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Here is the link to join the online free virtual summit, Surviving to Thriving, how we can grow through adversity:


And please join my Facebook group for daily meditations and mindfulness videos:


In this interview, which is the final interview from our Surviving to Thriving summit my fiancé Dr. John Schinnerer (and host of the podcast The Evolved Caveman) and I, talk from our areas of passion and expertise. 


I share why I think mindfulness is the answer to everything, and how to cultivate a practice that will lead to living fully, with lasting happiness, inner peace, and authenticity, focusing also on areas of parenting. 


And John shares his passion for teaching men the tools to be successful and happy both at work and at home. Teaser: the way men have been socialized to be successful has not given them the skills to be great husbands; it’s not their fault but it is their responsibility to learn!)

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