About Journey Forward®
To Journey Forward® is not just about getting unstuck from what is no longer serving you or working for you. To Journey Forward® is about creating the tools for lasting change for your overall mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. It’s about finding your true north for joy and happiness, and opening the door to connecting with your highest, wisest self. To Journey Forward® is not just a path, it’s a process; there is no arbitrary end goal that you have to meet in order to feel and see the transformation. It’s about making the 1% shift that will grow over time, pointing you towards the trajectory of your desires, taking you off the path of your past traumas, fears, anxieties, hurts and pain that often result in reactionary, unintentional behavior and disconnected relationships. The practice is to develop a mindful way of living so that you can compassionately accept who and where you are in each moment, and draw from a well of cultivated tools in order to intentionally respond to whatever is arising in the present. To Journey Forward® is to live a life in alignment with your values and your intentions from a healed and whole place. If this sounds delicious, it’s because it is. And, even more importantly, it’s possible!