What You May Be Feeling is Depression…and That is Okay

What You May Be Feeling is Depression…and That is Okay

Regardless of your family history, or your predisposition to depression, feeling depressed is something that I think we can all related to right now going through this pandemic. Depression is not just being in a bad mood or being sad or unmotivated. At the root of...
How to Stay Calm During the 2020 Election

How to Stay Calm During the 2020 Election

After the 2016 election, in addition to having an increase of clients coming in reporting “election anxiety” or “political anxiety”, I also remember seeing a lot of articles pop up in my social media addressing the question of, “How am I going...
The Time I Went to the ER in Paris

The Time I Went to the ER in Paris

***I’m sharing this post to be authentic…life is not always the perfect posed pictures on FB*** (Originally posted on FB on June 24, 2019) I’ve just started week 3, of a 4-week European journey…Though I felt fine in Zurich and Rome, a cough I’d had for a...

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A year of gratitude

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A year of gratitude

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