To take the Get Unstuck Assessment, click here:


And it’s not too early to join the September cohort of the Journey Forward Method (an 8-week live course to help you get – and stay – unstuck), which starts Sept. 9 at 5pm PST. Secure your spot by clicking here:


And I still have a few spots remaining for my women’s retreat Sept. 26-29 at Miraval in Tucson, AZ. Get all the info and sign up now:


I hope you enjoy this “best-of” episode! I’ll be returning with a brand new season and line up starting on Sept. 13!


The story in which we define ourselves can often be limiting in who we allow ourselves to become. I used to operate out of an old story that no longer served me, and it kept me stuck, but I didn’t know who I was without my story. I feared the unknown and thought if I stayed in the “known”, then I’d be happy – until one day I shifted my mindset and was able to trust that the unknown held the possibility of happiness, peace, fulfillment and personal freedom. 

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