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We all have core wounds from our childhood, and often they can be “normal” instances that still leave a lasting imprint on our lives. In this conversation with Peggy Oliveria, we talk about these core wounds and how to go through the process of healing ourselves. Trauma can be a result of experiences ranging from abuse to living in a chaotic environment, and can shift how we show up in relationships. In absence of honoring these wounds, we tend to continue patterns that no longer serve us. 


Peggy’s Bio: Peggy’s soulful way of getting us to connect to our truth… pain, fears, dreams, & desires inspires us, with arms and hearts wide open, to look under the surface and honor the whispers of our soul.


Known as the Survivor Whisperer®, she weaves her story of impact & healing from childhood sexual abuse with her 20+ years of experience as a trauma therapist and advocate to inspire us to release what holds us back and courageously step into the life we deserve.


Peggy is the Founder of Courageous Journeys, a practice of guiding people on their Journey to Freedom through 1:1 sessions, online programs, and her transformational Journey to Freedom Retreat.


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