Life is hard; it’s just part of being human. As we ride the waves of emotions, transitions, and hardships, there are ways to go through with our challenges with more compassion, grace and acceptance, and yet we don’t always know how to access the tools for how to do that. And, the more we fight what is arising, the harder our experience of it is, especially since the most constant thing is change. Resisting change only keeps you stuck in resistance. In this episode, I share my journey over the past few weeks of what has probably been the hardest few weeks of my life. As I felt untethered, and everything was collapsing, I was able to tune into my deepest self knowing that although my ego didn’t like how it was looking, I knew at my core that I was meant to go through all this. I share some of the tools that I drew upon to ease my struggles as well as powerful rituals that helped me move through a bit quicker, and a lot more aligned.

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