Wine’d Down® Women’s Dinners

Wine'd Down Dates
I love creating opportunities for women to connect, to create authentic connection and for opportunity for growth and expansion.

Join me for a women’s night out where we can focus on slowing down, being in community and connecting with intention, and enjoying time together over a great meal!

This is an event for you if:

  • you would love a night out with like-minded women
  • you crave authentic conversation and connection
  • you feel stressed or overwhelmed and need some time just for you
  • you are ready to be in community with women who value awareness, growth, expansion, authenticity, alignment and living a fulfilling, satisfying life

Please, feel free to invite a friend who you think would love to come!

There is no “official” cost for this – just your dinner and if you find any extra value in your evening, you can be free to include that, but no expectations. I’ll pay for the meal and you can Venmo me at the end of the night.

Each month our location will change, but will be in either Danville or San Ramon.

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