Do you ever feel stuck in your life?

My guess is that there have been times (or are currently) when you felt completely overwhelmed by what is going on in your life, and it feels almost too big to even begin to take action on how to get out of it and move forward. I’ve been there too, and I can relate to...

Send Love to Everyone this Valentine’s Day

One of my most favorite mindfulness practices is lovingkindness practice. In traditional Buddhist practice, this is called metta. It is the practice of extending well-wishes and thoughts of kindness to others. When thinking about sending out love, you might only think...
My Everyday Mindfulness

My Everyday Mindfulness

My Everyday Mindfulness I took my first mindfulness class a few years ago. Truth be told, I knew nothing about mindfulness when I signed up. Though serendipity led me to attend a 6-week introduction class, I was unaware that I was being cosmically led down a path that...

Stop Multitasking and Be More Productive

Our lives are so busy and we attempt to do it all! We are constantly in a juggling act between school, homework, jobs, family, friends, relationships, exercise, and personal time. Sometimes we are successful in getting through many items on our to-do list, however,...

How Do I Let My Sh*t Go??

What are you holding on to, that is no longer serving you, but you aren’t able to let go of? It is so easy to get stuck in habits and patterns that keep you held to the past, mistakes, shame, old relationships, or stories that no longer apply. There are many reasons...

The Benefits of Giving

Have you ever been so excited to give someone a gift, that you just couldn’t wait for the occasion to arrive? Isn’t it sometimes even a better feeling than when you receive something? I know this happens to me. When I find that perfect something for a person I love, I...

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A year of gratitude

I’ve got a new book and I can’t wait for you to get a copy!! A Year of Gratitude, will guide you through practices, reflections, affirmation and inspiration to bring gratitude into your daily life. As a thank you for ordering the book (and joining my mailing list!), receive a free gratitude meditation!

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A year of gratitude

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