[expand title=”Creating Peaceful Schools Conference” tag=”h2″]
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center
Joree hosted two different breakout sessions on Mindfulness in Education. The conference was open to the community, as well as to those who work with children in any capacity, including teachers, educators and administrators. The focus was on ways for those who work with children to cultivate their own mindful awareness with the intention for creating more peaceful classroom environments.
[/expand][expand title=”Northern California Regional Meeting” tag=”h2″]
California Association of Independent Schools
Joree spoke to independent private school educators and administrators on the benefits of Mindfulness in Education. She explained current brain science, which scientifically demonstrates that neural changes occur in the brain when practicing mindfulness, which result in greater emotional regulation, increase in test scores and decreases in stress and anxiety. Joree also provided tools and methods for teachers to develop and maintain a mindful classroom. Additionally, Joree presented ways that schools can adopt an overall culture of mindfulness, and ways that can be implemented.
[/expand][expand title=”SureFire Girls Conference” tag=”h2″]
Santa Monica
Taking place in Santa Monica, CA, the SureFire Girls Conference is for high school girls to gain tools and attend workshops on being their best self. Joree will be presenting Mindful Parenting at the concurrent conference for the mothers. She will be guiding the moms through the foundations of a mindfulness practice, along with the tools to truly be a mindful parent, which is recognizing your child’s true nature and parenting accordingly.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
1001 Golden Rain Rd. Walnut Creek, CA 94595
This introduction to mindfulness will guide the participants through an experiential practice. In addition, I will provide specific tools on how to integrate mindfulness into your way of being and how to adopt new strategies for coping with the many stressors of life.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
Veteran’s Memorial Bldg, Room C
Danville, CA
This one-time, two-hour class highlights how to use awareness of our minds and bodies to reduce stress. You will learn deep breathing techniques, how to focus your attention of mind in the present moment, and how to apply Mindfulness to your daily activities.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Ranch Park, Magee House
Danville, CA
This one-time, two-hour class highlights how to use awareness of our minds and bodies to reduce stress. You will learn deep breathing techniques, how to focus your attention of mind in the present moment, and how to apply Mindfulness to your daily activities.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 1″ tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Ranch Park, Magee House
This class meets for 6 weeks.
In this 6-week course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of Mindfulness: how to reduce stress and anxiety, be in the present moment and cultivate awareness in all aspects of your life. Topics include mindfulness of your body, your sensory experiences, as well as your thoughts and emotions. You will develop a practice of gratitude and compassion as well as skills for mindful communication with others.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Ranch Park, Cottage Front Room
This course draws upon the Fundamentals of Mindfulness with the emphasis on how to be a Mindful Parent. You will learn how to respond rather than react, how to find joy and peace amidst the chaos, and how to parent consciously in honoring your child’s true self.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 1″ tag=”h2″]
City of Walnut Creek Recreational Center
This class meets for 6 weeks. No class 2/17
In this 6-week course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of Mindfulness: how to reduce stress and anxiety, be in the present moment and cultivate awareness in all aspects of your life. Topics include mindfulness of your body, your sensory experiences, as well as your thoughts and emotions. You will develop a practice of gratitude and compassion as well as skills for mindful communication with others.
[/expand][expand title=”Creating Peaceful Schools Conference” tag=”h2″]
Seven Hills School
975 N. San Carlos Drive, Walnut Creek, CA
Creating Peaceful Schools is a program of the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center, whose purpose is to work for a culture of peace through education, advocacy, and community building.
This will be a day of educational programs addressing peace and justice that have been developed for children of all ages, kindergarten through high-school.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
Senior Community Center, Walnut Creek
The Aerobic Room at The Fitness Center 1751 Tice Creek Drive Walnut Creek 94595
This one-time, one-hour class highlights how to use awareness of our minds and bodies to reduce stress. You will learn deep breathing techniques, how to focus your attention of mind in the present moment, and how to apply Mindfulness to your daily activities.
[/expand][expand title=”The Mindfulness Movie Screening and Talk” tag=”h2″]
The Seven Hills School 7-8:30pm
975 N. San Carlos Drive, Walnut Creek, CA
The Mindfulness Movie is a new documentary featuring interviews with mindfulness leaders including Jon Kabat-Zinn and Dr. Rick Hansen highlighting the secularization of mindfulness in American society. After the one hour screening will be a discussion about applying mindfulness to daily life hosted by Joree.
The cost is free, but space is limited and a RSVP is necessary. Email Joree at [email protected] to secure your spot.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 1″ tag=”h2″]
Senior Community Center, Walnut Creek
The Aerobic Room at The Fitness Center 1751 Tice Creek Drive Walnut Creek 94595
In this course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of Mindfulness: how to reduce stress and anxiety, be in the present moment and cultivate awareness in all aspects of your life. Topics include mindfulness of your body, your sensory experiences, as well as your thoughts and emotions. You will develop a practice of gratitude and compassion as well as skills for mindful communication with others.
[/expand][expand title=”Parenting 2014 & Beyond, Annual Parenting Conference” tag=”h2″]
San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs
Dougherty Valley High School, San Ramon, CA
Joree will be presenting on Mindful Parenting – the practice of being present, living with awareness and attention, and how to parent consciously and with intention to deepen and strengthen your relationship with your children. Joree will provide tools and experiential techniques for ways to cultivate your own mindfulness practice and role model these skills to your kids.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Ranch Park, Magee House
This one-time, hour and a half class highlights how to use awareness of our minds and bodies to reduce stress. You will learn deep breathing techniques, how to focus your attention of mind in the present moment, and how to apply Mindfulness to your daily activities.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Ranch Park, Magee House
No class 4/18
This class covers the Fundamentals of Mindfulness, with the emphasis on how to be a Mindful Parent. You will learn how to respond rather than react, how to find joy and peace amidst the chaos, and how to parent consciously in honoring your child’s true self.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
City of Walnut Creek Recreational Center
This one-time, two-hour class highlights how to use awareness of our minds and bodies to reduce stress. You will learn deep breathing techniques, how to focus your attention of mind in the present moment, and how to apply Mindfulness to your daily activities.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 2″ tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Ranch Park, Magee House
This class meets for 6 weeks. No class 4/15
This 6-week course draws upon the tools cultivated from Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Level 1. This Level 2 course is opportunity for a deepening of practice, with less theory and more experiential exercises. Fundamentals of Level 1 is a prerequisite.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 1″ tag=”h2″]
Hap Magee Park, Magee House
This class meets for 6 weeks. No class 4/15
In this 6-week course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of Mindfulness: how to reduce stress and anxiety, be in the present moment and cultivate awareness in all aspects of your life. Topics include mindfulness of your body, your sensory experiences, as well as your thoughts and emotions. You will develop a practice of gratitude and compassion as well as skills for mindful communication with others.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 1″ tag=”h2″]
City of Walnut Creek Recreational Center
This class meets for 6 weeks. No class 4/14
In this 6-week course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of Mindfulness: how to reduce stress and anxiety, be in the present moment and cultivate awareness in all aspects of your life. Topics include mindfulness of your body, your sensory experiences, as well as your thoughts and emotions. You will develop a practice of gratitude and compassion as well as skills for mindful communication with others.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting Workshop” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
Bring your own lunch; snacks provided
Experiential Training to
Parent with Greater Awareness, Presence and Calm
And Become the Parent You’ve Always Wanted to Be!
In this 4-hour workshop you will be guided in how to:
• decrease your yelling, frustration and ineffective discipline
• develop techniques to strengthen the connection with your child
• cultivate your own inner place of calm and peace, to help find the joy amidst the chaos
• increase your moment-to-moment presence, allowing you to respond and not react
• generate greater interpersonal awareness and communication for optimal co-parenting
• let go of expectations of how you thought parenting was supposed to be and accept what is
Location: The Lounge at Civic Park, 1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek 94596
Time: 9:30am-1:30pm – bring your own lunch; snacks provided
Cost: $125/couple, $75/individual
RSVP by May 10th
[/expand][expand title=”National Conference for Innovative Counseling Strategies” tag=”h2″]
LVH Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Joree will be presenting on how to use mindfulness as a tool in working with students grades K-12. She will be offering experiential and hands-on exercises for developing your own mindfulness practice, as well as ways to introduce and implement age-appropriate tools for cultivating a mindfulness practice with kids.
[/expand][expand title=”Family Mindfulness Practice Day” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
$79/adult; $39/child (plus $10 additional materials fee)
Bring your kids to this experiential family workshop (appropriate for ages 4+), which will offer a broad introduction to mindfulness in fun and practical ways that you can immediately begin to implement in your home. Mindfulness, the practice of living with awareness of your present moment experience, offers tools to respond not react, find peace amongst the chaos, create meaningful connections with your children, cultivate a practice of gratitude and compassion, and appreciate every moment (even the difficult ones!). This 4-hour workshop will cover mindfulness basics, tools for creating a mindful household, practices the family can do together, as well as a fun project for your family to bring home. Please bring a snack as there will be two 15 minute breaks.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Lamorinda Mother’s Club – Mindful Parenting Talk” tag=”h2″]
Lafayette Library
Lafayette, CA
3491 Mt Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 385-2280
[/expand][expand title=”Introductionto Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Iron Horse Mother’s Club – Mindful Parenting Talk” tag=”h2″]
San Ramon Club Sport
San Ramon
Event Free for IHMC Members
Event Free for IHMC Members
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
Mindfulness is the practice of living your life with greater awareness, attention and intention, and utilizes deep breathing techniques to draw you back into the present moment. In this 4-hour workshop, you will experience formal practices in mindfulness as well as many informal ways to bring mindful awareness into all aspects of your life. Topics covered include: mindful breathing, body awareness, mindful eating, cultivating a practice of gratitude, compassion and loving-kindness, mindfulness of your thoughts and emotions, and mindful communication with others. Please bring a snack or light lunch; there will be one 30-minute break.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
$99/person or $149/parents
Mindful Parenting has the dual intention of cultivating your own place of center and calm, while also strengthening the skills to be the parent you’ve always wanted to be. This 4-hour workshop will cover the fundamentals of a mindfulness practice and how to develop your own practice, as well as the tools to decrease your yelling, frustration and ineffective discipline while strengthening your connection with your child. We will uncover your trigger points of where you get “hooked,” and generate the skills to be present, allowing you to respond and not react, and find the joy amidst the chaos. Mindful parenting is also about seeing your child in their own sovereign nature, which often requires you to let go of expectations of how you thought it was supposed to be and learn to accept what is. This workshop is perfect for co-parents in optimizing their parenting experience while also creating shared meaning for the family you have created. Please bring a snack or light lunch; there will be one 30-minute break.
[/expand][expand title=”Family Mindfulness Practice Day” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
$79/adult & $39/child (plus $10 additional materials fee)
Bring your kids to this experiential family workshop (appropriate for ages 4+), which will offer a broad introduction to mindfulness in fun and practical ways that you can immediately begin to implement in your home. Mindfulness, the practice of living with awareness of your present moment experience, offers tools to respond not react, find peace amongst the chaos, create meaningful connections with your children, cultivate a practice of gratitude and compassion, and appreciate every moment (even the difficult ones!). This 4-hour workshop will cover mindfulness basics, tools for creating a mindful household, practices the family can do together, as well as a fun project for your family to bring home. Please bring a snack as there will be two 15 minute breaks.
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 2″ tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Mindfulness and Art” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
$99/person (plus $10 additional materials fee)
Mindfulness is awareness of what is going on around you and what is going on inside of you. The practice is to cultivate space in which you become centered on your breath and allow whatever is arising in the moment to exist without judgment, but rather with acceptance and compassion. Art is a process of self-expression in which you allow the spirit of creativity to move through you, letting go of expectation and being open to whatever result emerges. In this fun 4-hour workshop you will learn tools to bring awareness into all aspects of your life as we combine the fundamentals of a mindfulness practice with the art of Zentangles, an abstract, meditative artform. No worry if you don’t consider yourself an artist; this workshop is about being in the moment and letting creativity and expression move through you. This workshop is taught by Joree Rosenblatt and Alyssa Gangemi. Please bring a snack or light lunch; there will be one 30-minute break.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindfulness, Nutrition and Well-Being” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
We all get stuck living on autopilot, with unskillful patterns and habits that no longer serve us, but often are unsure of how to break that negative cycle. Cultivating a mindfulness practice provides the tools to break those habitual negative reactive loops, and create the ability to choose with awareness, attention and intention in each present moment. When creating the space to slow down and connect with your body you have the opportunity to respond with skill, thus leading you towards your optimal life. This 4-hour workshop covers the fundamentals of a mindfulness practice, along with the ways to create balance, peace and calm for overall health, nutrition and well-being. This class is taught by Joree Rosenblatt and Linda O’Connor. Please bring a snack or light lunch; there will be one 30-minute break.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindfulness, Gratitude and Compassion” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
It has been scientifically proven that gratitude can be the antidote to almost anything negative in our lives. And to live with compassion – to act with empathy and kindness – to those around us, not only is a benevolent way to live, but also creates wellness in our own mind, body and soul. To truly be mindful – to live with awareness – means to cultivate greater gratitude and compassion as a form of practice, a way of being in the world. The holidays are a perfect time of year to reflect on what you are grateful for and the ways in which you can focus on these themes throughout the whole year. This 4-hour workshop covers the fundamentals of a mindfulness practice, with the focus on how to increase daily practice of gratitude and compassion. Please bring a snack or light lunch; there will be one 30-minute break.
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting Workshop” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek
Parenting with Greater Awareness, Presence and Calm
Cost: $99/individual, $149/parents – payable by PayPal or bring check
(please make check out to: Mindfulness – Tools for Living)
RSVP: by Jan 24th
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek
Live Your Life with Greater Awareness, Attention and Intention
Cost: $99 payable by PayPal or bring check
(please make check out to: Mindfulness – Tools for Living)
RSVP: by Feb. 5th
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Introduction to Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Get Unstuck and Live Your Optimal Life” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek
Cost: $99 payable by PayPal or bring check on day of class
(please make check out to: Mindfulness – Tools for Living)
RSVP by March 17th
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness Level 2″ tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Fundamentals of Mindfulness” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”The Innovative Schools Summit” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Tools for Mindful Parenting – Workshop” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park 1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek
Please RSVP by Nov. 1st.
You can Paypal or bring a check to the workshop (see below)
Join Joree Rosenblatt and Charlie White (www.gomovemountains.org) for an experiential and engaging workshop designed to provide you with the parenting tools for improving your relationships with your kids and strengthening your family connection. Whether co-parenting in separate households, single parenting or parenting with your partner, discover the value of mindful parenting and gain skills to parent with greater awareness and effectiveness.
• Cultivate calm and peace
• Find the joy amidst the chaos
• Learn to respond instead of react
• Generate greater interpersonal awareness and communication
• Learn to enjoy the unexpected challenges of parenting
• Practice effective discipline that decreases yelling and frustration
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
Lake Tahoe School
RSVP by March 15th click below
Join Joree and Charlie White for an experiential and engaging workshop designed to provide you with the parenting tools for improving your relationships with your kids and strengthening your family connection. Whether co-parenting in separate households, single parenting or parenting with your partner, discover the value of mindful parenting and gain skills to parent with greater awareness and effectiveness.
In this 4-hour workshop you will be guided in how to:
● Cultivate calm and peace
● Find the joy amidst the chaos
● Learn to respond instead of react
● Generate greater interpersonal awareness and communication
● Learn to enjoy the unexpected challenges of parenting
● Practice effective discipline that decreases yelling and frustration
Cost: $149/couple or $99/person
RSVP and make payment arrangements below
Contact me with questions [email protected]
[/expand][expand title=”International Education Conference” tag=”h2″]
Hawaii International Conference on Education
Honolulu, Hawaii
Joree will be speaking on Mindfulness in Education, at the International Hawaiian Conference on Education.
Follow the link for more information.
[/expand][expand title=”Mindful Parenting” tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park 1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek
RSVP by Jan. 20th click below
Join Joree and Charlie White for an experiential and engaging workshop designed to provide you with the parenting tools for improving your relationships with your kids and strengthening your family connection. Whether co-parenting in separate households, single parenting or parenting with your partner, discover the value of mindful parenting and gain skills to parent with greater awareness and effectiveness.
In this 4-hour workshop you will be guided in how to:
● Cultivate calm and peace
● Find the joy amidst the chaos
● Learn to respond instead of react
● Generate greater interpersonal awareness and communication
● Learn to enjoy the unexpected challenges of parenting
● Practice effective discipline that decreases yelling and frustration
Cost: $149/couple or $99/person
RSVP and make payment arrangements below
Email me with questions [email protected]
[/expand][expand title=”Parenting 2016 & Beyond Conference” tag=”h2″]
California High School
9870 Broadmoor Dr, San Ramon, CA 94583
I will be speaking on “Parenting with Consciousness and Presence” and also selling my book “Squirmy Learns to be Mindful”
[/expand][expand title=”Teens Tackle Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs and Youth Wellness Conference.” tag=”h2″]
UC Berkeley Clark Kerr Conference Center
2601 Warring Street, Berkeley, CA
I will be speaking on “Staying Focused Amidst Daily Pressures of Teenage Life.”
Conference Fee: $85 (no refunds; substitutions allowed). Breakfast & lunch will be provided.
[/expand][expand title=”Contra Costa Childcare Council Annual Early Learning Conference.” tag=”h2″]
Diablo Valley College
321 Golf Club Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA
This conference is entitled “Opening Doors to Family Engagement”
I will be speaking on “Increasing Consciousness and Connections with Children.”
Early Registration starts March 2016
[/expand][expand title=”Parent with Greater Awareness and Compassion” tag=”h2″]
Oak Hill Park Community Center – 3005 Stone Valley Road, Danville
Please RSVP by Mar. 16th
Questions? Contact me at: [email protected]
Cost: $149/couple; $99/individual – Payable by Paypal or credit card in advance
[/expand][expand title=”” tag=”h2″]
[/expand][expand title=”Weekend Mindfulness Workshops, starting Fall 2014″ tag=”h2″]
The Lounge at Civic Park
Walnut Creek
Saturdays, 9:30-1:30 – exact dates are coming soon!
List of Topics:
Fundamentals of Mindfulness; Mindful Parenting; Mindfulness as a Family Practice; Mindfulness and Art – the art of Zentangles; Cultivating Gratitude and Compassion; Mindfulness of your Thoughts and Emotions; Mindful Movement; Mindful Eating and Nutrition