How often do you feel like you are missing out on your life? Like you’re doing wonderful things but you aren’t really taking it all in because you’re just not fully present? The key to living a fulfilling and satisfying life is to try to be in the here and now (which is easier said than done) and to recognize when your mind has wandered off to the future or the past, or get stuck in judgment  or reactivity. In this episode I talk with Chris Cirak who is an author, speaker and mindfulness and meditation teacher who guides others in building the muscle of awareness, stillness, acceptance and presence, and why connecting to our breath is foundational for experiencing our lives fully. If you are someone who is interested in deepening your journey of increased self-realization, acceptance of yourself and others, as well as shifting out of old outdated belief systems and patterns of conditioning, then this episode is for you.


About Chris: Author, speaker, and meditator Chris Cirak is passionate about turning sophisticated topics into accessible, meaningful, and inspiring experiences. With an extensive background in design, psychology, and tech, he breaks down traditional teachings to make ancient wisdom accessible and discoverable by modern audiences. His BE YOU mindfulness program helps you gain transformative insights by following a simple, step-by-step approach to reacting less and thriving more. In private, Chris enjoys spending time in nature, playing tennis, and writing music. 






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