Have you ever had the experience in which you just felt something in your body, and wanted to believe it as truth, even if you had no logical reasoning for why you were feeling what you were feeling? You probably have, and this is your body giving you messages, that you likely have been conditioned to ignore. We live in a culture and society in which we value logic, reason, and rationality, and often dismiss what we feel. However, when you can harness this awareness of your gut feelings, you likely will never be steered the wrong way. In this week’s podcast, I talk with clairvoyant Janet Rae Orth, who has been developing her sense of “clear seeing” since she was young. She began doing readings for others, which validated their experiences, often giving them confirmation of what they felt, but were unsure of what to do with what they felt. Janet provides tools and practices to strengthen your own intuitive abilities and how somatic experiences can deepen your connection to your body, emotions and feelings. If you are someone who often gets stuck in your head, and would like to live a more embodied, and intuitive life, trusting the messages your body is telling you, then this episode is for you.


About Janet: Janet is a Clairvoyant and Intuitive with 25 years of experience and specializes in the use of guided meditative imagery to help individuals validate their own intuitive information, release fear, and create change. Janet currently provides Clairvoyant Readings at Miraval Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, gives private readings, healing, and more, and hosts life changing workshops throughout the year in various cities.  






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