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In this episode, I interview Robert Strock, a licensed therapist, who offers beautiful wisdom for guiding deeper awareness of our emotions, and our ways to respond to them. Especially at this time of the coronavirus, these tools and perspectives are profoundly powerful as we not let our emotions define us, while learning how to strengthen the mind to be kinder to ourselves, as well as actively creating the silver lining that can come from this time in our lives. The silver lining starts with asking ourselves, “what is the next good thing I can do in the next 30 seconds that will be kind to myself?” He believes that emotions are a terrible barometer for how we are feeling, and it’s more important what we do with those emotions. Right now we are all getting time to practice this new response pattern that can serve us now, and when life returns to our new “normal.” 


Robert’s bio: Robert Strock, L.M.F.T., has maintained a private psychotherapy and spiritual counseling practice for nearly 50 years. He is the originator of “Humanistic Spirituality,” an innovative form of spiritual psychology which evolved over many decades of spiritual practice, a time during which he encountered profound numinous experiences coupled with the greatest physical and emotional challenges of his life. 

Awareness That Heals began taking a deeper form when Robert courageously navigated the depths of despair following a kidney transplant which resulted in complications from the medications required to maintain his surviving kidney.  In his own words, “What this book fosters is an awareness that sees both our deep emotional challenges and triggers our caring heart to support healing at the same time.” 

Robert has served as chairperson for the Center for Authentic Living, which is recognized as a leading counseling practice for the Southern California business and entertainment communities.  Twenty years ago Robert co-founded and today co-chairs The Global Bridge Foundation whose vision and mission is to contribute to the creation of a more compassionate, just, and peaceful world that honors the dignity of all beings.  Global Bridge partners with other foundations to address global warming and the alleviation of poverty in underserved communities. Robert is also the originator of Psycho-Economics, a creative system of principles and practices designed to align financial objectives with one’s most essential core values.

For more information about Robert Strock, his book and philanthropic work please visit:,, and

Link to the 75 emotions and healing qualities:

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