joree rose

Introduction to Meditation

Break down all the myths, misconceptions, preconceptions and judgments about meditation and learn how how to start your practice.

Everyone knows meditation is good for their physical, mental and emotional health, and yet most people still don’t meditate.

The reasons are many:

“I don’t have time”

“My thoughts won’t stop”

“I’m not good at meditation”

“I get restless”

“I don’t want to get up earlier than I have to”

“I don’t want to face what comes up for me when I slow down”

…and so much more!

Joree Rose

This course breaks down all the myths, misconceptions, preconceptions and judgments about meditation and teaches you how to begin a practice.

Once you have a clear understanding of what meditation is – and is not – you’ll have a much easier time integrating meditation into your daily routine. (Hint: you can “successfully” meditate in as little as 1-2 minutes a day!)

This course will walk you through beginning a meditation practice in a way that you’ll actually be able to stick to. The good news is, there is no such thing as a good or bad meditation; the key is learning how to slow down, create the space for some stillness and silence, connect with your breath and observe whatever it is you are noticing.

It’s that simple; it’s just not always that easy, and that is why I’m here to guide you. In addition to understanding meditation, this course has 13 different meditations to create the perfect library you need to build your practice.

Are you ready to get started?

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