Online Courses
journey forward® method
Get all the tools you need to cultivate the life you’re wanting to live in Joree’s signature 8-week group program.
introduction to meditation
Break down all the myths, misconceptions, preconceptions and judgments about meditation and learn how to start your practice.
introduction to mindfulness
Learn the foundational tools of how to practice mindfulness and how to integrate these tools and awareness into all aspects of your life.
redefine yourself
Clearly identify the patterns that are holding you back and rewrite your narrative to reflect who you are and how you want to live your best life.
patient parenting
Being a parent is hard and doesn’t come with a rule book. Consider this course the rule book you’ve been looking for!
gratitude meditation bundle
This gratitude meditation bundle guides you through 13 meditations that are guaranteed to help you dwell on the good in your life.