This Is Our New Normal

This Is Our New Normal

Remember getting ready for the first day of school? Shopping for new clothes, getting the backpack all ready, picking out a new lunch bag, and of course have fun buying and organizing new school supplies. (New school supplies are the best, aren’t they??) Every...
Mindfulness is Super Simple; It’s Just Not Easy

Mindfulness is Super Simple; It’s Just Not Easy

One of my taglines about mindfulness is that “it’s easier said than done.” I think it applies to almost all aspects of cultivating and maintaining a mindfulness practice. Well it also applies to almost all things in life period. But here’s the thing about...
Parenting During Difficult Times

Parenting During Difficult Times

Parenting is always hard, but parenting during Covid has brought some new challenges. Covid, sheltering-in-place, and kids being out of school has hit us all in different ways. For some it’s brought great suffering, both physical, mental and emotional. For others,...
How to Go From Surviving to Thriving

How to Go From Surviving to Thriving

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and what better time than now — in the midst of a global pandemic — than for us to bring awareness, and compassion, to our collective mental health. Typically, it can easy for someone to make lots of assumptions about another...
What You May Be Feeling is Depression…and That is Okay

What You May Be Feeling is Depression…and That is Okay

Regardless of your family history, or your predisposition to depression, feeling depressed is something that I think we can all related to right now going through this pandemic. Depression is not just being in a bad mood or being sad or unmotivated. At the root of...

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A year of gratitude

I’ve got a new book and I can’t wait for you to get a copy!! A Year of Gratitude, will guide you through practices, reflections, affirmation and inspiration to bring gratitude into your daily life. As a thank you for ordering the book (and joining my mailing list!), receive a free gratitude meditation!

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A year of gratitude

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