Don’t Change That Radio Station!

Don’t Change That Radio Station!

Don’t Change That Radio Station! I took my first mindfulness class a few years ago. Truth be told, I knew nothing about mindfulness when I signed up. Though serendipity led me to attend a 6-week introduction class, I was unaware that I was being cosmically led down a...
Live Your Authentic Life

Live Your Authentic Life

Live Your Authentic Life I took my first mindfulness class a few years ago. Truth be told, I knew nothing about mindfulness when I signed up. Though serendipity led me to attend a 6-week introduction class, I was unaware that I was being cosmically led down a path...
How’s about some kindness, eh?

How’s about some kindness, eh?

So, I’m guess we all share the same problem – that is the loud voice inside your head that tells you mean things, has a harsh tone of voice, criticizes you and treats you worse than your own worst enemy. Can you relate? Do you know what I’m talking about? Yup -it’s...
Warning ⚠️⚠️: Honest and vulnerable post up ahead

Warning ⚠️⚠️: Honest and vulnerable post up ahead

Please read with caution, as it may bring up your own shit along the way. Sorry, not sorry. I had a really beautiful vacation in Kauai. The pictures speak for themselves. I absolutely love it there!! It’s one of my happy places where I feel super connected to spirit,...

Do you ever feel stuck in your life?

My guess is that there have been times (or are currently) when you felt completely overwhelmed by what is going on in your life, and it feels almost too big to even begin to take action on how to get out of it and move forward. I’ve been there too, and I can relate to...

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A year of gratitude

I’ve got a new book and I can’t wait for you to get a copy!! A Year of Gratitude, will guide you through practices, reflections, affirmation and inspiration to bring gratitude into your daily life. As a thank you for ordering the book (and joining my mailing list!), receive a free gratitude meditation!

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A year of gratitude

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