I love this conversation with Andrea Rosario, who is a functional medicine doctor, and a functional neurologist, and is passionate about helping women get out of the constant cycle of flight/flight and help them cultivate more rest to reset their body to a place of calm. She takes a whole approach to health, and is more interested in the interconnectivity of the brain and body, rather than just the symptoms a client is presenting. Andrea’s unique approach to helping people heal is to connect them to nature as a role model for self-care. Each season presents a different way of being present from shedding what’s unnecessary, to retreat and resting, to growth and creativity, and finally to celebrate and play.


About Andrea:

Dr. Andrea Rosario, DC, DACNB, is a functional neurologist and functional medicine doctor. In her private practice, she helps people with chronic, complicated conditions to discover the root cause of their suffering and guides their recovery with natural solutions. Through her online outreach at Teach Them Well, she teaches specifically on the topic of helping burnt out women escape “fight or flight” and reset their body chemistry for calm.





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