Tina: 

insta – @justthrivehealth

FB – @justthrive

Twitter – @justthrivehlth


Visit www.justthrivehealth.com and input code FORWARD which was created for our Journey Forward listeners – receive a 15% one-time discount code good through Sept. 4, 2020

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

73: Why Self-Compassion Matters with Natalie Bell

Audio Player

Do you have a loud inner critic? Do you get caught in cycles of beating yourself up in your own mind? Do you treat others kinder than you treat yourself?


You’re not alone. We aren’t taught or role modeled how to practice self-compassion. We aren’t socialized in knowing how to be kind to ourselves, and many of us have a loud inner critic. We also aren’t good at nurturing our needs the ways that we may nurture others. 


In this interview with Mindful Self-Compassion teacher Natalie Bell, we discuss why self-compassion is such an important practice especially now more than ever in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and how being kinder to yourself right now can shift your life towards being happier, more peaceful and content, despite what is going on around you. 


Natalie’s Bio:


Natalie is the founder of Mindful Wellness, a training and coaching platform to help people find their own source of calm, clarity, and inner resilience. She is the creator of the Thrive Inside Program for Personal Resilience to build an inner voice of support and compassion. As a leading teacher of mindfulness and self-compassion she works with individuals and companies teaching people to be able to manage stress and develop a system of inner support and acceptance. Natalie’s approach brings the benefits of meditation into the practical realm of our daily lives teaching us to discover calm and balance in a common sense, relatable manner.


You can find out more about what Natalie teaches here, www.nataliebell.com


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

72: Mindset is Everything to Get Unstuck

Audio Player

I wouldn’t be in the business I’m in if I didn’t believe change and growth is possible. And I would not be where I am now (after having changed and grown a ton) if I didn’t believe change and growth was possible.


And at one point in time; I didn’t believe it – I wanted to, but my mindset feared change. I felt the unknown was scary and therefore it was easier to stay stuck than it was to face the big black abyss of the “what-if?” future. And that perceived sense of safety and security was just that: a perception. But once I was able to shift my mindset, I no longer feared growth and change and instead it became exciting and full of possibility!


If you need to learn how to create forward movement towards who you want to be, rather than be resigned to the way things are, then this episode is for you.


To download the free E-booklet, Take a Mindful Minute, click here.


And if you want guidance, resources and community, join my Journey Forward facebook group. 


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

71: Validation then Rationalization

Audio Player

Relationships are hard; all kinds, including parent/child, friendships, co-workers and of course, romantic partners. 


In my work as a therapist, I see some constant themes that continue to pop up as being a source of disconnection: emotions are not validated, emotional outbursts are dealt with through reactivity and punishment or consequence for “negative behavior” or emotions are attempted to be logicalized. 


And guess what? None of this works. Disconnection ensues and the relationship doesn’t feel safe. In this episode, I talk about how to have curiosity, empathy and compassion for the emotion driving the behavior rather than focusing on the behavior itself, and which of the Four Agreements you need to keep in mind at all times. 

To join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

70: Why I Need to Start Practicing Mindfulness Right Now with Cory Muscara

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


What even is mindfulness and why does it matter? It’s so simple, but it’s not easy!


Mindfulness is paying attention to what is happening right now – thoughts, emotions, sensations in your body, distractions around you – and just noticing it, without judgment. Normally when we get distracted, the thoughts or emotions take over our awareness and we lose focus and get out of the present moment. 


And why does this matter? Cause we are missing our lives – we are missing what is important and are not able to easily sit with what is hard, or just be with what is. Mindfulness is a skill and practice that works! It helps you live a more full and present life, allowing for greater presence, compassion, empathy, connection, resilience, happiness…all because you are able to be with what is.


So much easier than done, but amazing mindfulness teacher Cory Muscara is here to tell us more about how to integrate mindfulness tools into our everyday lives.


Cory has been named as one of the nation’s top mindfulness leaders; his meditations have been heard more than ten million times in over a 100 countries. The recent release of his book Stop Missing Your Life: How to Be Present in a Deeply Un-Present World, has become an instant best-seller and for good reason! It clearly outlines the benefits and ways that you can slow your life down to become more intentional and present.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

69: Creating Your Best Marriage…It’s Possible! with Tod Jacobs and Dr. Peter Lynn

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


Today’s episode I welcome marriage experts Tod Jacobs and Dr. Peter Lynn, who come to us all the way from Jerusalem, and who for the past 15 years, have prepared hundreds of individuals to develop a mature and idealistic version of marriage. Their credentials span much deeper than you’d think! With a background in finance and investigative journalism, Tod was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and Emmy Award. Peter’s background includes Positive Psychology, architecture and athletics; these guys are the real deal!

Their approach — which combines practical and mystical Jewish wisdom (and yet in our interview is taught with a secular approach) with Positive Psychology –- has helped hundreds of couples develop and put into practice an idealistic vision of marriage as the primary vehicle to create wholeness, meaning, purpose and happiness. 

Tod and Peter focus on helping perfect the character issues that lie at the core of a successful spouse — giving, empathy, staying power and commitment to help build the other. Married, single, young or old –- their insights can help your relationship flourish. 

We know how hard relationships can be, so if you are ready to help your relationship be the one you’ve always dreamed, then this episode is for you!

Learn more about Tod and Peter’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Not-Partnership-Getting-Marriage-Wrong/dp/0578448645

20% OFF Our New Book: Not A Partnership–coupon code: groupmember

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

68: Sex and Dating in the Age of Coronavirus with with Elise Schuster and Francisco Ramierez

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


Sex and dating has always been hard…but now add it a pandemic, what are the rules? How do you create new boundaries? What is it supposed to look like?


In this fun, insightful and important conversation with Elise Schuster and Francisco Ramierez, we openly talk about all the things that people are likely feeling, but not knowing how to say it. And they are the perfect people to be guiding us…both have Master’s in Public Health and are passionate about talking with people openly about sex and their relationships.

Whether it is learning how to have a hard conversation about the whereabouts of someone you’ve recently started dating (cause now, it’s not just about safety regarding STI’s; it’s now a bigger deal with shelter-in-place orders!) or how to keep your sex life spicy after being in lockdown with your partner 24/7.

The struggle is real! And Elise and Francisco bring realism, humor and deep insight into how to communicate with awareness and compassion, while honoring your sexual needs.

Learn more about the app they created to give people the space to ask questions that they aren’t sure where else to turn: https://okayso.co/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

67: The Answer to Everything with Dr. John Schinnerer

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


In this interview, which is the final interview from our Surviving to Thriving summit my fiancé Dr. John Schinnerer (and host of the podcast The Evolved Caveman) and I, talk from our areas of passion and expertise. 


I share why I think mindfulness is the answer to everything, and how to cultivate a practice that will lead to living fully, with lasting happiness, inner peace, and authenticity, focusing also on areas of parenting. 


And John shares his passion for teaching men the tools to be successful and happy both at work and at home. Teaser: the way men have been socialized to be successful has not given them the skills to be great husbands; it’s not their fault but it is their responsibility to learn!)

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

66: The Future of Men with Jed Diamond

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


This week’s podcast episode is with Jed Diamond, who was one of our guests on the Surviving to Thriving Summit.


Any man, or someone who is in a relationship with a man, will definitely not want to miss this interview.


Over 50 years ago, Jed began his professional career with the promise to his newborn son that he’d be a better father than what his father was. As a therapist, author of 16 books (so far!) and founder of MenAlive, Jed has delved into the field of masculinity. He is dedicated to teaching men how to heal men from their detachment of their emotional experiences to allow them to be more involved in their own lives, as well as more connected to their loved ones. Some of Jed’s well known book titles include: Male Menopause, The Irritable Male Syndrome, The Enlightened Marriage, and his newest one, 12 Rules for Good Men.


In this interview, Jed guides us through the 4 questions:

  1. Am I living a fully authentic life? 
  2. Am I loving deeply and well? 
  3. Am I engaging the social issues of my time? 
  4. Am I making a positive difference in the world?


Link for free giveaway: https://menalive.com/menalive-giveaway

Learn more about Jed: www.menalive.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

65: How To Be Abundant in Your Mindset and Relationship to Money with Emily King

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


I am bringing back to the podcast my friend and awesome money mindset coach Emily King. This interview was actually part of our Surviving to Thriving free online summit, in which you can still access the 30 amazing interviews! This interview was too good not to share on multiple platforms!!


Emily brings simple, practical and yet awesome tools on how to shift your mindset, relationship and ultimately your abundance when it comes to your money and success, especially right now when times are uncertain. If you struggle with abundance, or with how to get out of old, outdated patterns of thinking about money, Emily will help to change that for you! 


To learn more about Emily, visit: https://www.therichwoman.ca

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

64: Healing America with Congressman Tim Ryan

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


This interview with Congressman Tim Ryan was recorded for our free online summit Surviving to Thriving that launched on Monday May 11, and this aired on Day 5 of the summit. It was such an inspiring interview that I knew I needed to have more platforms for it to be heard.


Congressman Tim Ryan is in his 18th year of serving in the U.S. Representatives in northern Ohio, where he has made it his passion and his purpose to heal America.

Years ago he discovered mindfulness as a personal practice and has brought the tools of mindfulness into his professional leadership. Not only has he created mindfulness programs within Congress, including meditations and training, but he is committed to bringing greater awareness and compassion into all aspects of our country. 

Tim has recently rereleased his book Healing America, demonstrating how we can create lasting positive change in ways that everyone benefits, from education, farming, support of our veterans, our leaders and our families.

Tim’s interviews offer great hope for how mindful leadership has the power to change our nation, and especially during this time of the pandemic can allow us to come together in unity and support of one another. 

Don’t miss this, as I’m sure it’ll offer tools for renewal of spirit as well as practical ways for you to make change in your local communities.

Follow him on twitter and Instagram at @reptimryan

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

63: What Does it Mean to Go From Surviving to Thriving?

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we have an opportunity to bring awareness and less stigma to the emotional and mental experiences that are just part of being human. While some suffer more than others,especially now during this pandemic, no one is immune from feeling their emotions a bit more strongly. In this episode, I talk about the various ways that we can use our challenges as points of growth; and to break an assumption many people are having, this does not mean that you necessarily have to go learn a new language or have a huge project accomplished at the end of quarantine. Perhaps the best way for you to thrive right now is to slow down and just practice self-care. And to kick off our online summit, Surviving to Thriving, which goes live today, I talk about the various ways in which you can grow through adversity in your relationship right now, because anything that was just bubbling under the surface is now exposed. What a great time to slow down, connect and put some conscious effort and attention into your relationship. You have the time! Be well!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

62: Boost Your Mental Health During the Pandemic

Audio Player

Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity: https://theultimaterelationship.com/survivingtothriving/


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


How fitting is it that May is Mental Health Awareness month, as we are all now, and in this week’s episode, I talk about mental health and all the various ways that it can look for different people. There is no one definition of what it means to have mental health and yet it is so easy to get stuck in unhealthy habits and patterns in reaction when feeling “negative” emotions. To me, mental health is not the absence of “negative” emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, depression (or so many more…); it’s the ability to see, name, and sit with the emotion that is arising and not reacting to it, pushing it away or being in resistance or denial of it. I talk about the many areas in our lives in which struggle due to the coronavirus is bringing up additional challenges and offer tools for how to maneuver through these difficult times. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

61: #1 Relationship Advice: Talk About the Thing with Shaun Galanos

Audio Player

Link to join my Journey Forward Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness teachings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


In this episode I interview Shaun Galanos, a relationship and love coach who helps people develop emotional intimacy tools for themselves and their partners. We talk about love, sex, intimacy, communication, dating in quarantine, oh, and peanut butter! He has an honest, straightforward and fun energy in giving people advice on how to thrive in partnership, and shares his #1 tip that he gives to everyone he works with. It is: “talk about the thing.” As Fred Rogers says, “everything mentionable is manageable” and Shaun brings this wisdom to help uncover the root of where couples and their intimacy gets stuck. If you want to thrive in your relationship (current or future!) you won’t want to miss this episode.


Learn more about Shaun: Shaun Galanos is a love coach, host of The Love Drive podcast, and lives with his partner and his dog in Montreal, Canada. www.thelovedrive.com





209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

60: Find Your Passion, Find Your Purpose with Lindsay Weisner

Audio Player

Link to join my Journey Forward Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness teachings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


In this episode, I interview Lindsay Weisner, a clinical psychologist, who works with suicidal teenagers, and has also co-authored a book on finding the steps towards lasting happiness. The majority of our conversation revolves the topic of suicide, as we both have a close relationship to it; my dad commit suicide when I was 10, and her mom has attempted – unsucessfully – 9 times. We talk about the shame and the stigma that can easily come with the reality of someone close to you having either died or been close to it. Her mother’s experience has given her great compassion to work with teenagers who are suicidal, and she knows the value of giving them a safe place to talk about their thoughts, emotions, and even intentions. In addition to her important work with teenage suicidality, Lindsay shares that her favorite tip in the book co-authored, The Ten Steps to Finding Happy, is to find your passion and your purpose. This is a great reminder for all of us to focus on during the pandemic.


To learn more about Lindsay: Lindsay Weisner is a clinical Psychologist in Long Island, New York. She graduated from Georgetown University in 1999 and was awarded a fellowship in child development at the NIH/NICHD. She received her doctorate from C.W. Post, LIU, and went on to pursue post-doctoral training at the American Institute of Psychoanalysis. Dr. Weisner is the current host of the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast, the author of the Psychology Today Blog The Venn Diagram Life, and the co-author of the book Ten Steps To Finding Happy. This book will be released on March 20, 2020, in accordance with the United Nations International Day of Happiness.

Ten Steps To Finding Happy: A Guide to Permanent Satisfaction

You can find her on Instagram: @psychshrinkmom @neuroticnourishment

FB: @Lindsay Kallen Weisner @Finding Happy

On YouTube: @Dr Lindsay Kallen Weisner

And on iTunes on the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

59: The Silver Lining of Coronavirus with Robert Strock

Audio Player

Link to join my Journey Forward Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness teachings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


In this episode, I interview Robert Strock, a licensed therapist, who offers beautiful wisdom for guiding deeper awareness of our emotions, and our ways to respond to them. Especially at this time of the coronavirus, these tools and perspectives are profoundly powerful as we not let our emotions define us, while learning how to strengthen the mind to be kinder to ourselves, as well as actively creating the silver lining that can come from this time in our lives. The silver lining starts with asking ourselves, “what is the next good thing I can do in the next 30 seconds that will be kind to myself?” He believes that emotions are a terrible barometer for how we are feeling, and it’s more important what we do with those emotions. Right now we are all getting time to practice this new response pattern that can serve us now, and when life returns to our new “normal.” 


Robert’s bio: Robert Strock, L.M.F.T., has maintained a private psychotherapy and spiritual counseling practice for nearly 50 years. He is the originator of “Humanistic Spirituality,” an innovative form of spiritual psychology which evolved over many decades of spiritual practice, a time during which he encountered profound numinous experiences coupled with the greatest physical and emotional challenges of his life. 

Awareness That Heals began taking a deeper form when Robert courageously navigated the depths of despair following a kidney transplant which resulted in complications from the medications required to maintain his surviving kidney.  In his own words, “What this book fosters is an awareness that sees both our deep emotional challenges and triggers our caring heart to support healing at the same time.” 

Robert has served as chairperson for the Center for Authentic Living, which is recognized as a leading counseling practice for the Southern California business and entertainment communities.  Twenty years ago Robert co-founded and today co-chairs The Global Bridge Foundation whose vision and mission is to contribute to the creation of a more compassionate, just, and peaceful world that honors the dignity of all beings.  Global Bridge partners with other foundations to address global warming and the alleviation of poverty in underserved communities. Robert is also the originator of Psycho-Economics, a creative system of principles and practices designed to align financial objectives with one’s most essential core values.

For more information about Robert Strock, his book and philanthropic work please visit:  www.awarenessthatheals.org, www.humanisticspirituality.org, and www.theglobalbridge.org.

Link to the 75 emotions and healing qualities: https://www.awarenessthatheals.org/introspective-guides/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

58: We’re All In This Together with Mike Robbins

Audio Player

The title says it all, and in fact, what a serendipitous time for my interview with guest Mike Robbins, who just authored a book by this same title. While the focus of the book is not surviving a pandemic, the tools in which we can come together and rise stronger are a universal theme that we talk about. Covering areas of how to get through all that we are experiencing right now, I am sure that you’ll find this episode just at the right time to gain extra insight, tools, mindfulness and awareness, along with the reminder that together we can be stronger. Mike is a renowned speaker and writer, always sharing prolific ways in which everyday experiences can create moments of wisdom and growth.


Link to join my Journey Forward Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


Learn more about Mike: Mike Robbins is the author of five books, including his latest, We’re All in This Together: Creating a Team Culture of High Performance, Trust, and Belonging. He’s a sought-after speaker and consultant who delivers keynotes and seminars for some of the top organizations in the world. For the past 20 years he has partnered with clients like Google, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, Schwab, eBay, Genentech, the NBA, the Oakland A’s, and many others. Mike is a regular contributor to Forbes, hosts a weekly podcast called We’re All in This Together, and his books have been translated into 15 different languages. For more info about him and his work, visit https://mike-robbins.com


Follow him on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedrobbins/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikerobbinspage/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrobbins/

Check out Mike’s new book you can get on preorder: https://mike-robbins.com/together/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

57: The Resilience Effect with Francis Piche

Audio Player

In this episode, I talk with Francis Piche, who has made it his life’s work to focus on resilience and mindset. I love the definition he shares, that resilience isn’t necessarily about “bouncing back” after adversity, but rather, it’s about how you “bounce forward”. We all have an opportunity to choose our response to what curveballs life throws at us, and mindset, along with the framework of tools will help you to get there. Francis shares many aspects of how to bring more resilience into your life and the power that it can have on you, including how to attain lasting happiness. At a time that the world is craving healing, it feels like we are all going to be put to the test of our own resilience, so this feels like a timely, and timeless, topic.


To join the Journey Forward Facebook group where you can receive daily meditations and mindfulness tools with Joree: 



To learn more about Francis:

Francis Piché is the host of The Resilience Element Show that explores how individuals can follow their heart to accomplish their dreams despite delay and adversity encountered along the way.

Raised in Quebec, Francis began cutting his teeth in sales at just 8-years-old by going door-to-door selling products for charities and fundraisers. Pounding the pavement pounded into Francis a love for connecting with people and fueled his meteoric rise to top sales performer status at multiple international corporations, including Xerox.

Soon after, Francis realized sales teams driven by numbers and dollar signs alone resulted in individuals who felt defined by numbers and disillusioned by signs of despair. Refusing to believe that making massive money and having huge happiness must exist in opposition, Francis embarked on a journey to discover the key element to sustained and sustainable satisfaction in life. His answer? The Resilience Element.

Hoping to share his resilience revelation with the world and help others discover it for themselves, Francis created The Resilience Element Show. Each episode contains inspiring and entertaining interviews with celebrities and remarkable leaders as they explore the ups, downs, do’s and don’ts on the journey to following your heart and making it big.


Follow Francis: 

https://theresilienceelement.com – Website. Complimentary Quick Start Guide Available

https://www.facebook.com/theresilienceelement/ – The Resilience Element FB Page

https://www.facebook.com/groups/159371571259999/ – The Resilience Element Documentary Community

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

56: The Universe is Calling…How are You Answering?

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I believe that we are being called upon by the Universe to slow down and reflect upon how we’ve been living our lives, and choose a new, more intentional way of being. For some, this is like a gift of time; for others, it’s been the very thing they’ve been living distractedly and defending against. Regardless, now is the time to face what’s hard to face, and choose how we can best be during these uncertain times. In this episode, I talk about the various aspects of how to integrate tools of acceptance, allowing, being present (and more!), and how these are the very tools to get us all through these universal challenges we are facing as a humanity.


If you are needing extra support right now, please email me at joree@joreerose.com


Some links I mention in the episode:


Body Scan meditation: https://joreerose.com/bodyscanmeditation/?fbclid=IwAR3GH7mN_vRgCWijXGINO0pwwanvQj0i2f3eWnBBkaynHBTRGqBJkzgozzk


Link to join my Journey Forward Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/?hc_location=ufi


Link to my KTLA tv spot talking about Disaster Anxiety: https://ktla.com/morning-news/dealing-with-disaster-anxiety-with-therapist-joree-rose/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

55: Managing Overwhelming Emotions with Hilary Jacobs Hendel

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In light of the coronavirus, this is going to be the first of many episodes in which I’ll be offering you tools to manage your overwhelming emotions at this time of unprecedented worldwide pandemic and self-quarantining.


It’s only natural for us all to be experiencing some degree of anxiety, fear, sadness, loss, confusion, overwhelm during this time. There is so much unknown, there are so many plans that we’ve had to cancel or postpone, there is loneliness, isolation and of course our emotions will be along for the ride. Having tools to know what to do when these emotions start to take over will be more helpful now than ever. In this episode, I interview psychotherapist Hilary Jacobs Hendel who guides us through a framework known as the change triangle to map where our emotions are, and how to notice when our inhibitory emotions (such as anxiety, shame and guilt) or defensive emotions (such as depression, resistance, addiction, denial, etc…) are blocking us from feeling our core emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, disgust or excitement). I also add the framework of mindfulness for how we can name our emotions to be able to calm our brain and body.


To learn more about Hilary and her work: Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW, takes the complex world of emotions and makes them easy to understand and work with for greater peace, calm and confidence. She is the developer of the Change Triangle tool for emotional health. Hilary is also the author of the award-winning self-help book on emotions called, “It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self” (Random House, 2018). She is a certified psychoanalyst and AEDP psychotherapist and supervisor. She has published articles in The New York Times, TIME, Oprah, Salon, and professional journals. Hilary also consulted on the psychological development of characters on AMC’s Mad Men. Hilary’s blog on emotions and how to use them for wellbeing is read worldwide. For more FREE resources on emotions and emotional health, visit: www.hilaryjacobshendel.com


Website: www.hilaryjacobshendel.com

Blog: https://www.hilaryjacobshendel.com/hilarys-blog

Facebook: Facebook.com/AuthorHilaryJacobsHendel

Twitter: @HilaryJHendel

Instagram: Hilary Jacobs Hendel

The Change Triangle YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxRHckyznerWhoSkPBozgfA

Order It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self (Random House, 2018): https://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-Always-Depression-Authentic/dp/0399588140/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1571581643&sr=8-1

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

54: Mindful Arts for Kids with Andrew Nance

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In this episode, Andrew Nance talks about his passion for bringing mindful creative play to kids in schools. With a previous long-term career in theater, Andrew has developed programs to bring into schools teaching mindfulness through various aspects of the creative arts. He explains ways that parents can incorporate some of these practices with their kids at home, and the benefits received through the creative process for tapping into their emotions, their breath and their body. Every kid (and parent!) could learn how to utilize these tools for not only emotional regulation, but to deepen one’s own self-awareness, presence and creativity. This is really a beautiful episode!


Andrew’s Bio: Andrew Nance is the Founder and Lead Trainer for Mindful Arts San Francisco (MASF). Additionally, he offers trainings and assemblies around the globe for libraries, schools, and school districts to provide the principles of mindfulness to students and staff. His mindfulness training comes from Mindful Schools, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Omega and Esalen. A graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, for almost two decades, he was the Conservatory Director of The New Conservatory Theatre Center, providing educational theater experiences for thousands of Bay Area youth and adults.


He is the author of four Mindfulness books, the popular PUPPY MIND, & MINDFUL ARTS in the CLASSROOM, THE LION IN ME, is published by Parallax Press. THE BAREFOOT KING is ready for pre-order (Shambhala /Bala Books. Release date, MAY 2020). Contact him at: mindfulartssf@gmail.com


Learn more at:www.mindfulartssf.org

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

53: What’s Holding You Back?

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Yeah!! This episode marks my 1st full year complete of having my podcast and I wanted to do not only an episode of reflection, but of some of the roadblocks that I’ve overcome to reach and accomplish my goals over the past year. I could have had so many things stopping me: not being ready, not knowing how, feeling self-doubt, or believing old stories of “I can’t do that.” And I chose to look past all of those and instead focus on my vision, my passion and my impact I could make on others by providing an outlet for my voice. So as you listen, I ask you to reflect on your past year, make note of your accomplishments and what you are grateful for. And then, coming from that positive mindset, ask yourself what your roadblocks are moving forward, and let those simply be moments to pause and gain clarity, rather than stop and lose momentum. I believe in you! You got this!! (Whatever this may be…) 🙂


And for being a loyal listener, I’m offering a free gift of my online course titled Redefine Yourself – it is a short, 7 session course, each only about 5 minutes long, that guides you through uncovering where you are stuck in your life (whether it be outdated habits, unskillful patterns or old limiting belief systems) and walks you through a framework of cultivating deeper awareness and compassion in shifting your relationship to what’s holding you back. Then, you will connect with your values as the basis for intention setting in creating a lasting path towards change.

Link: https://joreerose.com/online-courses/

Coupon code: freegift

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

52: The Joy of Missing Out with Tonya Dalton

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How often are you so busy with the minutiae of your life that you feel like you are missing out on what is most important? Life is not going to slow down on it’s own, so it’s up to us to find ways to beat the busyness of everyday life with managing careers, parenting, relationships, the house, self-care…the list goes on! Well, thankfully Tonya Dalton has written the new book The Joy of Missing Out in which she has created frameworks and systems as life hacks to not only save us time, but allow for more joy. Everyone needs these tools!


Learn more about Tonya: Tonya Dalton is a productivity expert, author, speaker and founder of inkWELL Press Productivity Co, a company centered around productivity tools and training. She released her book, The Joy of Missing Out, with Harper Collins in the fall of 2019, which has been named a top ten business book of the year by Fortune Magazine.


Tonya’s messages about business management, productivity, and the pursuit of passion have impacted thousands and inspired her to launch her podcast, Productivity Paradox which has surpassed more than a million downloads. Her podcast regularly ranks in the top 50 of all business management podcasts on Apple Podcasts.


Tonya has been featured on Real Simple, Entrepreneur, Inc., Apartment Therapy, Lauren Conrad, and Fast Company among other places. Tonya has received the  Enterprising Woman of the Year Award and has been named North Carolina’s Female Entrepreneur to Watch by The Ladders.


Follow Tonya: 

Website: https://www.joyofmissingout.com/

The Joy of Missing Out book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R4T8YVQ/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1Tonya Dalton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tonya.i.dalton/Tonya Dalton 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonya.i.dalton/

inkWELL Press Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inkwellpress/

inkWELL Press Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inkwellpress/


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

51: The Ultimate Relationship is Possible with Dr. John Schinnerer

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In this week’s episode, I’m talking with my fiance, John Schinnerer, about some of the ways to have the Ultimate Relationship. We have recently launched our couple’s coaching package, and of course, are super excited about our retreat coming up in Costa Rica, Sept. 12-19, 2020. We are going to be doing multiple episodes together, but in this first one, we start off talking about the tools of capitalization (matching your partner’s positive good energy), making repair attempts, and tools for effective communication. Be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes together, and if you want to work with us, or hold your spot for our retreat, click here: www.theultimaterelationship.com


To learn more about John: www.theevolvedcaveman.com

Or follow on IG: @theevolvedcaveman

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

50: Are you MAD? (Making A Difference) with John Shearer

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This interview with John Shearer comes all the way from Australia, where he shares his inspirational story of his journey towards lasting wellness, and now how he is MAD (making a difference!). Many years ago, he got into an accident that left him with many physical injuries, deep mental suffering, and even shock treatments to help with his suicidality. A chance visit by an old friend changed his life forever on Mental Health Day in 1997. This led John to a “spiritual awakening” where he realized that he didn’t have to believe the prognosis that all the doctors had given him that he’d never be able to work again or go off meds. Mindfulness provided him what he never thought he could have – his life back. And he has now dedicated his life to providing others the tools to live their best, healthiest life. 


John’s Bio: John Shearer is an Australian Mindfulness Master, Intuitive Life Coach, Peer Support Specialist, Hypnotherapist and ACT Therapist. (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) He has vast experience coaching, teaching and mentoring people (including youth), especially those who have been diagnosed with more serious mental ‘illness’. Over 1 million people ‘like’ his facebook pages, Mindfulness Mentor and Spiritual Mentor. He is the founder of mindfullyMAD.org (mindfully Making A Difference) and the Mindfulness Mentoring Institute.




Connect with John:




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

49: Are you ready to take sexy back? with Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon

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Alright ladies – this one is for you! I could have talked to Alexandra Solomon for hours – no wait, make that days!! We cover so much juiciness in this episode about all things relationships, sex, and even how to talk to your kids about sex. I absolutely love when I come across brilliant people, putting forth amazing work, in a relatable and attainable way, and Alexandra is the real deal! Highlighting her new book, Taking Sexy Back, we focus a lot of how women can embrace themselves and their sexuality in a healthy, positive, and fun way. And teaser…you’ll want to listen all the way through to the end…there’s talk about the clitoris that I promise you, you won’t want to miss!


Alexandra’s bio: Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon is the author of Taking Sexy Back: How to Own Your Sexuality and Create the Relationships You Want (New Harbinger; February 2, 2020)  and Loving Bravely: Twenty Lessons of Self-Discovery to Help You Get the Love You Want (New Harbinger, 2017), as well as the author of articles and chapters for leading academic journals and books in the field of marriage and family. She is  a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University, a lecturer in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University and a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. Dr. Solomon maintains a psychotherapy practice for individual adults and couples, teaches and trains marriage and family therapy graduate students, and teaches the internationally renowned undergraduate course, “Building Loving and Lasting Relationships: Marriage 101.” Dr. Solomon is a highly sought-after speaker who works with groups including the United States Military Academy at West Point, Microsoft, and The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and she is frequently asked to talk about love, sex, and marriage with such media outlets as The Today Show, O Magazine, The Atlantic, Vogue, and Scientific American.    


IG: @dr.alexandra.solomon

FB: Dr. Alexandra Solomon

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

48: What You Gain When You Lose with Brianna Bernard

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You guys – this is seriously an inspirational conversation I had with Brianna Bernard. She was a week postpartum with her son, having gained over 75 pounds in her pregnancy, when she realized she needed to make a massive change in her life. Through inspiration and then taking action, over the next few years, she lost over a 100 pounds, got divorced, became a personal trainer, is a happy single mom, and even made it into People’s magazine yearly issue on people who’ve lost over 100lbs. What she gained, is so much more than what she lost, and it is such an inspiration to hear her journey forward of perseverance and finding herself – her power, her joy, her sense of self, her career and her strength. 


Brianna’s bio: After gaining 70 pounds during her pregnancy, Brianna Bernard’s weight escalated to 245 pounds. With a newborn baby and a failing marriage at home, find out how Brianna took control of her life, changed her habits and mindset and lost 100 pounds in one year, launched a successful fitness business and created the life of her dreams!



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/briannabernard100

Instagram: www.instagram.com/briannabernardfitness

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

47: Reparenting the Child Within Us with Ashley Avinashi

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How is the emotional conditioning that came about in our first 6 years of our lives determining the lens through which we see the world through today? When we can unwind that conditioning from our early childhood that did not serve us, we can create transformation today and allow ourselves to deeply connect to our true essence. In this interview with Ashley Avinashi, who created Raising Humanity, which is an international organization created transformative healing for parents to return to their best selves, we talk about how we can heal our inner child so we can show up fully and whole. She has created this community and transformations, even for adults who are not parents themselves, but are in need of healing. In our state of challenged humanity right now, this is both powerful and necessary for our collective healing. 


Ashley is a certified as coach practitioner and in conscious parenting, as well as transpersonal therapy, along with a best-selling author of the book, Ignite Your Parenting.


Learn more at www.raisinghumanity.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

46: What Masks Are You Wearing with Ashanti Branch

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We all wear masks. And for different reasons. But at what point are our masks no longer able to hide what we are really feeling? Who is it that we are really hiding from? Ourselves, or the rest of the world? In this emotional, powerful and compelling interview with Ashanti Branch, founder of the Ever Forward Club, he talks about his journey from a middle school teacher to finding his purpose connecting with inner city youth to help them not only feel heard and seen but to give them the courage to look beneath their masks and even the courage to remove it. He’s committed to the #100kmasks challenge to help people over 100,000 people all over the world remove their masks. Are you ready to look beneath yours?


Ashanti’s bio: Mr. Branch, born and raised by a single mother on welfare in Oakland, California, took the road less traveled to get out of the ghetto and attended one of California’s premier engineering colleges, California Polytechnic – San Luis Obispo. Ashanti studied Civil Engineering and worked as a construction project manager in his first career. After tutoring struggling students and realizing his true passion was teaching, Mr. Branch changed careers. He had suddenly found the “fire” that was missing in his life and he hoped to ignite a similar enthusiasm in his young students.

In 2004 as a first year teacher, Ashanti started The Ever Forward Club to provide a support group for African American and Latino males, who were not achieving to the level of their potential. Since then, The Ever Forward Club has grown to serve both young men and women and become a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The Ever Forward Club has helped 100% of its members to graduate high school and 93% of them have gone on to attend college.


With over 19 years mentoring youth and 10 of those years as a math teacher educating inner city youth, Ashanti was awarded with a Fulbright Exchange Fellowship to India, a Rotary Club Cultural Ambassadorial Fellowship to Mexico and a 2010 Teacher of the Year Award from the Alameda-Contra Costa County Math Educators.

Mr. Branch is on a mission to change the way that students interact with their education and the way schools interact with students.


Learn more about EverForward: https://everforwardclub.org

And watch this video on how people are becoming aware of their masks : https://youtu.be/ETI2cNgAoaw

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

45: Stop Missing Your Life with Cory Muscara

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We all move too fast. We all are on autopilot. We often don’t know how to slow down. And the impact of these habits or patterns is that we miss out on our own lives. We miss out on what’s going on around us and what’s happening inside of us. How we relate to what we are experiencing, impacts the experience itself. In this interview, with an old friend of mine, Cory Muscara, talks about the implication on our health, happiness and ability to be present when we practice the tools of mindfulness and meditation.


Cory’s bio: Cory Muscara is an international speaker and teacher on the topics of presence and well-being. He believes that when people are deeply fulfilled, they are a better force in the world for other beings, the environment, and their communities. For several years he taught mindfulness-based leadership at Columbia University and currently serves as an assistant instructor of positive psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2012, Cory spent 6 months in silence living as a monk in Burma, meditating 14+ hours per day, and now aims to bring these teachings to people in a practical and usable way, presenting to schools, organizations and healthcare systems, as well as through workshops and retreats for the general public. Named by Dr. Oz as one of the nation’s leading experts on mindfulness, his meditations have now been heard more than 10 million times in over 100 countries. Cory is host of the popular daily podcast, Practicing Human, and the author of Stop Missing Your Life: How to Be Deeply Present in an Un-Present World.


Cory’s Links:



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

44: Let Your Sh*T Go

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Joree guides you through how to let your shit go in preparation for not just the new year, but the new decade. She guides you to reflect back on not only 2019, but the whole decade, and take a compassionate look at what isn’t serving you and what you need to release in order to allow you to bring into your life what you need to live fully and authentically in the new year to come. The best way Joree has found to let her shit go is to create ritual and practice; after meditation, write down the things that you want to let go of and release it to the Universe. Tune into this inspirational episode to prepare you for this New Year.


And if you want extra guidance and tools to continue to Journey Forward in the new year, check out what Joree is offering with her online coaching, courses and retreats.




209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

43: The Process of Becoming unHidden with Robert Kandell

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In this interview with Rob Kandell, he shares how his journey has led him to coach men in how evolve and break from the outdated rhetoric and socialization in which they’ve been modeled.  He’s showing men how to live up to the bar that their women are raising for them. From understanding the culture of entitlement that men historically and culturally have had, you can see how it’s negatively impacted the quality of healthy relationships. If you are in a relationship with a man, or you are a man who seeks to be in a healthy and effective relationship, then this interview is worth your time. 


Rob’s Bio: Robert Kandell is an interpersonal communication expert, speaker, podcaster and the author of the bestselling book, unHIDDEN: A Book for Men and Those Confused by Them. Since 2002, Robert’s mission has been to help people find themselves and use their internal power to live their best lives. He has helped thousands of students up-level their communication, leading them to live more balanced, energized, connected and purposeful lives.Robert is a veteran of many worlds, having moved seamlessly from corporate America and the startup world, to becoming an authority in the personal development sphere, to building an international 8-figure business and authoring a bestselling book. He is the host of the podcast, Tuff Love, where he puts his compassionate, hard-hitting insight to work helping people move forward in their lives with clarity. He has been described as “part football coach, part loving dad and part slightly crazed drill sergeant”. His style is challenging, fraternal, highly rewarding, and definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Website & Social Media Links:


Website: https://www.robertkandell.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kandellconsulting / https://www.facebook.com/robert.kandell Twitter: https://twitter.com/Robertkandell @RobertkandellInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/robert.kandell/ @robert.kandell

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

42: How to be a Spiritual Entrepreneur with Angelina Lombardo

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You are the expert on yourself and when you realize that you’re not wrong, in the eyes of others or yourself, everything shifts. Despite a history of trauma, and 2 death experiences, Angelina Lombardo shares her courageous journey in how she healed and used her awareness to shift how she moves through the world, and how that ultimately has led to her personal and professional successes. This compelling interview demonstrates how to truly never give up, and how through healing and perseverance, your awakening – both literal and spiritual – will guide you to your highest self. 


Angelina’s Bio: Angelina Lombardo is a bestselling author, relationship and trauma expert, and the “entrepreneur whisperer.” She specializes in helping people identify, refine, and accomplish their dreams by combining her unique skills as a spiritual leader, business maven, coach, and healer. Through a diverse journey, both practical and mystical, Angelina has leveraged experience as a chef, midwife, and builder of several successful businesses in her coaching and leadership career. She is a heart-centered hustla’, driven to bring about positive change on the personal, local, and global levels – all while living into each connected moment.

Having spent the last twenty-eight years as an entrepreneur, she knows not only the ins and outs of building and managing a successful business, but also how to integrate and align that business with her heart and soul. She’s discovered how best to position her businesses as complementary components of her successful and fulfilling life, and is a natural conduit for sharing those lessons with her family, friends, and clients.

As a trauma-informed coach, she’s acquired the kind of expertise that can only be gained by going through fire, which informs her work at every level. Through sacred, radical leadership, and a results-oriented approach, she balances her effective process with a knack for tailoring her guidance specifically for each unique individual she interacts with. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

41: How Do You Master Your Energy? with Tamara Arnold

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Everything in the world is energy and we have the capacity to either lean into the energy around us, and have it propel us in our lives or our businesses for the better, or we can be victim and think the world is just happening to us. But when you realize the power you have in shifting your relationship to the energy, you gain control of your life. In this interview with Tamara Arnold, she shares how listening to the messages she was receiving is what allowed her to get out of her “depression chair” and harness her awareness and energy into doing one thing each day to make her life better today than it was yesterday.



Tamara’s bio: Tamara Arnold is a three time International Best Selling Author, Mamapreneur, Mental Health Advocate, Energy Reader and Spiritual Badass. Creator of the Own Your

Intuitive podcast, and founder of The Chakra Business Academy, Tamara helps empaths, healers and coaches create space within themselves to hold success so they can make a bigger impact on the world with their stardust. 


Through her work, Tamara teaches her clients how to remove blocks, stop self sabotage, and gain clarity in each energy center in the body. 


Tamara lives in St. Catharines, Ontario with her husband, four kids, chihuahua Lily and black cat Salem. She loves New Kids on the Block and is a huge YA fantasy novel book nerd.


Social media links: 




Tamara is happy to offer a free copy of my book The Magical Business Method if that works for you. It ties into the energy of the chakras and how to use them in business. Www.tamaraarnold.ca/freebook

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

40: Find Your Awesome! with Kelsey Abbott

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In this episode of Journey Forward, Joree interviews Kelsey Abbot – an instigator of joy!! We talk about the ways to embrace your uniqueness, how to not need to fit the mold of what others expect of you, and embrace your awesome authenticity. And when you can quiet your inner critic’s negative energy, and instead transform your inner critic to be your inner superhero, you can transform your relationship yourself and ultimately find your awesome!

Kelsey’s Bio: Kelsey Abbott is a Confidence Coach & Instigator of Joy, writer, speaker and host of the Find Your Awesome podcast. She helps spiritual adventurers remember who they are and why they’re here so they can uplevel with ease. She helps them learn to really truly love themselves, shed the shoulds, embrace their own unique greatness and SPARKLE. 

Kelsey studied at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) where she

earned certifications as a Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership

Master Practitioner and COR.E Performance coach. She also studied at the

Applied Neuroscience Institute, earning her NeuroPositive Certificate in using neuroscience to change how the brain processes challenges.


Before becoming a Confidence Coach, Kelsey was a nationally-recognized science writer and

marine biologist, working in DC, Seattle, Hawaii and Barbados, training

dolphins and studying killer whales in the process. A competitive swimmer for

most of her life, Kelsey transitioned to triathlons where she now competes at the national and international level.


After a decade in Maine and 16 months of traveling around the U.S. in a small camper, Kelsey now lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband and dog.   


Website: https://www.kelseyabbott.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelseyabbottcpc/

The Find Your Awesome Podcast:https://www.kelseyabbott.com/podcast

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/findyourawesome/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

39: Thanksliving

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During the holiday season, especially Thanksgiving, it’s often more heightened in our awareness to be grateful. It is after all, a holiday all about giving thanks. But what about a gratitude practice all year round? Or more importantly, living in thanks?? Generally as soon as Black Friday comes around, we are rushing to buy more of what we probably don’t need and have forgotten about appreciating what we already have. In this episode, Joree talks about the power of gratitude and suggests ways to embody it as a daily practice, beyond the holiday season. 


In case you don’t know what to be grateful for, here’s some suggestions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/alxgcz7dkqspkzp/100%20things%20to%20be%20grateful%20for.docx?dl=0

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

38: Your Last Bad Day with Michael O’Brien

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I love this conversation with Michael O’Brien in which he shares his journey forward after having been in a bad biking accident when he was 33 years old, and how this woke him up to live on purpose. His subsequent positive mindset created a shift all areas of his life and career. (And so fun that I got to share the meaning of the number 33, and its power in numerology, which fits so well into the big picture of his story!) He turned this hardship into triumph and inspires others through his coaching.


Michael’s Bio: Michael O’Brien is the Chief Shift Officer at Peloton Coaching. He has a unique mixture of “in the trenches” executive healthcare leadership expertise and an inspirational story that he calls his Last Bad Day story. It helped him shift his perspective on what is possible at work and in life. 

Today he elevates successful corporate leaders and their teams by preventing bad moments from turning into bad days and has shared his story with TEDx, ABC, Entrepreneur, Fast Company and with companies like Novartis, Pfizer, and Brother International. 

Michael’s a strong male ally for women’s leadership and empowerment causes. He’s the first male President of a Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association chapter and gives all the proceeds of this award-winning, best-selling memoir, Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows to World Bicycle Relief. They help girls conquer the challenge of distance by providing mobility and access to education, healthcare, and the market.

Also, here is a link to his new book, My Last Bad Day: https://www.mylastbadday.com/get-your-copy 

It’s a great holiday gift and you can use the code: “Shift” to get a break on the S & H. The actual book is free.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

37: The Power of Forgiveness with Orlando Bowen

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In this compelling interview, Orlando Bowen shares the ultimate courage in his journey forward as he shows the true power of forgiveness. Having used his professional football career as a platform for creating positive change in conversation with the police force and the community, he found himself brutally attacked by an off duty officer, threatened his life, ruining his football career, and ultimately lead him to his true life’s mission. His inspiring story begs you to question how you can, or have the possibility to, truly practice forgiveness and choose compassion over hate. 

Orlando’s bio: Orlando Bowen M.Sc., B.Sc.


Orlando Bowen’s mission is to inspire people to be GameChangers in the lives of others. GameChangers influence the path, perspective or possibilities for others and inspire people to see beyond their circumstances as they pursue excellence.


Orlando has been motivating corporate audiences for years through keynotes and through his role of founder and Executive Director of One Voice One Team Youth Leadership Organization. He equips people to get off the sidelines and become GameChangers in business and life.


Orlando has been recognized for his work by; Being awarded a QUEEN’S DIAMOND JUBILEE MEDAL, a national HARRY JEROME AWARD, a national CANADIAN YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD and is the feature of a nationally televised W-5 documentary entitled Personal Foul.


To book Orlando for company/organization keynotes and workshops, please visit www.orlandobowen.com/booking/


To inquire about school programming, please visit www.onevoiceoneteam.org

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

36: Stop Saying “Don’t Worry” To Your Kids

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As prompted by the recent wildfires raging through CA, I have been speaking a lot about how parents can talk to their kids about how to manage difficult emotions. It’s a typical parenting response to say, “Oh don’t worry – everything is going to be fine,” and when parents say that to their kid, they fail to connect compassionately with their child, and completely overlook what their child is feeling. The last thing a child is going to do is not worry just because you told them not to worry. This episode is full of valuable information on how you can learn a new set of effective, compassionate parenting tools so you can communicate with your child in a way that makes them feel seen, heard and validated. 


If this spoke to you, I’d love to hear a comment in the reviews. And I recently was on KTLA morning news talking about this very topic. Here’s a link to my complete segment: https://ktla.com/2019/11/03/dealing-with-disaster-anxiety-with-therapist-joree-rose/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

35: Does Your Relationship Need a Reset? with Jen Elmquist

Audio Player

If you’re in a relationship, you need to listen to this conversation. Jen Elmquist imparts so much wisdom regarding how to thrive in your relationship, how your relationship will grow, evolve and change over the course of its life, and how you can help prevent it from becoming stagnant. Also, make sure you tune in until the end; Jen shares her framework on the different stages that relationships go through – which is something I think everyone can relate to – and when we are armed with this information, the better we can navigate the unknown waters ahead.


Link: jenelmquist.com


Throughout two decades of professional experience, Jen Elmquist, LMFT has established the ability to motivate and transform individuals, couples, and audiences of all ages. By tapping into her background in communications, media, and mental health, she develops and delivers innovative, outcome-based programs to generate positive learning environments and enhanced personal growth. 

Jen’s work includes teaching, coaching and therapy for adults and adolescents in clinical, corporate and educational settings, along with a specialization in couple relationships. She is an AAMFT Nationally Approved Supervisor and an Adjunct Faculty member at Saint Mary’s University, Graduate School of Health and Human Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She currently provides consulting services out of her company, Restoration Productions.

In 2017 Jen launched her first book, Relationship Reset: Secrets from a Couples Therapist that will Revolutionize Your Love for a Lifetime which received a Benjamin Franklin award from the Independent Book Publishers Association. 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

34: Let ‘Taking Action’ Be Your Goal with Irene Pace

Audio Player

I absolutely love a conversation in which I’m inspired to start taking action towards change! And better yet – I love it when it’s fresh, new info presented in an attainable, straightforward manner. Irene is full of such simplistic wisdom, including how to use mindfulness as a practice into healthy eating and ultimately creating a healthy life. And the best part of her frameworks from which she teaches?? Food is not the first thing to create awareness around!! Tune in to find out how to start creating lasting, healthy change right now! 


Connect with Irene:

www.irenepace.ca (complimentary book download from here!)






Irene’s Bio:

Irene Pace is a Registered Dietitian, author, and speaker with over 15 years of experience helping people like you make the changes that matter most. With her confident, easy style, she’ll empower you to see and leverage the skills you already have to improve your eating, your body, and your life.


From advanced clinical work at a lead trauma hospital to helping coach hundreds of women online with a world-class Precision Nutrition, Irene’s unique cross-industry experience shines through in her simple yet effective, practical approach. 


She’ll cut through the obstacles and confusion holding you back, and shape a clear path from eating struggle to serenity!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

33: Be an Inspirator of Your Own Life with Erin Kreitz Shirey

Audio Player

This conversation with Erin Kreitz Shirey is so full of inspiration as she talks about what it means to be an Inspirator! This word made up by her young daughter, means to have inspiration and be a motivator in one! With a background in fitness and wellness, Erin brings these tools to all the women she works with, to help empower others to be their best selves! As she says, the inner work transforms the outer work, in all that we do, and know that you are the magic ticket for all the changes you want to make! Erin encourages others to get comfortably uncomfortable so you can start to create change, to step into your bliss.



Find out more about Erin at: erinkreitzshirey.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

32: “And, not But…” with Silvy Khoucasian

Audio Player

This conversation is with the amazing and insightful Silvy Khoucasian, who imparts beautiful wisdom and tools on how to create effective and healthy relationships. Bringing her personal experience of being raised within two different cultures along with being an introvert and sensitive person, she, along with her training, uses an intuitive approach to help couples connect, be vulnerable and thrive. A big focus of our conversation is on boundaries, and Silvy highlights invaluable tools that any couple can implement as soon as they’re done listening. And the title of this episode highlights one of my most favorite awarenesses that I learned while in my couple’s therapy, and this shift in language is the #1 thing that can impact your thinking and communication.


Silvy’s Bio:

Silvy Khoucasian earned her Master’s Degree in Psychology from Phillips Graduate Institute, and her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Silvy was born in Saudi Arabia and immigrated to the United States at the age of 4 years from Syria with her immediate family. Silvy also has a rich background in the theatrical arts as well as in film production. She has always been drawn to the field of Psychology and continues to learn from those she admires in the field. She currently works as a relationship coach and supports singles and couples by offering them practical tools for the real world.

Silvy’s boundaries program: https://bryanreeves.com/boundaries-silvy/

Silvy’s Instagram link :https://www.instagram.com/silvykhoucasian/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

31: Intuitive Eating and Gut Health with Jayne Williams

Audio Player

I love this conversation with Jayne Williams!  Tune into our talk about how to change your health and your body, starting with mindfulness awareness. She gives super helpful information including the 5 foods to bring into your diet that will naturally improve your gut health. 


Jayne’s Bio:


Jayne Williams, C.H.H.C, A.A.D.P, N.L.C


Jayne is a Certified Integrative Health and Nutrition Expert and long-time advocate of health and nutrition. Having suffered for many years with gut and stress related issues, Jayne empowered herself to learn everything she could to get healthy and, in turn, has made it her life’s work to help others to do the same. She now helps her clients improve their health in a clear-cut attainable approach, by gradually introducing healthy eating habits and living practices specific to their body and lifestyle. Most importantly, she works with each client to create a personalized plan of action that supports both their short and long term health goals.  


Jayne is a former fitness instructor, journalist and served as the CEO of the American Red Cross in South Central Connecticut overseeing various health care programs and classes. She received her training from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Jayne is currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health from Maryland University, is ACE Trainer Certified, Nutritious Life Certified, and has an additional Certification in Gut Health. 


Originally from Connecticut, Jayne now lives in Orlando, Florida with her daughter and husband.



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

30: Money, Mindset & Magic with Emily King

Audio Player

Tune into a fun and enlightening conversation with Emily King, a wealth and abundant coach, who shares the tools on how to use your power of mindset, and a bit of woo-woo, to bring into your life what you most want. 


Emily’s Bio:

Emily King is a wealth & abundance coach and founder of The Rich Woman. Since 2015 she’s worked with 100’s of women to help them create a loving relationship with money so they can massively increase their income and their impact!

She’s a self-proclaimed money manifesting master and she’s on a mission to help women across the world live their best ever “Rich Woman” lives – a life of financial freedom, fulfillment and fun. 

When she’s not coaching her tribe of Rich Women, you can find her hiking the trails with her hubby and their miniature wiener dog, Charles.

Learn more at: https://www.therichwoman.ca

Instagram: https://instagram.com/therichwoman.inc?igshid=1j7ao83l5mkm1

Download an abundance meditation: https://emilyking.kartra.com/page/jiP9   Facebook page is: www.facebook.com/emilykingco 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

28: There is no rule book for parenting

Audio Player

September not only is self-care awareness month, but as all kids are now back in school, it’s a time for parents to reground and center themselves in preparation for the busyness that the school year brings. Parents have really great intentions, but often poor execution as they lack the tools to parent effectively to the kid they have, not the one they hoped, wished, or thought they had. Joree delves into tools to help parents parent effectively and compassionately. 



To check out her booklet, Take A Mindful Minute, which offers parents and kids the opportunity to build a joint mindfulness practice, click here to download if for free: https://joreerose.com/download-free-booklet/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

27: Unf*ck Your Intimacy with Faith Harper

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I’m talking about sex again!! In this conversation with Faith Harper, we talk about sex, intimacy, trauma, relationships and everything in between! Faith is not only an expert in the field of sex and therapy, but she normalizes all human behavior and frames it in a way that is so fun to talk about (she says the F-word a lot!). If you want to be able to show up more authentically in your relationships, and more importantly, with yourself, you’ve got to work through your shit. 


Faith’s Bio:

Dr. Faith Harper is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Supervisor in the State of Texas, with postdoctoral certifications in Nutrition (ACN) and Sexology (ACS). She is the bestselling author of UNFUCK YOUR BRAIN, as well as a continuing series of books on various topics within mental health, from Microcosm Publishing. Dr. Harper presented at the TedX conference in San Antonio in 2013 on the topic of “Shame, Sex, and Silence.” A (mostly) complete record of her work can be found at www.theintimacydr.com

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

26: Let’s Talk About Sex with Melanie Curtin

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In this titillating conversation with writer and sex researcher Melanie Curtin, we talk about all things sex. Her research has uncovered some trends that you’ll want to know about – whether you’re a man or a woman – and how you can learn some ways of communicating with your partner to have a pleasurable and connecting sex life. Definitely don’t miss this episode!!


Melanie’s Bio:


Melanie Curtin is a sex researcher with a Master’s from Stanford. She uses data to help men and couples communicate about sex with one another so they can have hotter sex, more frequently. Melanie is also a columnist at Inc., where her pieces have garnered over 10 million pageviews worldwide, and she has been published or seen on TODAY, HuffPost, Forbes, Business Insider, The New York Observer, and more.


You can find Melanie at: http://www.melaniecurtin.com


And she’s made a promo code for the Journey Forward tribe called JOURNEYFORWARD. It’s for $100 off the course (which is $497)! Find out more in her website 

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

25: What Will Ever Make You Feel Good Enough? with Marci Nevin

Audio Player

In this interview with Marci Nevin, we talk all things health, nutrition, fitness, healing yourself, mindfulness, self-discovery and all that evolves when we are on that path towards growth. When we are unhappy in our own lives and bodies, it can be easy to use food and exercise to feel better about yourself, though that may only solve a very small piece of where we are stuck. 


Marci’s bio: Marci is a health and wellness coach in Northern California. For the past 12 years she has worked with clients both in person and online, empowering them to rewrite the stories that no longer serve them and overcome the limiting beliefs that hold them back from  becoming the best versions of themselves. 


From a young age, Marci struggled with poor body image and low self worth, which manifested as disordered eating and exercise addiction later in life. She was always searching for something outside herself to make her feel whole and complete, not realizing that what she really needed was within her all along. 


As a result, she developed and autoimmune disease and additional health issues that compromised her quality of life. After years of struggling to get answers through traditional doctors, she began the journey of learning how to heal her body, mind, and spirit holistically. 


Today, Marci believes that self care, stress management, and daily mindset practices, along with proper nutrition and intelligent strength training, are at the foundation of people becoming their most authentic selves. She is passionate about sharing these tools to help others heal from their struggles so they can live balanced, fulfilled lives.  


You can find more of Marci’s work and learn about her services at www.marcinevinfitness.com and on Instagram @marcinevin

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

24: The Gift of Awareness with Kylie McBeath

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I have to say, this is one of my favorite conversations! Kylie and I talk about all things awareness, spirituality, getting unstuck, alignment, existential crises…and so much more. 

Kylie’s Bio:


Kylie McBeath is the Co-Founder & Chief Visionary of digital wellness community, Zura Health, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Co-Host of the Zura Health Podcast, Speaker & Writer. She is a multi-passionate, creative being whose mission on this planet is to empower women (and men) with the tools, support, wisdom, and resources they need to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Ultimately, her mission is to raise the consciousness of the entire planet through a higher health & emotional IQ!

Connect with Kylie:  www.kyliemcbeath.com and www.instagram.com/beingisbeautiful

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

23: Delving Deeper into Self-Compassion

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Even though I recently did an episode on self-compassion, I wanted to delve in deeper because I see it as a place where many people get – and stay – stuck. My goal and purpose in the work that I do is to help you get unstuck from all the habits, patterns, mindsets, old stories or outdated belief systems that are getting in the way of you living your best life. I believe it’s your birthright to be happy, and I want to help guide you there!


Additional tools I’m offering for self-compassion:


Miraval Retreat Tucson, AZ Sept. 8-11, 2019 – https://joreerose.com/retreats/tucson-2019/


Miraval Retreat Austin, TX Oct. 13-16, 2019 – https://joreerose.com/retreats/austin-2019/


If you want to download my Top 10 Tools for Self-Compassion that you can immediately begin to implement, click here: https://joreerose.com/free-10tips


And lastly, if you haven’t already, join my exclusive Facebook group, Journey Forward: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173854486658557/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

22: Healing Through Mindful Movement with Kate Moyer

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Tune into a fun and insightful interview with Kate Moyer, a yoga therapist, who combines modalities of yoga and mindfulness to heal others. Whether it be old traumas and/or physical pain, or other emotional triggers, we can tune into the mind/body connection and observe how all our shit shows up and often gets stuck in the body. With this awareness, the healing and release can begin. 


Kate’s Bio:

Kate Moyer, E-RYT & C-IAYT also trained in Trauma Sensitive Yoga & Mindfulness based Self-Compassion, has taught yoga for the last 12 years with 4 of those years focusing on group and individual yoga therapy. Her passion is to help people connect their mind and body to promote balance and healing. Kate tailors every session to the individual needs of the client and teaches tools to help with stress and its effects on the mind and body. She believes that anyone can learn to be calm and relaxed with practice.


Free Gifts for you from Kate:

  1. If you subscribe to the ABC’s of Happy you will receive a FREE guide to mindful living
  2. If you use discount code: Journey Forward you will receive $5 off of any purchase from the ABC’s of Happy. This includes products, private sessions, and online classes. (minimum purchase of $10; one time use per customer)
  3. Kate would like to invite listeners to join any ‘Waking up Together’ online meditation/relaxation class for FREE. All you have to do is choose what date you’d like to join (Sunday’s at 8 p.m. CT) then email Kate the date, your name, and that you are a Journey Forward listener. 
  4. Kate invites you to be a part of the ABC’s of Happy private Facebook group where she hosts a live talk/meditation on the letter from the ABC’s of Happy she is currently practicing.
209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

21: Do You Know Your Number on the Enneagram? with Pam Johnson

Audio Player

I love understanding myself, others, relationships, dynamics…you name it! I also love having a framework for having ways to delve deeper into ourselves, to ultimately know ourselves, and what drives our motivations, patterns of behavior or our deeper drives. This fun, enlightening and informative conversation with Pam Johnson gave me great insight into all the above, and even more so, how this knowledge can aid not only in our healing, but help guide us in our journey forward.


Pam’s Bio: Pam Johnson is a Conscious Community Leader, Life Leadership Coach and Speaker who helps individuals make sense of their reality (themselves, their teams – even their families) using Enneagram wisdom.  The Enneagram is a personality map of consciousness that illuminates autopilot patterns. At a deeper level she helps people to stop bulldozing their dreams and start accessing and using their intuition to direct their lives into living in alignment with their highest values.  This allows us to wake up, show up and “Transform on Purpose” becoming CEO’s of our own lives. Pam has been featured in the “Give Love” documentary and “Your Healthy Living Radio Show”. Pam leads individuals through group coaching programs (Become the CEO of your LIFE), individual group coaching programs (SoulPATH), mentors coaches (The Deep Coaching Institute) and Conscious Community Circles (The Deep Living Institute).”

Three opportunities to work with Pam this fall: 

October:  “Become the CEO of your LIFE”:  https://tinyurl.com/y5gbh332 (Remote Group coaching program – by application only)

October:  Deep Living Circle:  https://tinyurl.com/yye69byf (In person conscious community circle – limited spaces available)

September:  SoulPATH:  https://tinyurl.com/y6dkle5a (1:1 coaching program)


Click here to receive free audio on discovering your enneagram type!


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

20: Discovering You 2.0 – Life After Divorce with Wendy Sterling

Audio Player

Join in the conversation with my friend Wendy Sterling who is thriving after divorce and is now coaching women to do the same. After being blindsided by her divorce, Wendy chose to use this opportunity to find the best version of herself amidst the most challenging time in her life. We talk through the steps that women can take so they can do the same, and not let this life transition hold you back from living your best life.


Wendy’s Bio:

Wendy Sterling has devoted her life to empowering women: helping them build confidence, heal wounds and feel unapologetically happy while discovering their best life. As a CPCC and ACC certified coach and soon to be published author, Wendy has gleaned her knowledge and skill from specialized education and a long professional career. More importantly, her distinctive coaching style was born from her own experience of walking through the darkness of divorce from which she emerged stronger, shameless and motivated to ensure NO woman walks the path alone. Wendy uses her life experiences and certifications to transform the lives of women navigating divorce through 1:1 coaching, group coaching (founded Divorce Rehab), workshop leading, and speaking opportunities. Wendy believes that although every woman’s experience is unique, with the right set of tools we may conquer anything.


Facebook: www.facebook.com/wendytsterling

Website: www.wendysterling.net

Instagram: www.instagram.com/youtwopointo

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

19: Independence, Freedom and Autonomy

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Joree muses and reflects on the 4th of July about what our personal freedoms looks and feels like: Independence – what does that mean to you? What were your visions of what it meant to be independent growing up? Was it freedom to make your own choices, or having your own thoughts? Was it able to go somewhere or do something on your own? Was it in relation to freedom to be yourself – separate from your family, religion or expectations placed on you?

Or do you consider the freedom you have within your own mind? Do your thoughts take over and define you? Are you free from anxiety, stress, depression, body-image issues, self-worth, or habits of being in bad relationships. What about freedom in how you spend your time? Do you have a job that you love or fulfills you or do you feel stuck and confined in shoulds?

What about your relationships with a partner, spouse or loved one? Are you free to be you? I know that all relationships come with compromise and boundary setting, but to what extent are you free to be you? What does independence look like in relationships or in your family, how to be free from negative thoughts or emotions that might rule you and how to be free from toxicity in our lives.


After the free association of thoughts regarding freedom and independence, Joree offers a framework to help you get unstuck from those patterns that might be holding you back. This 6-step guide will help you live your life fully and freely.

Download the free guide now: Get Unstuck. Stay Unstuck. Be Happy. https://joreerose.com/free-e-booklet-guide/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

18: Mindful Self-Compassion – Interview with Natalie Bell

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I have a conversation with my friend and colleague Natalie Bell, who teaches Mindfulness Self-Compassion. She shares wonderful insights on how to cultivate these tools that allow us to heal, be free from our inner critic, and be able to shift our mindset towards how we treat ourselves with greater kindness. 


Natalie is the founder of Mindful Wellness, a training and coaching platform to help people find their own source of calm, clarity, and inner resilience. She is the creator of the Thrive Inside Program for Personal Resilience to build an inner voice of support and compassion. As a leading teacher of mindfulness and self-compassion she works with individuals and companies teaching people to be able to manage stress and develop a system of inner support and acceptance. Natalie’s approach brings the benefits of meditation into the practical realm of our daily lives teaching us to discover calm and balance in a common sense, relatable manner.


With over 25 years of experience Natalie has been featured on the Today Show, Travel and Leisure, the LA Times, MSNBC Your Business, and Thrive Global for her passionate embodiment of presence and compassion. She has brought her work to Fortune 500 companies, CEOs and organizations like NBC Universal, the Milken Institute, Getty Foundation, Wharton, and many others.


Natalie is a faculty member of UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, MARC, as a certified mindfulness teacher. She is one of a distinguished group of certified Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teachers and serves on the Healthcare Advisory Board of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion working closely with MSC founders Kristin Neff and Chris Germer.


You can find out more about what Natalie teaches here, www.nataliebell.com


209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

17: Meditation is Your Relationship to Life Itself – Interview with Leah Santa Cruz

Audio Player

Tune into my conversation with Leah, who is a yoga and meditation teacher living in Bali. She had beautiful visuals and descriptions on how to bring meditation into your life.



Leah’s Bio: Leah Santa Cruz is a teacher at The Yoga Barn in Bali, specializing in Meditation, Mindfulness and Intimacy. She empowers men and women around the world with tools to regain inner clarity, fulfilling relationships and ecstatic joy.


With a background in psychology and neuroscience, alongside a decade working in fast-paced careers for Microsoft and tech startups- Leah understands the devastating effects that overwhelm, past traumas, anxiety and fears have on our inner peace and relationships. She offers solutions to overcome these blocks and thrive through meditation, tantra, mindfulness and emotional intelligence.


Her workshops help men and women strip away years of stress and strengthen their capacity for deeper intimacy, happiness and love.


You can find me on Instagram: @lesant or at my website: www.leahsantacruz.com



Leah has two upcoming offerings:


1) a 100-hr Meditation and Yin Yoga Teacher training in Bali. Sept 4-15th: https://yogaeastwest.com/yin-meditation-100-hour/

2) an 8-day Meditation and Yoga retreat in Tuscany, Italy. Sept 28-Oct. 5th: http://www.vinoandvinyasaretreat.com/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

16: Travel, Adventure, Falling in Love and Matching Tattoos with Dr. John Schinnerer

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Tune into to hear Joree and John’s first conversation on how they met, fell in love and took the most epic adventure to Thailand. But even more, learn how these two professionals, a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Psychologist, navigate their relationship in the most real, authentic and inspiring ways.


Dr. John Schinnerer coaches men to perform at their peak from the boardroom to the bedroom.  Dr. John graduated from U.C.  Berkeley with a Ph.D. in educational psychology.  He was an expert consultant for Pixar’s Inside Out.  He has spoken to organizations such as Stanford Medical School, U.C. Berkeley, Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, Gap and UPS. He has been featured in national media such as U.S. News and World Report, Readers Digest, and SELF Magazine. Dr. John has worked with Army Rangers, Navy Seals, entrepreneurs, and executives from dozens of Fortune 500 companies. He wrote the award-winning book, “How Can I Be Happy?” His areas of expertise range from high performance, to stress management, to positive psychology, to anger management, to creating happy, thriving relationships.  Over 10,000 people have taken his online anger management course. He recently recorded micro courses on anger management and forgiveness for Simple Habit; they have been listened to over 55,000 times in the first 4 months. Dr. John hosts a podcast to help men evolve, The Evolved Caveman. Visit GuideToSelf.com to learn more about Dr. John.



FB: TheEvolvedCaveman

IG: TheEvolvedCaveman

LinkedIn: DrJohnSchinnerer

Twitter: JohnSchin

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

15: What You Seek is Seeking You

Audio Player

After more than 5 years of being on her Journey of self-discovery, mindfulness, meditation, growth and awareness, Joree got divorced, and for the first time in her life started dating. After the initial excitement wore off, she ultimately felt less than enthused with the men she was meeting. Until one day, a quote by the ancient Sufi poet, Rumi, shifted her mindset from resigned to hopeful, as she set intentions for what she wanted to bring into her life. With the clarity of her needs defined, Joree meditated on, then released it, to the Universe…only to meet John 10 days later. Manifestation at its finest!!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

14: What’s Your Board, What’s Your Cushion?

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Joree continues to share her Journey of how she got to where she is today by continuing to tune into and say YES to the synchronicities the Universe kept offering to her. In a series of events, that took place over the course of 2 years, Joree found herself on a spiritual retreat that single-handedly changed her life forever. Tune in to hear Joree’s most life-changing moment, and how you can embody this awareness for yourself.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

13: What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be? with Elisha Goldstein

Audio Player

In this interview, Elisha Goldstein shares that in each moment of each day, you get to choose who you want to be, how to be more intentional about where you want to focus your mind, and ultimately what kind of life you want to live. But before delving a mindfulness practice, Elisha explains how we have to tap into what we want to feel as a result of practicing mindfulness….tuning into that will help give you the motivation to stick with your intentions. I’m so excited for this conversation with Elisha and hope you enjoy!

Elisha’s bio:

Here is a bio and a one sheet attached:

Elisha Goldstein, PhD is founder of The Mindful Living Collective – the central online mindful space to find the teachings, practices and tribe to up-level your mind, your life and business. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Mindful Living in Los Angeles and creator of the 6-month online coaching program, A Course in Mindful Living. His books include Uncovering Happiness and The Now Effect, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook and MBSR Everyday.  In an increasingly fragmented society, he is working to bring people together so they may motivate and inspire one another in far-reaching ways.  


To learn more about the Center for Mindful Living, visit: https://www.mindfullivingla.org/

To learn more about Elisha’s coaching program, visit: https://acourseinmindfulliving.com/

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

12: It’s MY Time

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After my light starting going on, I was attuned to the Universe giving me signs. And then the light went on with less frequency, and a NEW Universe sign started appearing with incredible regularity. THIS meaning was even more powerful than my light…and it continues to this day. To me, it’s all a sign of awareness, and the universe asking me, “Joree – are you being aware? Are you paying attention?” Oh, and btw, when you’re done listening to the episode, check out the exact length of it…that is case in point right there! Synchronicity happens!!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

11: My Light Will Not Go Out

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Have you ever had a serendipitous event that you believed to be the Universe giving you a sign? And if so, how did you interpret the message? What did you do with it? Hear Joree’s pivotal story of what turned out to be one of the most significant, spiritual experiences she’s ever had, and how she used it to help her Journey Forward.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

10: Self-Love is the Best Diet with Jessica Scott

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Joree is so excited to host her first guest, Jessica Scott, who is a life coach for women, inspiring them to live a life in alignment with their heart and soul. Tune in to hear Jessica’s Journey Forward in realizing that having the “ultimate Instagram body” not only didn’t bring her happiness, but it actually prevented her from living fully and freely. This life-changing shift has positively affected all areas of her life, and after having gained weight, Jessica has never felt happier, more present and more connected, enabling her to fully engage  life. And now she is coaching women how to find their true vibrational peace and happiness, including in their parenting.


Here is Jessica’s bio:


Jessica Scott is a former fitness coach with her bachelors in Biology/pre-Medicine and a degree in mortuary science! She is a nationally qualified figure competitor and ran a successful online fitness coaching business for 5 years. A year and a half ago, her heart lead her elsewhere after a radical spiritual awakening and she stepped away from fitness coaching completely and began mentoring women in her online courses where she shows women how to listen to the unique hollering of their heart and become who they are here to be at a soul level. She is also the co-CEO of Sakred, a woman owned company that creates frequency infused MCT oils that just launched in November 2018. She lives in the country in Illinois with her partner Rick and her 5 year old daughter Scarlett, who in many ways was the impetus of her shift from body centric to soul centric living. Follow her on Instagram or Facebook at @jessicascott

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

8: You Don’t Look Buddhist

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Buddhism is not a religion, but rather a way of being; it’s a set of tools based in a framework to reduce our suffering and how to be in the present moment. Joree will share her condensed Buddhism 101 to highlight the fundamentals to give context and meaning to the roots of mindfulness practice. This episode will cover the 4 noble truths and the challenge of rumination.



209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

7: See The World with Beginner’s Mind

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When we can view what’s around us as if seeing it for the very first time, we get to experience true presence and unfiltered awareness. Hear about my journey to Ecuador into the Amazon Rainforest for a week with my 13-year old daughter, where we volunteered in a village and immersed into the Kichwa culture, and how this concept of Beginner’s Mind influenced every aspect of our adventure.

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

4: So, I’m Aware, But Now What?

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Increasing awareness of what’s not working for you – whether it’s thoughts, fears, anxieties or old stories that no longer define you – is the first step to getting unstuck. But now what? Well, then, it’s all about slowing down, observing what’s arising, and breathing. It is, and is not, that simple!

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

2: What’s Your Story?

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The story in which we define ourselves can often be limiting in who we allow ourselves to become. I used to operate out of an old story that no longer served me, and it kept me stuck, but I didn’t know who I was without my story. I feared the unknown and thought if stayed in the “known”, then I’d be happy – until one day I shifted my mindset and was able to trust that unknown held the possibility of happiness, peace, fulfillment and personal freedom.



What defines you? Are you staying stuck in your story out of habit, or fear of change?

209: Relationship Tips That Strengthened Our Relationship with Dr. John Schinnerer

1: Welcome to Journey Forward

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Is there something in your life that just isn’t working? Are you wanting to make change, but just aren’t sure where to start? Well, there are no accidents and I believe that you’ve tuned in to today’s podcast because you are ready to get unstuck and live your best life.

At the root of creating lasting change you’ll be able to bring more mindfulness into your life, which I define as living with greater awareness, attention and intention. It’s time to get off autopilot and get into the driver seat of your own life. It’s time to allow and accept your thoughts and emotions as they arise, without letting them take over. It’s time to stop looking backward and ruminating, and now is the time to Journey Forward with an open mindset, living within your values, to living fully, freely and authentically.

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