joree rose
Introduction to Mindfulness
Learn the foundational tools of how to practice mindfulness and how to integrate these tools and awareness into all aspects of your life.

Meditation is considered to be a “formal” practice (creating space for stillness, silence, and observing whatever is arising – thoughts, emotions, sensations) and mindfulness is considered to be an “informal” practice – it’s taking all the skills and tools of observing and acceptance “off the cushion” and into your daily life.
I define mindfulness as living with greater awareness, attention and intention. It’s getting off of autopilot and just going through the motions of our lives and routines, and getting into the driver seat of your own life where you are more present, intentional and aware.
Mindfulness isn’t something you add to your to-do list; it’s something you put on your to-be list. Consider who you want to be in the world; what is the quality of presence that you bring to each moment and to your relationships?
When you are being mindful, you practice being present rather than being distracted; we all have the wandering mind that travels to the past, to the unknown future or to your digital device.
Being mindful guides you in how to respond rather than react, how to be more compassionate rather than judgmental and how to accept whatever you are experiencing in the moment, even – and especially when – it’s hard or you don’t like it.
This course will introduce you to the foundational tools of how to practice mindfulness and how to integrate these tools and awareness into all aspects of your life.
You will understand how your brain and body are connected, the power of your breath for healing and presence, how to be mindful of your thoughts and emotions, and why gratitude, compassion and lovingkindness are so important.
It is suggested to complete the Introduction to Meditation course prior to starting this one, as meditation serves as the foundation to being more mindful.
I think mindfulness is the answer to everything – whether you are sitting in traffic or dealing with cancer the tools are the same.
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