joree rose
Gratitude Meditation Bundle
Gratitude has been shown to have a myriad of health benefits and there are so many different ways to be grateful.

Did you know that your brain was designed to focus on the negative?
When we were cavemen and cavewomen, it was a survival mechanism to dwell on the things that may be a threat to our lives.
In our modern lives, however, our brains are still on hyper-alert looking for the bad and we have to fight an uphill battle to look for the good.

The good news?
Once we notice we are stuck focusing on something negative, and we have the awareness in recognizing that we have a choice to shift our mind’s attention, then we can begin to look for the good and the more of the good we will find!
This literally rewires your brain allowing you to be both healthier and happier!
Gratitude has been shown to have a myriad of health benefits and there are so many different ways to be grateful. In this course, I have recorded 13 gratitude meditations that are outlined in my book, A Year of Gratitude, which has 365 different ways for you to be grateful!
This gratitude meditation bundle literally can change your life!
Are you ready to get started?
The meditations included in this bundle are from Joree’s book, A Year of Gratitude:
- A Mindful Sip Meditation
- Big Moment Meditation
- Future Self Meditation
- Gratitude Meditation
- Heart Opener Meditation
- Joyful Thoughts Meditation
- Lovingkindness Meditation
- Mindfulness Meditation
- New Beginnings Meditation
- Outdoor Meditation
- Peace and Calm Meditation
- Simple Pleasure Meditation
- Visual Meditation
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