joree rose

Patient Parenting

Being a parent is hard and doesn’t come with a rule book.

Every day feels like trial and error as you try and figure out what works to effectively parent the child you have. And the challenge is that what works today likely won’t work tomorrow, and will also be different from child to child.

Consider this course the rule book you’ve been looking for!

You’ll learn to feel more calm and less reactive, as well as how to teach your children how to manage their overwhelming emotions.

Joree Rose

The key to being a mindful parent is to honor the sovereign nature of your child, and accept who they actually are as opposed to who you’d like them to be, hoped they would be or wished they would be.

In addition, you’ve got to cultivate the tools to actually role model the behavior you wish to see; it doesn’t really work to yell at them to calm down.

In this 7-session course, you’ll gain all my best tools on how to be a mindful parent, which means parenting from a place of calm rather than reactivity. You’ll learn effective discipline tools that I guarantee will work, and you’ll find be able to create more peace in your home as well as a more connected relationship with your child(ren).

Are you ready to get started?

The 7 different areas we cover that’ll help you become are more patient parent are:

  • Being Present
  • Rolemodeling Behavior
  • Creating House Rules
  • Enforcing Discipline
  • Compassionate Communication
  • Cultivating Gratitude
  • Accepting What Is

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