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In this episode, I interview Lindsay Weisner, a clinical psychologist, who works with suicidal teenagers, and has also co-authored a book on finding the steps towards lasting happiness. The majority of our conversation revolves the topic of suicide, as we both have a close relationship to it; my dad commit suicide when I was 10, and her mom has attempted – unsucessfully – 9 times. We talk about the shame and the stigma that can easily come with the reality of someone close to you having either died or been close to it. Her mother’s experience has given her great compassion to work with teenagers who are suicidal, and she knows the value of giving them a safe place to talk about their thoughts, emotions, and even intentions. In addition to her important work with teenage suicidality, Lindsay shares that her favorite tip in the book co-authored, The Ten Steps to Finding Happy, is to find your passion and your purpose. This is a great reminder for all of us to focus on during the pandemic.


To learn more about Lindsay: Lindsay Weisner is a clinical Psychologist in Long Island, New York. She graduated from Georgetown University in 1999 and was awarded a fellowship in child development at the NIH/NICHD. She received her doctorate from C.W. Post, LIU, and went on to pursue post-doctoral training at the American Institute of Psychoanalysis. Dr. Weisner is the current host of the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast, the author of the Psychology Today Blog The Venn Diagram Life, and the co-author of the book Ten Steps To Finding Happy. This book will be released on March 20, 2020, in accordance with the United Nations International Day of Happiness.

Ten Steps To Finding Happy: A Guide to Permanent Satisfaction

You can find her on Instagram: @psychshrinkmom @neuroticnourishment

FB: @Lindsay Kallen Weisner @Finding Happy

On YouTube: @Dr Lindsay Kallen Weisner

And on iTunes on the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast

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