Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity:


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May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we have an opportunity to bring awareness and less stigma to the emotional and mental experiences that are just part of being human. While some suffer more than others,especially now during this pandemic, no one is immune from feeling their emotions a bit more strongly. In this episode, I talk about the various ways that we can use our challenges as points of growth; and to break an assumption many people are having, this does not mean that you necessarily have to go learn a new language or have a huge project accomplished at the end of quarantine. Perhaps the best way for you to thrive right now is to slow down and just practice self-care. And to kick off our online summit, Surviving to Thriving, which goes live today, I talk about the various ways in which you can grow through adversity in your relationship right now, because anything that was just bubbling under the surface is now exposed. What a great time to slow down, connect and put some conscious effort and attention into your relationship. You have the time! Be well!

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