It sounds that bad because it is that bad! If you or anyone you know has had the unfortunate experience of being in a relationship with a narcissist, then you know that it is far beyond simply a toxic or unhealthy relationship. And in order to survive it, your best armor is awareness of the patterns so that you can not only depersonalize what is being done to you, but so that you can know how to best plan your exit strategy and maintain boundaries. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jaime Zuckerman who is an expert in guiding her clients through understanding narcissism – what it is and what it isn’t – as well as how to successfully get out of these relationship traps. She covers specifically what it looks like being in relationship with a narcissist as well as the stages of relationship with a narcissist from dating, marriage, divorce and post-divorce. We even cover what to do if you are a young adult or adult child of a narcissistic parent. If you or someone you know is in relationship with a narcissist or perhaps aren’t sure if you are in relationship with a narcissist, then this episode is for you!


About Jaime: Dr. Jaime Zuckerman is a national expert in narcissistic abuse and a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of adults with anxiety and mood disorders. She is a highly sought-after relationship coach for both men and women nationwide who are experiencing, or have experienced, narcissistic abuse in relationships of all types. She also is owner of The Z Group, a therapy practice specializing in the treatment of adults with mood disorders, anxiety, relationship difficulties and the impact of life’s everyday stress. 


Dr. Z is a frequent contributor to several media outlets including Vogue, Elle Magazine, Shape, Women’s Health, The Washington Post, The Harvard Business Review, CBS3 Philadelphia, NBC10 Philadelphia, PHL17, and FOX29 News. She has also made guest appearances on several podcasts. 


In April 2022, Dr. Z released her first book, Find Your Calm: A Workbook to Manage Anxiety. It is an interactive guide that offers various exercises to help reduce daily stress and anxiety. Dr. Zuckerman’s second book, Find Good Habits: A Workbook for Daily Growth, was released August 2022. Dr. Zuckerman is also the host of the It’s Me, Dr. Z podcast.


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