The energy body is what flows between our physical, psychic and spiritual, and whatever we experience impacts our energy. Whether we are simply going through different life phases or transitions, have experienced illness or trauma, our energy is not only affected but can get stuck in an energy center, also known as our chakras. In this episode, I talk with Lisa Erickson, who is an energy worker specializing in trauma healing and guiding her clients in how to self-guide in clearing their chakras, so that they can ultimately be the source of their own healing. Lisa clearly explains what each energy center means, including what it looks like when the energy is stuck, along with valuable visualizations and affirmations for clearing. If you are someone who would like to rewire the vibrational pattern in their body, release old reactive patterns based on old traumas or emotional challenges, or simply want more insight into how to heighten your awareness of your mind/body connection, then this episode is for you. 


About Lisa: Lisa Erickson is an energy worker specializing in women’s energetics, sexual trauma healing, chakra manifestation, and kundalini awakening. She is the author of Chakra Empowerment for Women and The Art and Science of Meditation both published by Llewellyn Worldwide. Lisa is certified in mindfulness meditation instruction and trauma sensitivity, and has trained in a variety of energy healing and somatic modalities. She is a member of The Breathe Network, a non-profit dedicated to supporting holistic healing and healers for sexual trauma survivors.


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