by Joree Rose | Aug 10, 2020 | Blog
Remember getting ready for the first day of school? Shopping for new clothes, getting the backpack all ready, picking out a new lunch bag, and of course have fun buying and organizing new school supplies. (New school supplies are the best, aren’t they??) Every...
by Joree Rose | Jun 22, 2020 | Blog
One of my taglines about mindfulness is that “it’s easier said than done.” I think it applies to almost all aspects of cultivating and maintaining a mindfulness practice. Well it also applies to almost all things in life period. But here’s the thing about...
by Joree Rose | May 12, 2020 | Blog
May is Mental Health Awareness month, and what better time than now — in the midst of a global pandemic — than for us to bring awareness, and compassion, to our collective mental health. Typically, it can easy for someone to make lots of assumptions about another...
by Joree Rose | Apr 27, 2020 | Blog
Relationships are hard Let me say that again. Relationships are so damn hard. And they are even harder during a pandemic! Everything that was under a flashlight of awareness is now under a floodlight of awareness. There is no hiding from what’s been seeping under the...
by Joree Rose | Apr 20, 2020 | Blog
Regardless of your family history, or your predisposition to depression, feeling depressed is something that I think we can all related to right now going through this pandemic. Depression is not just being in a bad mood or being sad or unmotivated. At the root of...