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Happiness, while it is a birthright, does not come easy for everyone. You can “have it all” – the job, relationship, house, car, achievements or accolades, and yet, still experience depression. In this deeply powerful conversation, I talk with Rob Mack, who despite having a great life, was deeply depressed and suicidal for over 2 decades. In the split second of after beginning to act upon his suicidal ideation, he felt a moment of peace and decided to hold off on killing himself for a few more minutes to see if he could harness that sensation of peace a few moments longer. Those few moments not only saved his life, but turned it completely around as he developed a deep curiosity and passion for learning how to cultivate happiness, from the inside out and now is a happiness coach and author guiding others in how to live a blissful life. This conversation is full of wisdom, depth, honesty, vulnerability, spirituality, positive psychology, and a ton of tools for people who want to live a happier, more joyful, connected and peaceful life. This is one of my favorite conversations, and is one not to be missed!


To learn more about Rob:


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