What You May Be Feeling is Depression…and That is Okay

What You May Be Feeling is Depression…and That is Okay

Regardless of your family history, or your predisposition to depression, feeling depressed is something that I think we can all related to right now going through this pandemic. Depression is not just being in a bad mood or being sad or unmotivated. At the root of...
My First Heart-Opener

My First Heart-Opener

The first I did a heart-opener, I burst into tears. I was at Esalen, which is a spiritual retreat center in Big Sur, and it literally is, hands-down, my most favorite place on earth. Nestled into an expansive property overlooking picturesque cliffs of the Pacific...

The Benefits of Giving

Have you ever been so excited to give someone a gift, that you just couldn’t wait for the occasion to arrive? Isn’t it sometimes even a better feeling than when you receive something? I know this happens to me. When I find that perfect something for a person I love, I...

Gratitude is More Than Just a Feel-Good Sort of Thing

There are numerous benefits to beginning and maintaining a gratitude practice. Even though it can feel like gratitude is just “feel-good” sort of thing, it actually has many proven benefits that can have lasting effects on not only your mood, but your overall health!...

Be Your Own Best Friend

Let me ask you this…Have you ever had a time where you were struggling about something, and you kept playing the situation over and over in your head? Ask yourself: what is the tone of voice of your inner-self? Is it kind? Caring? Comforting? Encouraging? Generally,...

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A year of gratitude

I’ve got a new book and I can’t wait for you to get a copy!! A Year of Gratitude, will guide you through practices, reflections, affirmation and inspiration to bring gratitude into your daily life. As a thank you for ordering the book (and joining my mailing list!), receive a free gratitude meditation!

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A year of gratitude

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