Slightly over two weeks ago, John and I came home from an epic Africa trip. The following day, the police came to John’s door to tell him his 23-year-old son, Brett, was dead. 


As always, we try to use experiences in our lives to authentically and honestly teach others – how to feel, how to cope, how to make meaning, and how to rejuvenate and re-open the heart after loss. 


Trigger warning: This one is raw, emotional, and contains discussion about death and grieving. We talk about…


What emotions show up in the emotional turmoil that is grief?

How does grief show up in the body?

How do you make sense of a tragic death afterwards?

What are some of the best things you can say to someone in grief?

What are some best practices to re-engage with life and routine after a death?


Thank you for your support during this difficult time. Thank you for listening. Thank you for the love. Thank you for being you. You matter to us. You are important to us. You are why I do what I do. 


Please share with others if you feel they might benefit from this episode on loss, death and grief.


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