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I’ve launched a monthly membership for parents to gain tools to mindfully manage the Covid-related stressors we are experiencing this upcoming school year. Here is a link to watch a free training for parents to gain tools to immediate implement to create a more calm and peaceful home environment as we get ready for remote/hybrid learning:


But don’t miss out on joining the year-long parenting membership:

Doors close to the membership Sept. 15th! 


And Click here to join my Journey Forward Facebook group, to participate in a community interested in gaining tools to be more present and calm.


For all you mamas out there, this interview with Jenn Taylor is going to give you inspiration for sure!!! Jenn is mom to 18 – yes, you read that right, 18. Her heart is huge, and her love and care for the kids that have come into her life knows no boundaries. And she also figured out the life hacks to make it work – while also showing up authentically, knowing her strengths, knowing her boundaries and how to ask god help. Jenn shares her beautiful and practical wisdom that not only allowed her to manage all her kids, but gave her the ability to manage her own life as well. I felt a deep kinship with Jenn as soon as we connected, and I hope this conversion inspires you to gain some insights as to how to get through all the parenting challenges, especially during Covid. 


To learn more about Jenn: Jenn Taylor is Mom Of 18, The Naked Podcaster, Coach, Speaker, and Author. Learning the story behind the person is a true passion. Jenn has 15+ years in the foster care sector as both a parent and a trainer, has written a blog for over 8 years, had her podcast for 3 years, and is a published author of a self-help memoir “Hello, My Name Is… Warrior Princess”. Jenn is also a partner to an amazing man in Reno, NV, a runner, minimalist, and healthy lifestyle enthusiast.


To follow Jenn: 





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