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If you want to join John and I on a relationship retreat in Costa Rica, in April 2023, here is all the info:


Being a mom is hard. Being a single mom is even harder. In this interview with Julia Hasche, we delve into the world of single motherhood, from the challenge of ending the relationship with your child’s father, to co-parenting, shared custody (or not having shared custody!), to dating again and ultimately in moving forward and blending with a new partner. Julia shares her courageous story of becoming a single mom when her daughter was only 2 months old, and how from feeling alone, she decided to build a local community and network of single moms, which now almost 9 years later. is a global community! She is now a certified divorce coach and helps hundreds of women go through their journey with greater grace, connections and support. This conversation will be sure to inspire anyone who is on this journey and will help you to feel supported on your path.


Learn more about Julia here:

Julia Hasche is a blogger, podcast host, author and mentor for single parents. She is also a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and CDC Certified Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach®. She became a single mother in 2013 when her daughter was just a few months old and created Single Mother Survival Guide in 2016 to assist newly single mothers in all things they may need to know about. It aims to inform single mothers on relevant issues, support single mothers on their journey, inspire them, and motivate them to create the happy single mother life that they want. She does this by providing a community for single mothers, providing honest and inspirational content through her website, blog, podcast, and social media, her one-on-one mentoring and coaching, and her membership for single mothers – Thrive Tribe.


Julia also contributes to other online publications such as Kidspot, Mamamia and Huffington Post, has been interviewed on many podcasts (including Kidspot’s The Juggling Act), and has been live at the desk on Channel 7’s The Daily Edition talking single motherhood, and on SBS’s, The Swiping Game, talking single parenting, sex, and dating.


She has recently moved from Sydney to a rural town in outback Australia. She lives with her daughter and partner.


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