Tune into my conversation with Leah, who is a yoga and meditation teacher living in Bali. She had beautiful visuals and descriptions on how to bring meditation into your life.



Leah’s Bio: Leah Santa Cruz is a teacher at The Yoga Barn in Bali, specializing in Meditation, Mindfulness and Intimacy. She empowers men and women around the world with tools to regain inner clarity, fulfilling relationships and ecstatic joy.


With a background in psychology and neuroscience, alongside a decade working in fast-paced careers for Microsoft and tech startups- Leah understands the devastating effects that overwhelm, past traumas, anxiety and fears have on our inner peace and relationships. She offers solutions to overcome these blocks and thrive through meditation, tantra, mindfulness and emotional intelligence.


Her workshops help men and women strip away years of stress and strengthen their capacity for deeper intimacy, happiness and love.


You can find me on Instagram: @lesant or at my website: www.leahsantacruz.com



Leah has two upcoming offerings:


1) a 100-hr Meditation and Yin Yoga Teacher training in Bali. Sept 4-15th: https://yogaeastwest.com/yin-meditation-100-hour/

2) an 8-day Meditation and Yoga retreat in Tuscany, Italy. Sept 28-Oct. 5th: http://www.vinoandvinyasaretreat.com/

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