To join me in The Journey Forward Method, which starts Thursday April 29th, sign up here.


I vulnerably share with you my journey…not only so you can get to know me a bit more (if you are newer to the podcast…) but so that you can see why I am so passionate about teaching what I teach. I so deeply believe that growth and change is possible, and that we have the ability to push past what holds us back, so we can live a fulfilling life. I have literally broken through my barriers that I believed were stuck in stone, and as it turns out, once I broke through, there was no stopping me. In addition to serendipitous events that were signs from the Universe reminding me that I was on the right path, I learned new habits and new patterns in how I viewed the world, and more importantly, how I viewed myself. In addition to a massive mindset shift and pushing past self-doubt, the practices of mindfulness and meditation gave me the tools and framework to know what to do next in each moment. And this is my journey forward…are you ready to journey forward in your life? Join me! 

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A year of gratitude

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