In this episode, intuitive business and health coach Julie Boyer, shares her passion for the practice of gratitude. Being inspired to do a 21-day practice of writing down 3 specific things she was grateful for, without repeating anything, and being specific to that day, helped her manifest many of her goals. This deep mindset work also raised her vibration and helped to shift the course of her life, as she used gratitude as a response and way of being, after suffering a miscarriage, which was the hardest day of her life. Julie now inspires others in the practice of gratitude and literally wakes up to gratitude every day. We talk about the various ways of practicing gratitude, how to embody it and how to even look for it during the dark moments of your life. 


Julie Boyer is the host of the Wake Up With Gratitude™ podcast, an Intuitive Biz + Health Coach and three-time Amazon Best-Selling Author. To follow learn more: 

She is also promoting my new photo calendar, which features her photos from her gratitude-filled mornings, and also has a book.

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A year of gratitude

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