The Steps to Understanding and Building a Meditation Practice

Meditation has so many misconceptions, preconceptions, judgments, and assumptions, that can often stop a person before they even start a meditation practice. What are some of these? “I don’t have time.” “My mind wanders.” “I think too much.” “I get restless.” “I can’t...

The Light in the Dark

Last week, the fires that ravaged Northern California devastated entire communities, leveled businesses, and left many homeless. The helplessness, fears, and sadness that I felt while watching this horrific news was only compounded by the recent slew of disasters from...

Just Be There…It’s Almost Enough

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if there was a direct go-to manual for how to handle every kind of parenting situation?? I mean, I suppose you can do a Google search, and you’ll instantly reveal lots of solutions to your present issue, however it may not fit your mold....

My Everyday Mindfulness

I took my first mindfulness class a few years ago. Truth be told, I knew nothing about mindfulness when I signed up. Though serendipity led me to attend a 6-week introduction class, I was unaware that I was being cosmically led down a path that was going to change my...

Proven Antidotes to Stress

The holiday season is never as easy, peaceful and joyous as we hope or expect it to be. And while there is a plethora of wonderful and joyous moments during this time of year, sometimes we are even too stressed to notice or appreciate them. Additionally, I know that...

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A year of gratitude

I’ve got a new book and I can’t wait for you to get a copy!! A Year of Gratitude, will guide you through practices, reflections, affirmation and inspiration to bring gratitude into your daily life. As a thank you for ordering the book (and joining my mailing list!), receive a free gratitude meditation!

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A year of gratitude

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