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Purchase a copy of my book, A Year of Gratitude


It’s so easy, especially as we enter into the holiday season, to feel compelled to spread holiday cheer, to be thankful around the holiday table, and say to others “don’t worry, be happy” if they are feeling down or struggling. While these messages, mindsets or habits may have good intentions, they are actually forms of toxic positivity which can often do more harm than good for ourselves and others in our lives. In this episode, Joree delves into the brain science behind our negativity bias, which is simply how our brain has been wired to focus on the negative, and how we can rewire our brains to cultivate new neural pathways towards being happier and healthier people. She goes into multiple ways to practice gratitude, and deepens the understanding between the difference of gratitude and toxic positivity. 

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A year of gratitude

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